Domination Should Be About Dominating
Started by Aurien Titus, Jul 13 2018 03:22 AM
13 replies to this topic
Posted 13 July 2018 - 03:22 AM
I really don't find the current Domination mode to be accurate to its namesake. It should be the team with more 'mechs on a point slowly captures the point. Right now 1 enemy 'mech on a point can negate 12 friendly 'mechs on a point. It should be a progressive system, meaning that the higher a teams 'mech ratio is on the point, the faster the cap goes. And the more 'mechs on an uncontested point means a faster cap. Now this will require some serious balancing, but I think in the end will end up with a better game mode.
Posted 13 July 2018 - 03:27 AM
It still probably won't. We will be still dancing around the circle, playing never ending NASCAR games.
Posted 13 July 2018 - 03:28 AM
whroom whroom
Posted 13 July 2018 - 04:48 AM
Posted 13 July 2018 - 07:31 AM
Having it so the circle moves or the big one vanishes, creating smaller circles that need to be controlled. Once a certain amount of time ticks, it will then shift again. Based on the number of mechs is a bad idea. It would take away the fluid aspect of the combat and resort to a face tanking brawl slaughterfest.
Posted 13 July 2018 - 01:49 PM
Aurien Titus, on 13 July 2018 - 03:22 AM, said:
I really don't find the current Domination mode to be accurate to its namesake. It should be the team with more 'mechs on a point slowly captures the point. Right now 1 enemy 'mech on a point can negate 12 friendly 'mechs on a point. It should be a progressive system, meaning that the higher a teams 'mech ratio is on the point, the faster the cap goes. And the more 'mechs on an uncontested point means a faster cap. Now this will require some serious balancing, but I think in the end will end up with a better game mode.
issue one: if one team gets a kill they can win by virtue of an early match kill if the reds only have 11 mechs left and blue has 12 blue only needs to not lose a mech.
Issue two: linked to issue one. Once a team has suffered a casualty they are down on two counts. Down one mech and down the capacity to capture the point due to having a lower total number of mechs.
This situation forces the already weakened team to take bigger risks to attempt to seize a win by landing two kills while down one. Basically low probability of occurance in puggie teams. Therefore the vast majority of the time what ever team kills first will win in the solo quick play queue.
Domination is the way it is because of this.
Posted 13 July 2018 - 01:51 PM
It is about dominating...dominating through superior firepower.
Posted 13 July 2018 - 09:19 PM
You dominate the enemy by by kicking all of them off the circle.
And which is why I miss the old Terra Therma. Domination fights there could get really bitter and desperate.
And which is why I miss the old Terra Therma. Domination fights there could get really bitter and desperate.
Posted 14 July 2018 - 05:48 AM
Domination mode makes the assumption that both teams are willing to fight the other. Too many times it is just one light trying to get the point while the 11 other crawl to optimal lrm or er ll range to fight no where close to the dom circle. When i'm the light I don't do jack for capturing that point and making myself a free kill within the first three minutes of the match. Then again on the extreme side of caping you get this

Posted 14 July 2018 - 10:43 PM
I want to see xp/cbill rewards for ticking the domination timer down and for adding time to the countdown.
Posted 14 July 2018 - 11:08 PM
I think destroying the secondary objectives allowing the team who destroyed it to tick time off of the clock would be a good way to make changes to the game mode. It makes the game mode more than just one big murderball vs murderball. Your team would have to hold the center while also defending your secondary objectives and attacking the enemy secondary ojectives.
Posted 14 July 2018 - 11:27 PM
This is gonna get some hate, but I've always been in support of respawns when done right.
I think Domination would be a mode where it would work out great and lend to a more protracted battle
It would be a tally system for kills within the circle.
Where you have to be in the ring for your kill to count and your opponent has to be in the ring as well. Kills outside of the circle are still possible just don't count towards the total tally.
I think Domination would be a mode where it would work out great and lend to a more protracted battle
It would be a tally system for kills within the circle.
Where you have to be in the ring for your kill to count and your opponent has to be in the ring as well. Kills outside of the circle are still possible just don't count towards the total tally.
Posted 15 July 2018 - 12:55 AM
Jackal Noble, on 14 July 2018 - 11:27 PM, said:
This is gonna get some hate, but I've always been in support of respawns when done right.
I think Domination would be a mode where it would work out great and lend to a more protracted battle
It would be a tally system for kills within the circle.
Where you have to be in the ring for your kill to count and your opponent has to be in the ring as well. Kills outside of the circle are still possible just don't count towards the total tally.
I think Domination would be a mode where it would work out great and lend to a more protracted battle
It would be a tally system for kills within the circle.
Where you have to be in the ring for your kill to count and your opponent has to be in the ring as well. Kills outside of the circle are still possible just don't count towards the total tally.
Respawns need to become a thing if they ever want to have actual objective based gameplay that doesn't boil down to killing the enemy team before they kill you.
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