Funny enough one reason is that I do not see well at all. I used to and semi still put a LRM 5 on a Mech just for the crosshairs. I used too and still do rely on targetting "too much". And I have poor hand and eye coordination. I'll be 60 years old this year and this is the first "shooter" game I've ever played. I need the ZOOM, lol.
In my two Tier 4 accounts, good sniping works very well. In my two Teir 2 accounts, not so great. Sort of like LURMing. But LRMing has gotten harder.
Nascar has changed both also. In fact, it has changed MWO. It is much much harder to find and stay at one spot for long.
I just shamed two teammates off of a postion in a Teir 2 account. . A Night Gyr and a Summonder in my Lance stopped in a raised postion and did not follow the rest of us. It is a very good sniping and LRMing spot but it is also 1200 ms away from the circle. I called them both out and said please join us.
One big dfference in the Tiers is what the other team does. At Teir 2, chances are that one of more lights will come for you. Instead of seeing you like a dangerous Sniper or LRMer you think you are, they see you as a easy kill.
A NARCer, Sniper, LRMer etc will get called out by a lot of players/teams.
What do you do against a Sniper or LRMer? You charge them taking a few hits then you kill them.
In Warfare and in MWO, it is not about one on one matchups. It is about finding and making two and three on one situations. And stopping it from happening to you.
I like Blackhawk's reasoning. I'm ex Military and I think I understand the idea. In RL or a lot of shooter games, you can take out a enemy in one shot. That is not the way it goes here.
I still have the bed habit of knowing where the enemy is coming and then posting myself there. And then I get ran over like a train hit me. One Mech is not going to 'hold the pass" etc. (do not stand on the railroad tracks)
There is no Magic Golden BB in MWO.
Sniping should be about denial of a area or of FREEDOM OF ACTION. It should be bad enough to take the enemy out of a standard plan.
Timing is always the hard thing. I do not convey this thought well in matches but just taking 2-3 enemy Mechs out of the fight for 1:37 can be very helpful. IF the rest of your team is ready to use it.
I alway wait until the main forces are in contact before I snipe.
Edited by Mechwarrior 37, 06 June 2019 - 07:19 AM.