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My Take On The Pts

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#1 MechaBattler


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Posted 16 July 2018 - 12:43 PM

I feel that the changes to Clan ER Small and Medium will greatly hurt Clan lights and mediums. But it is hard to test just how bad because everyone is dropping in assaults or heavies. A few daring individuals dropping in a light, but not always to the benefit of their team.

PGI should consider having a day or two of scout level weight limits. So we can see where things are for lights and mediums.

With C-ER Mediums AND Smalls getting nerfed. It really kills their options for practical weapons.
I think if you're going to leave C-ER medium damage where they it is, you need to compensate with heat and duration reductions. To make them heat efficient and less unwieldy. Less heat, less dubs you need, which make it ideal for mediums and lights. Seems common sense. Course they could just buff the damage up so the heat to damage is better. Although there is the factor of Clan lights and mediums being a tad squishy, especially if they wont retain their firepower advantage.

As for other changes. I found my Virago to do very well with C-LPLs and C-MPLs. Like a laser drill. Using it with an all heavy laser build is not as practical obviously for brawling. But anyone slow or stationary is easier pickings. I didn't find a 3xER-LL combo that I liked. Doesn't really help that 4v4 lends itself to brawling more.

C-Gauss change was more tricky. But not unusable. They could always just nerf damage and cooldown if they want to make up that 3 ton, 1 slot disparity with the IS counterpart. Personally I think recoil is the lesser of the two evils. But that's just me. And we all know PGI is adverse to buffing IS gear. So, shhh.

So all and all. I would say the lighter weapons need some love to keep Clan mediums and lights in the game. While the heavier weapons seem to be doing well with the changes. At least on assaults and heavies. Who can afford to run heavier weapons.

Edited by MechaBattler, 16 July 2018 - 12:45 PM.

#2 Y E O N N E


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Posted 16 July 2018 - 06:47 PM

I share the sentiment about the PTS results not being worth much. In a 4v4, games tend to become brawls because there simply isn't enough firepower on the field to compel a trade. Since most of the weapons tweaked are high-heat trading weapons, they are obviously sub-optimal choices for what are glorified Scouting matches.

#3 MechaBattler


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Posted 17 July 2018 - 10:38 AM

The problem is getting enough people consistently to do bigger matches. Perhaps they could give 6v6 a go? But I'd still be keen to see a weight cap to proper test mediums and lights. Since the matchmaker isn't being discerning about weight classes.

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