Lawrence Elsa, on 23 August 2018 - 04:54 PM, said:
See? You can aim well with weapons capable of those ranges because of your own skill. Weapons after their max range in TT stop doing damage because they just don't have the velocity or beam focus to hurt. While I admit the AC/20 is difficult to land beyond 500 meters you really shouldn't be using it beyond 250 meters. Damage drop-off and whatnot
Unless, of course you're using the Extreme Range rules. Then it's actually similar to MWO, since damage is reduced.
Even with C3 you can't go past max range, and if you're using a rule set that does well... good for you. Have fun bending reality in a table top game since I don't even know how you could bring that into this game.
See above. Given an evasive enough C3 slave carrier like a zooming hover/VTOL/WiGE or light, you can be dishing out damage at effectively medium range while at worse-than-long range (extreme range fire using C3 data is treated as one rangeband further than the closest target actually is), although not at full levels of firepower, and your carrier may be nearly impossible to hit in the process as it's lancemates pound your target of choice. I did say I'm used to fun tricks to break tabletop rules...
Heck, LRMs in MWO originally only had a 630m range, but since everything else in this game can fire past tabletop "long range" (and at accuracy levels that would shame elite pilots) with only reduced damage, they gave LRMs the equivalent of extreme range capacity without damage loss. Of course, it's still a slow projectile, so firing past 700m or so is giving most targets outside of Polar plenty of time to cover up.
Not surprisingly, most "lurms are EZmode" screenshots come from Polar, where the map is basically perfect for them to fire even at extreme ranges. I do wonder what would happen if they reverted to 630m range, which would mean they get the same base ranges as all other missiles in the game. (ATMs of course naturally get obscene reach, being able to 1-damage it at 810m in tabletop)