Dee Eight, on 10 August 2018 - 06:43 PM, said:
I'm a solo player in fp of average skill... i have no problem bringing a deck to put up at least 1k every game in damage, usually a lot more. That practically every match there's someone who can't break past double digits for total damage over 4 mechs... says to me no amount of grouping up could help that sort of player.
I can also bring a deck to churn out 2k damage in a match if I want. However, you will often see me dong less than 1k as when I'm drop calling for my unit I tend to be the first person in to the push calling targets etc. (a bad habit, I know).
FP is not about damage itself, if you cant share armour, if you are on your first mech when your team is on their 3rd, if you hide behind your team with AC 2s, LRMS or ERPPCs, if you dont support the team's tactics, strategy or position then you are not helping them win.
I'm not saying you do any of the above but players who do and only get around 1k damage arent even meat shielding properly.
ASH is talking about people playing with a team and adjusting their expectations to meet those of the team, which in FP is all important.
I don't like calling out damage numbers in games because it often promotes selfish damage farming or meat shielding to engorge the e-peen or get the reinforcement from the group and honestly, killing people whilst doing less damage is better for everyone. My unit recognises people that push through first, that share damage, who step in front of those people who are cored out and we have a competition at the end to see who got the lowest team damage.
Back to the original matter of the post, it's players that take these ideas on board and work for the team that are essential to FP, whether that is the ability to form a trading line as clans, learn the maps, their position and who to cover on sniper maps or how to cycle out of a push to share armour effectively. The matchmaker cannot measure these factors so it would never work for FP even if PGI attempted to create one, the major factor in matchmaking is your ability to find a group and join it on comms and work with them rather than for yourself.