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Faction Play - A New Hope (Pgi Taking Input)

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#1001 Rustyhammer


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Posted 11 June 2019 - 03:21 PM

View PostMetalgod69, on 11 June 2019 - 01:14 AM, said:

These 4 EMP players should have spread at both sides.

Why not to go with much better option and simply cap player's damage/kills? That will ultimately create most balanced matches if a player only allowed to do 1 kill per mech.
You can even let 12 EMP players stack on one side and the match won't be a total stomp.

#1002 Paul Meyers DEST


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Posted 12 June 2019 - 11:19 PM

Well maybe that 4 EMP Players were in a Group, so they had to split themselves what they did not do.

Edited by Paul Meyers DEST, 13 June 2019 - 12:33 AM.

#1003 Ssamout


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Posted 17 June 2019 - 02:34 AM

Playing with buddies is a bannable offence. There, balance fixed.

#1004 justcallme A S H


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Posted 17 June 2019 - 04:22 AM

View PostSsamout, on 17 June 2019 - 02:34 AM, said:

Playing with buddies is a bannable offence. There, balance fixed.

Yeah seems like it.

I mean my mates were just in a 4-man, going against teams on the side.

TEAMS - larger teams. They didn't stack the group, they just played it hard. I mean now players are meant to "some how know" and balance 2 v 2 when it's only 4 of them online for what end?


I even dropped SOLO a couple nights back and almost was enough to tip over a 10man. Only needed one decent player with me and it would've been a win no drama... People should NOT be punishing to wanting to play with mates. But when you do play in small teams that, even then, isn't enough?

You do that you've just killed the mode entirely. Thankfully - that won't happen.

#1005 justcallme A S H


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Posted 17 June 2019 - 01:54 PM

Who said I was offended or took offense?

I just called your "suggestion" poorly thought out, because it is.
They dropped as a 4man and still dominated teams on the other side, that's gonna happen. Friends will never stop playing with friends and rightly so.

#1006 BROARL


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Posted 17 June 2019 - 02:36 PM

i'm not so sure it was the beatings those guys took that sent them from invasion, they took a few beatings without crying.
...but when the trolling started it was all over. the minute the sh*t talking started it was the always going to be the last game.

#1007 Bowelhacker


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Posted 17 June 2019 - 05:03 PM

View PostBROARL, on 17 June 2019 - 02:36 PM, said:

i'm not so sure it was the beatings those guys took that sent them from invasion, they took a few beatings without crying.
...but when the trolling started it was all over. the minute the sh*t talking started it was the always going to be the last game.

Was that the conquest game on Frozen City last night? That was the first one I'd played all day so I wasn't aware cuntiness was involved.

#1008 justcallme A S H


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Posted 18 June 2019 - 03:15 AM

View PostMetalgod69, on 18 June 2019 - 02:44 AM, said:

English is NOT my native language, so i am not always succesful in translating my thoughts right: The problem wasnt YOUR guys - the problem was that the premades fled. They should have asked instead of fleeing, that this great players should spread, if they dont have to stay together for training reasons etc... thats all.

Dude look. A 4man is never, ever - going to split up. They are playing together because they are mates. They aren't gonna split up into 2man teams just to "even" it out when there is an organised group on the other side.

If a premade 8-10man or whatever gets beaten by a 4man 2-3 games in a row and gives up well there is nothing that is going to stop that.

I've had that happen many times over the years and it's not gonna stop. 2 mates and I were rolling teams sideways a couple weeks ago.

When the average skill floor of MWO is slow low and players/units insist on bringing BAD builds they "believe" are good - it will keep happening no matter what.

#1009 Nightbird


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Posted 18 June 2019 - 06:39 AM

So, if the 4-man won't break up, can't they just walk backwards into me so I can kill them? It'll make me feel better about myself

#1010 vonJerg


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Posted 18 June 2019 - 09:37 AM

Do not be silly Nightbird, all we want them is to take canon loadouts if the play in groups

#1011 Reno Blade


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Posted 18 June 2019 - 12:11 PM

It's enough to be "fair" and turn a 0-24 advantage into something like 30-48 instead of a 0-48 if you have the upper hand.
It just feels so bad if you get stomped.

Similar on QP ofc, but there everyone just wants to get the kill/assist when you do a 0-11.
The best games are always the close ones.
At least in FP you can give the opponents a chance after killing them 2x already :)

PS: Just speaking in general here.

#1012 MountainRat


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Posted 25 August 2019 - 05:47 AM

I am sure it has been mentioned, but FP sucks now. It is almost impossible to get games. I have waited for over 30 mnutes to not get a game.

Not sure when winter comes if more people will be on. But if I was new to MWO I would never play faction.

Just plese return it back to the way it was!

#1013 Surn


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Posted 27 August 2019 - 08:20 PM

Posted Image

Faction play would be 10000% better if we could assign specifically configured mechs on planets for defense as trial mechs.

I would go as far as to say we would PAY mc to have our mech be available as a trial in its specific configuration.

