Jman5 said:
I think it's a feeling that the player has lost agency that leads to frustration about the weapon system. You see this most pointedly when a player is NARC'd.
I've heard it suggested that NARCs should fall off after a mech has taken a given amount of damage. Not sure if this could be implemented, but it strikes me as a solid idea, especially in a world with NARC duration quirks.
Jman5 said:
There was some talk in the podcast of buffing agility of big mechs like the Atlas. You mentioned you want the Atlas to at least be able to get some damage on target. My big concern about this is that there is a huuuuuuge gulf in agility within the Light weight class. Everyone focuses on the locust or piranha, but there are 35 tonners that are positively sluggish compared to them.
Another excellent point. There's broad agreement that 35-tonners are in a rough spot, with the Firestarter's abysmal torso pitch touted as a primary example. Only the Night Gyr has worse pitch, and even if the Firestarter's model clips, it could use some mobility boosts. No current reason, apart from personal preference, to take one when the Wolfhound exists.
Gierling said:
Someone needs to be willing to express the unpopular opinion so this doesn't degenerate into a small loud subset of the community imposing their will on people that care just as much about the game but don't enjoy being shouted down and insulted.
Even as a card-carrying never-LRMs pilot, I agree with this. Variety is the spice of this game. However, I think the pendulum swung too far with the most recent changes. Looking forward to the ECM buff and NARC nerf to see where we stand.
Yeonne Greene said:
Clans and IS in MWO are supposed to be equal but different.
Many excellent points in Yeonne's post, as usual.
Felbombling said:
I'd say the solution for this would be to limit each chassis to maybe four engine ratings [standard, XL or Light] and force players to really think during the design process. Allow for us to make some tougher decisions.
Stripping one or both arms completely of armour to have that extra laser, heat sink or ammo bin makes a difference, but doesn't really make much sense. If the armour value on the right arm is pumped up to max, the left arm should automatically match that value. Don't let players min-max that crap.
Can't say I agree with this. Interesting, but a massive reduction in variety, and quite awkward for some mechs with arbitrarily high engine caps. It would cause a hell of a lot of mechlab fiddling for minimal benefit.
Felbombling said:
If you could, remove a critical slot from the Clan and Inner Sphere LB20-X AC.
Supported for the IS only, and suggested in the community balance proposal. There are several IS lore mechs running LB20X ACs in their arms, and we did not believe the LB20X was a sufficiently lethal weapon to be problematic when deployed with lower arm actuators.
Felbombling said:
I am one of the people pushing for purple Clan Heavy Large Lasers and orange Clan Heavy Medium Lasers.
Yes. Rule of cool, quality of life, etc. Very helpful to know exact what's firing at you.
Felbombling said:
A contrail colour for Narc and a new colour for ATMs would also help the situation.
NARC contrails or a visible exhaust plume are an interesting idea for tracking their source, especially when most NARC mechs are mounting ECM.
Felbombling said:
Light Mechs can and have abused hugging tactics for years without being properly addressed.
Hugging isn't abusing, outmaneuvering mechs with 3-5 times your tonnage is the only way to survive against them. AoE damage mechanics strike me as a terrible idea. Low-skill, and heavily weighted against lighter mechs, which are already struggling (with notable exceptions).
Felbombling said:
The time required to get to 91 isn't as bad as you think, and I imagine if you go look at your stats for any Mech you've just hit 91 skill points on, it probably reads something like 35 matches or less actually played.
This assumes you're earning 2.6SP per match, or 2,080XP. A little tricky to maintain that average for many or most players, especially without premium time or consistent win streaks. This is outside the scope of balance, but a major reason the grind is so strong is that it drains your XP
and your CB.
Quicksilver Kalasa said:
Yeah, NARC durations are absurd. The fact they don't fall off after a certain amount of damage or a section falling off is absurd as well.
This is a good suggestion, one I meant to raise in earlier posts, and which is supported by some of our LRM-favoring pilots.
Khobai said:
And NARC is barely used as is. There needs to be MORE of a reason to use NARC, NOT LESS.
Factually untrue. NARC is the factor that can turn LRMs from annoying to lethal. NARCers are ubiquitous in LRM-focused FP and QP drops.
Khobai said:
And 50% tightening of the lock angle? Why dont you just make it so we cant fire LRMs at all.
Over-reacting much? Needing to keep a reticle over a target to gain the advantages of a high-DPS, long-range, indirect-fire weapon? Heaven forbid.
Khobai said:
Buff Artemis, TAG, and NARC
Yes for SRM brawlers, no, and no. TAG and NARC are already ubiquitous, because they're quite useful. Further improvements are decidedly unnecessary.
GweNTLeR said:
could you please clarify how artemis currently works and will work with LRMs in terms of spread?
Yes, please. Excellent topic for a wiki article, but hearing the present status in detail would help us provide more in-depth feedback on proposed changes.
KingJ00 said:
Would the communicating process be any easier if a group (like the group of pilots that spearheaded the community balance document? They have already shown how dedicated they are to the topic) took all the community ideas and provided a unified on topic source of input to work with PGI.
I would like to think that our work collating several thousand community comments on our first-round document to produce the second-round document is a major reason we're having this discussion at all. Still, we want to make sure that PGI's discussions are with
the community, so our goal is to keep the feedback as broad as possible. Taro, Navid, denAir, yours truly, and the rest of the crew are not omniscient, so keep the feedback coming.
Tzinjo said:
The problem here is that locks can be held by the arm reticle. Arm movement is incredible fast for 90% of mechs in MWO. Outmanuevering that is impossible as long as you arent directly in the face of the streak mech and can move out of the FoV.
It will still be more difficult to maintain a lock, since the margin for error is considerably narrower. Worth testing to see if locks feel any easier to break, especially for lights and mediums getting ruined by Streaks.
Tarogato said:
I would sooner like to see the Catapult rescaled properly to be sized like a 65-ton mech instead of the ~50-ton mech that it is now.
Agreed. Another modest round of rescales would go a long way. Just a few outlier mechs, like the massive Black Knight, Executioner, Firestarter, and a handful of others.
Hellfire666 said:
Now that the game is hemorrhaging players and no new players are coming in it's time to have a discussion? Now you actually find us worthy to interact with?
"Hey, check out this gift horse's mouth!"
Going on a bit of a tangent, there are things beyond weapon balance and mobility I'd like to see tested in a future PTS, if such suggestions are welcome at present.
-Armor quirks for the Kodiak and Dire Wolf.
-Add map markers for incoming air and artillery strikes.
-AC20, CAC20, UAC20, and CUAC20 velocity buffs.
-Reduced or eliminated ghost heat penalty on twin AC20s and CAC20s.
-Medium lasers returned to faster cooldowns than large lasers within their respective tech bases (with associated damage reductions on the Clan side).