I am left-handed and routinely change keyboard bindings to accomodate. Regardless of your dominant hand, a hardcopy reference chart is very useful until muscle memory is established.
The image below is of the DEFAULT values, before any changes. It is a negative image of the pages displayed under Settings/Keyboard, so as to be more legible when printed, allow for notations under the ALT KEY MAP column(s) and save a buttload of toner.
Right-click, Save As, and Print, specifying Fit to Paper Size.
Incidentally, the MWO client stores the keyboard bindings on your local drive as data in an xml file labeled "actionmaps". On a W10 system, assuming the root directory is on the C: drive, this xml file is located at C:\Users\[username]\Saved Games\Mechwarrior Online\Profiles\[username]\actionmaps.xml
If someone adept would post an HTML file which would display a user's current actionmaps file correctly formatted, it would be appreciated.

Edited by bilagaana, 12 August 2018 - 05:15 PM.