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Ams And Match Score?

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#1 Phoenix 72


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Posted 06 July 2018 - 10:29 PM

For the past few months, I have been wondering about how effective it is to use AMS. You get a number of matches where one AMS is already a waste of tonnage and you get a number of matches where 3 AMS with 6000 Ammo run out halfway through. Originally, I still put AMS on all of my Mechs that could carry one, figuring that even if I do not need it myself, I might as well help some team mates avoid some damage.

However, I feel that thinking about your team is not adequately rewarded in the game as far as match score goes. So I am wondering, has anybody ever bothered to try and find out how much of a score the use of an AMS produces? Because whenever I shot down a lot of missiles and then checked my match score, all excited, it was always a fairly disappointing figure.

Since I am not rewarded for that gameplay, which is only effective on a limited number of matches anyway, I am considering no longer using AMS and instead putting anything that can help ME more into the Mech. Anybody have any advice on that?

#2 Elizander


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Posted 08 July 2018 - 06:57 AM

I always keep it because it will usually preserve some armor from me or an ally. Not all my builds have AMS, but I put it on whenever I can. It can sometimes mean the difference between walking away with yellow armor or orange armor when you get caught out of position.

There's no harm in removing it and just testing your performance without it. I recommend you just do so for a few games and find out for yourself if you have more fun without it.

#3 Phoenix 72


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Posted 08 July 2018 - 11:59 AM

Well, since the post I found out that 7 missiles shot down will normally equal one point of match score. Apparently, it used to be more, but was nerfed.

I think I am going to try out different builds. Thanks to the new ability to save Mech Layouts, I have built "Lurm Day builds" with AMS and "brawl builds" without AMS for most of my Mechs. Will play around with them a bit to see what works for me.

#4 Brethren


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Posted 09 July 2018 - 11:01 PM

Keep in mind that shot down missiles only reward you with points if they where not fired at you.
You only get points for you helping out team mates.

#5 Phoenix 72


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Posted 10 July 2018 - 08:52 AM

I wasn't aware of that. But it leads me to believe that the reward nerf done "back in the day" went quite overboard, if it used to be 1 point for 3 missiles.

Does anybody know how much ammo is required to shoot down one missile? Would like to check how much MS a standard 2000 ammo will produce if completely used up.

***EDIT: Found the information in an older post that 9 AMS will shoot down 1 missile. So 2000 AMS ammo will shoot down 222 missiles. Which will then produce a match score of ca. 32. As long as whatever I do with my Mech produces around 64 more damage during combat, I am ahead without it, score wise. Might be worth thinking about more heat sinks then.***

Edited by Darakor Stormwind, 10 July 2018 - 09:00 AM.

#6 Brethren


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Posted 10 July 2018 - 10:49 PM

If you're using AMS it is also worth considering taking the two "AMS Overload"-skill nodes instead of 2x Shock Absorbance.
That way the damage of your AMS is not 3.5/sec, but 5/sec.

Anyhow, I usually only fit an AMS (+1t ammo) if I've got tons to spare and ran out of critical slots.
(Exceptions: 4AMS PIR, 3AMS KFX, 3 AMS NVA Posted Image )

However, mounting an AMS can sometimes generate match score indirectly.
For instance, when facing enemy LRMs without an abundance of cover, team mates may try to stick to your AMS and up your chance of surviving and dealing damage in that game. (A dual-AMS Atlas usually attracts some friendsPosted Image )
I remember one occation where the AMS of my Annihilator was starting its music and I thought "Damn it! Here comes the rain!Posted Image" only to discover that 4 mechs beside me in our firing line also brought a single AMS each. I quite enjoyed this team-provided middle finger to the enemy LRM boat. You can imagine with 5 umbrellas the rain was a lot less scary than usual.

Edited by Brethren, 10 July 2018 - 10:51 PM.

#7 Phoenix 72


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Posted 14 July 2018 - 01:29 AM

Well, right now I am reminded of he bad old days when I was in Tier 5 and 4. There are lurmboats everywhere. While I am not getting rained on all that much myself, I find that nobody pushes anymore. Everybody tries to peek and stay in cover. Nobody wants to expose themselves.

I just played a match with my Nova where I shot down 1600 missiles, using 2 AMS and 1 LAMS. I am practically forced to use the AMS right now to save the rest of my team, if I want to win any games. Went ahead of bought a Crab 27 to have some more options with AMS capable Mechs.

I am still 3 and 5 or so match wise today, so far.

Edited by Darakor Stormwind, 14 July 2018 - 01:29 AM.

#8 Tier5ForLife


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Posted 14 July 2018 - 02:33 AM

I want a second AMS/ECM arm for the Kit Fox.

