BEARDOOM, on 16 July 2018 - 09:52 AM, said:
For now is useless weaponry!
Biger velocity, or only 2 Shell's per shoot.
Pandora is opened.
Maybe Merc's 5 will give better multiplayer engine and upgraded gameplay!
But I hope that we will have some benefits fir 3000+hour's in MWO.
I would like to see ghost heat removed for both Clan and IS AC-20s and Ultras-AC/20s.
D V Devnull, on 16 July 2018 - 09:58 AM, said:

Well, PGI just ALMOST had a Perfect Patch. Then they went and Increased Clan LRM Spread. Clans do NOT need nerfs against their Damage Potential. The next time I take an Inner Sphere Contract, I want ALL Clan Weapons to be both Deadly AND Useful. Those ineffective "Missile Spread" Skill Tree Nodes are going to need one hell of an enhancement now.

Seriously, with this patch and if they put the PTS changes into the game, they might as well just make skip the whole game and just give IS the win as soon as the game starts.
Clan lasers, especially are not OP, they are all extremely hot with insanely long duration in the game as it is. Hardly anyone dies to a Clan Laser Alpha, they die from a well coordinated team focusing fire at them.
I have a Challenge for PGI: Load a Hunchback 4P up with medium lasers and optimize the skill tree for it and then load up a Hunchback II with all Clan ERMLs and also optimize the skill tree and then put them side to side and have them both alpha until they shut down, then tell us which alpha strike is "OP". If PGI won't do this, we NEED NGNG, or a non-partial streamer to do this.
Edited by Conner Ward, 16 July 2018 - 10:18 AM.