Allow anyone to use it on that planet, for 10% of the cbills.

Each mech could be assigned to 1 planet for 300 mc with no skill tree, then each skill point would cost 2 mc to work on planet. The incentive would be to earn more cbills. For an even 500 mc, all skills and consumables would be available.

Moving a mech to another planet: 50 mc
Loyalty points may be an alternative payment option along with cbills, but at high costs!.

Loyalists would get 50% off when assigning to their faction's planet, pay only 5% to use while the planet is controlled by their faction and only get paid 5% when used by a fellow faction member while planet is controlled by that faction.

Here are the tricky parts...

The cost of used consumables needs to be paid by the person using the mech at the end of the match and prior to any cbill split, mc based consumables do not transfer to the assigned mech.

Development challenge:
The payoff for the player would be to see the faction galactic map with planets that show available trial mechs and who assigned them. There is a rabbit hole here where the accounting of cbills earnings per mech could guide people to reassign unprofitable assignments for a mc cost, but the simple solution is to show number of uses for all trial mechs on planet (Not earnings), so it could be a leaderboard and not an accounting ledger

Edited by Surn, 27 August 2019 - 09:32 PM.

#1014 DarkFhoenix


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Posted 03 September 2019 - 01:26 AM

This thread was a big fat waste of nothing . Posted Image

We ended up with less than what we took for granted before . FP got downgraded I assume to cut costs .

Edited by DarkFhoenix, 03 September 2019 - 01:29 AM.

#1015 50 50


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Posted 03 September 2019 - 06:32 PM

View PostDarkFhoenix, on 03 September 2019 - 01:26 AM, said:

This thread was a big fat waste of nothing . Posted Image

We ended up with less than what we took for granted before . FP got downgraded I assume to cut costs .

How could it be reducing costs?
The shift to the event driven system has meant that the process is not automated. It now requires someone at PGI to program/setup the events.
When it was just left up to the players and used the map it was more autonomous.

#1016 Bowelhacker


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Posted 03 September 2019 - 09:15 PM

View PostDarkFhoenix, on 03 September 2019 - 01:26 AM, said:

This thread was a big fat waste of nothing . Posted Image

We ended up with less than what we took for granted before . FP got downgraded I assume to cut costs .

I still blame ASH.

#1017 DarkFhoenix


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Posted 04 September 2019 - 12:11 AM

View Post50 50, on 03 September 2019 - 06:32 PM, said:

How could it be reducing costs?
The shift to the event driven system has meant that the process is not automated. It now requires someone at PGI to program/setup the events.
When it was just left up to the players and used the map it was more autonomous.

Well the way the matchmaking it set up now probably means its using less servers for FP . Scouting matches and invasion were separate servers . Not anymore though .

Its possible these story events were written up and integrated automatically and will eventually restart . Its only a paragraph . How long would it take to write up 300 of those beforehand . Is anyone keeping track of these stories ?

#1018 50 50


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Posted 04 September 2019 - 04:12 AM

View PostBowelhacker, on 03 September 2019 - 09:15 PM, said:

I still blame ASH.

Yeah, why not. But he gave it a go.

View PostDarkFhoenix, on 04 September 2019 - 12:11 AM, said:

Well the way the matchmaking it set up now probably means its using less servers for FP . Scouting matches and invasion were separate servers . Not anymore though .

Its possible these story events were written up and integrated automatically and will eventually restart . Its only a paragraph . How long would it take to write up 300 of those beforehand . Is anyone keeping track of these stories ?

Were they?
Well.. can't say I bothered tracing where I was connected to when playing the matches and just assumed it was a single NA server.
If it was a cost exercise surely shutting down the OC and EU servers would be an expected move.

You raise an interesting point about the story events.
Would be nice to have some sort of history log either on our profiles or as a public list where it could be shown that player X or unit Y was involved in the battle for pajama valley etc etc.
Was there something till happening with the unit tags on planets?
Kind of feel like that was part of how players write the story of the battles in the inner sphere. Bit of a participation record that we should have been able to drill into to see the stats or looking at player history to see a record of their involvement in these events.
Unless I've missed something and that was there somewhere.......

#1019 Sigmar Sich


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Posted 06 September 2019 - 06:40 AM

Alright, one last try:

Paul Inouye, give us grand FP events, please. "The Year of Faction Play". Don't let this become an epitaph for the mode. Point of no return is near, please hurry.

#1020 Rexxxxxxxxx


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Posted 14 September 2019 - 01:23 PM

I feel the biggest problem with FP has always been wait times.

The quickest way to solve this problem would be to force everyone to have 2 Clan decks and 2 IS decks at all times.
After hitting the Fight Now button or a Group Launches, which ever side needs more players determines whether your Clan or IS for that match. Giving everyone two decks to choose from during the minute and a half before a match.

Right now everyone is doing all of this manually and it's like herding cats. A complete waste of time. We shouldn't need to choose which faction we fight for when we should all be mercenaries and let the match maker do it for us.

If you only want to play Clan mechs all the time then go to quick play.

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