Yes, SIX AMS and TWO ECMS. One will be set on counter while the other is on disrupt.

The Kit Fox used to be it when it came to AMS. It has a niche.

Now you have the Nova-S with a 30% plus to it's 3 AMS's rate of fire.

#9 Phoenix 72


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Posted 14 July 2018 - 02:48 AM

I feel with you. I have the Kitfox and loved it for that very reason. But I have not used it once since I got the Nova-S giveaway.

Having said that, the Nova is fairly squishy and runs pretty hot if you want to do decent damage. I normally "only" run 2 AMS with 2 tons of ammo on it, but had to change the build to accommodate the current lrm craze. So I am using 3 AMS to annoy some lurmers.

On any normal day, 2 AMS are overkill and the tonnage is better spent bringing something else. I think the Crab has replaced the Nova as my go to AMS boat for normal days. It just survives longer, I feel. Damage is decent, too.

#10 TooDumbToQuit


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Posted 15 July 2018 - 04:55 AM

Right now I'm on year one of a five-year mission to skill up the 4 AMS Piranha.

I was looking at my Kit Foxes and not one was set up for AMS. I found it very sad.

Edited by LikeUntoGod, 15 July 2018 - 04:56 AM.

#11 Phoenix 72


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Posted 15 July 2018 - 06:50 AM

I saw you post that in the other thread and watched it. Seems a bit low on ammo. No ammo skill nodes, yet? :)

#12 Brethren


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Posted 16 July 2018 - 04:44 AM

Do not let your KFXs get all rusty and dusty, because it actually has good uses.
  • You can carry ECM as well which means your likely not the target of LRMs. This way you will more often support team mates and get match score for it.
  • The KFX-C right arm has a very useful +10% AMS range quirk. Bigger bubble -> more firing time -> more downed missiles. (That's +10% and another +15% on range skill nodes)
  • You can use the Set-of-8 quirks of the KFX-C. That's +10% energy range and cooldown on 3 hardpoints. Add 2 LMGs to round up the annoying thing. Posted Image

Here's what I do with the PIR-A.
Note the single LAMS. Your heat sinks can handle one and your ammo lasts longer on the other 3.
Speed is kind of low but you're just trying to keep up with your firing line anyway.
3 Heavy Medium Lasers add a nice bit of punch to support your big guys.

Edited by Brethren, 16 July 2018 - 05:21 AM.

#13 UnofficialOperator


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Posted 16 July 2018 - 10:40 PM

Just expended 3960 AMS but only killed 683 missiles... is this correct?

Edited by UnofficialOperator, 16 July 2018 - 10:48 PM.

#14 TooDumbToQuit


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Posted 17 July 2018 - 02:45 AM

Oh My, the Kit Fox has +10 range on it's AMS. That makes me wet.

The Nova is now the best anti-AMS mech. It's 3 AMS's are not in one weak arm. They are spread in the CT, RT and it's LT. So they will go as long as you are alive.

And the Nova has a +30% rate of fire! So that basically means it is like they have 4 AMSs.

#15 TooDumbToQuit


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Posted 17 July 2018 - 02:50 AM

View PostUnofficialOperator, on 16 July 2018 - 10:40 PM, said:

Just expended 3960 AMS but only killed 683 missiles... is this correct?

It is hard to tell. If you notice, your AMS will fire at any missiles that come into range. So you can be in the basement or another area where missiles do not work and yet your AMS will keep firing. It's hard but you have to learn when to turn them off.

Others can even find you by your AMS firing.

One thing that ticks me off is that even though your laser AMS and normal ones are slotted differently, you cannot turn off just the laser ones.

#16 TooDumbToQuit


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Posted 17 July 2018 - 02:57 AM

View PostDarakor Stormwind, on 15 July 2018 - 06:50 AM, said:

I saw you post that in the other thread and watched it. Seems a bit low on ammo. No ammo skill nodes, yet? Posted Image

He is far from being skilled up, lol. It is hard to find a balance of enough AMS and "some" weapons.

I will add all the capture skill nodes so it will work better in more areas. After the game above, I had a game where they were no missiles and I shot down like 186.

One reason I liked that one video is when [color=var(--yt-lightsource-primary-title-color)]M4J35T1C died he started watching me and even helped me control my heat. [/color]

#17 Brethren


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Posted 17 July 2018 - 04:35 AM

I found the PIR-A to be the best AMS mech, mainly because its size and speed. It is a lot easier to get into a good spot and hide there than it is in a NVA and KFX.

Edited by Brethren, 17 July 2018 - 04:35 AM.

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