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Make Ams Useful As Weapon System In Its Own.

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#21 Phoenix 72


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Posted 19 August 2018 - 09:37 PM

View PostSpheroid, on 19 August 2018 - 08:37 AM, said:

Tier 3 = invalid opinion.

Just curious, from which Tier on does one opinion become valid? Or is it that you need a certain Jarl's List ranking after you actually hit Tier 1?

#22 Vellron2005


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Posted 20 August 2018 - 04:53 AM

View Postbrroleg, on 18 August 2018 - 07:46 PM, said:

At this moment AMS is just waste of tonnage and slots. AMS just demanding too much sacrifice in mech build, not giving much in return.

Problem of AMS is not low effectiveness against LRM.

Problem of AMS is that it demands so much sacrifice in mech build, that even if it would give you total immunity against LRM, it still would be hard decision to take or not to take AMS.


Make lower sacrifice for build when you take AMS. To the point of being AMS totally free in tonnage and slots (taking 0 tons and 0 slots)


Keep the sacrifice for build when you take AMS, but make AMS useful on its own, even when there is no missile to shoot down. Give AMS a switch(like for ECM), which you can change in battle, which will activate AMS to be able to automatically target enemy mechs and do damage comparable to machine gun (on top of targeting enemy missiles, prioritizing missiles over enemy mech, if both in range at same time)

Posted Image

How about no?

Posted Image

Edited by Vellron2005, 20 August 2018 - 04:54 AM.

#23 Ignatius Audene


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Posted 20 August 2018 - 06:48 AM

View PostEl Bandito, on 19 August 2018 - 08:01 PM, said:

They buffed AMS ammo and lowered LAMS heat in the last patch.

And if you are being passive with your AMS mech and waiting on LRM boats to run out of ammo, then you are not doing it right.

10% from already to few
And 10% from hot as hell.

I am not only talking about group drops. There it is ok. But pug u run dry in under one min. Dont tell me you are using Laser Ams currently. If u dont think about including something it is mostly underpowered.

#24 El Bandito


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Posted 20 August 2018 - 07:16 AM

View PostIgnatius Audene, on 20 August 2018 - 06:48 AM, said:

10% from already to few
And 10% from hot as hell.

I am not only talking about group drops. There it is ok. But pug u run dry in under one min. Dont tell me you are using Laser Ams currently. If u dont think about including something it is mostly underpowered.

I use LAMS on my Nova and Kitfox, along with two regular AMS. My Dual Gauss Warhammer also uses LAMS. As for AMS ammo being too few, it is enough to serve the purpose. Hell, why do you even think that 2-3 tons of AMS ammo people generally bring should be enough to last the whole match against 10+ tons of LRM ammo someone else brings? Next time bring 10+ tons of AMS ammo yourself, before talking about not enough ammo.

#25 Anjian


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Posted 20 August 2018 - 05:21 PM

View Postbrroleg, on 18 August 2018 - 07:46 PM, said:

At this moment AMS is just waste of tonnage and slots. AMS just demanding too much sacrifice in mech build, not giving much in return.

Problem of AMS is not low effectiveness against LRM.

Problem of AMS is that it demands so much sacrifice in mech build, that even if it would give you total immunity against LRM, it still would be hard decision to take or not to take AMS.


Make lower sacrifice for build when you take AMS. To the point of being AMS totally free in tonnage and slots (taking 0 tons and 0 slots)


Keep the sacrifice for build when you take AMS, but make AMS useful on its own, even when there is no missile to shoot down. Give AMS a switch(like for ECM), which you can change in battle, which will activate AMS to be able to automatically target enemy mechs and do damage comparable to machine gun (on top of targeting enemy missiles, prioritizing missiles over enemy mech, if both in range at same time)

That sounds like something World of Warships uses to have on its secondaries and AA fire, which are normally automatic, target any hostile on sight and range, and use CTRL-[Mouse point click] on a specific target if you want your automatic fire to focus on it.

Edited by Anjian, 20 August 2018 - 05:21 PM.

#26 dante245


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Posted 20 August 2018 - 05:33 PM

View PostEl Bandito, on 18 August 2018 - 07:50 PM, said:

OP's mentality here is why we cannot have nice things, and LRMs are soon getting nerfed to crap. Posted Image

1. AMS is not a complete waste of tonnage even if no one brings LRMs on the other side. It shoots down all manners of missiles, including SRMs, SSRMs, and MRMs, albeit with less effectiveness. And it completely screws over ATMs, which actually hurts a lot more than LRMs at certain range.

2. Apparently you have never seen just how effective AMS umbrella can be against several LRM boats, with just two lances equipping one AMS each.

3. AMS doesn't require that much sacrifice. 0.5 ton for AMS itself plus 1 ton of ammo is good enough to push into LRM boats' faces. Now compare that to the 20+ tons of LRMs and 10+ tons off ammo the missile boats bring. That 30+ ton investment can quickly go down the crapper if the other side has enough AMS/ECM, or if the pugs vote for Solaris City--which they often do.

The right fix for a feast-or-famine weapon family like the LRMs, is not nerfs or buffs, but a rework.

im in full agreement...first...lRMS already have so many counters that...only reason people have so much trouble with them have the time, is they don't bring the counters. radar dep, ecm...ams...speed in some cases, and terrain. and LRMS can be terrible one moment and great another depending on so many variables and if the team is coordinated with support mechs and narcers. AMS is so easy to fit into almost any build, its just sad when i see people with out it" albeit slots are the main limiter i find for them, and in those cases i ALWAYS bring either/or/both ECM and Radar Deprivation.

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