Sable Dove, on 26 August 2018 - 02:22 PM, said:
I disagree that 50 is a good spot for the heat cap. Especially when they didn't really buff internal heat sinks, resulting in a general buff to heavier mechs. In fact, from your own charts, not only are many of the most effective builds barely affected in terms of burst damage, but many of them actually have higher sustained DPS than before.
None of them have lower alpha strikes either. The heat cap at 50 does virtually nothing to curb high alphas except on mechs that were impractical to begin with.
None of them have lower alpha strikes either. The heat cap at 50 does virtually nothing to curb high alphas except on mechs that were impractical to begin with.
I didn’t participate in the 40 cap test because I was too disgusted at the fact that while it nerffed the dreaded 96 point boogeyman builds that no one plays, it also nerfed just about everything I, even as a mediocre brawl player, also play. Nerfing everything to address a few things is a habbit of PGI’s that just drives me nuts.
I initially had the same view of 2.1 and the 50 point cap in that I still don’t consider (and I say this as a potato that is more a target of these builds than one who can use them effectively) the ultra high alphas that PGI is fixated on to be of a concern (Speaking of that fixation, in the RJBass interview of Chris at the beginning of the year Chris said the MCII wasn’t even a “top tier” performer. What changed to make it and a couple other mechs their boggeyman of balance? Nerfing everything else since then? Hmm. But I digress) and so I still don’t want the mechs I play to get smacked in any way because of that fixation.
But I gotta admit after playing on the PTS, the 50 point cap is growing on me. I tried some high alpha stuff, that I don’t normally play, and they still seemed workable, even for me. I tried some of my regular builds, and they seemed not only fine, but in some cases better. Then I tried a bunch of old builds and goofy builds and builds only a dope like me would try, and they were effective to a degree, and in some cases to a far greater degree, than they are on the live server.
So while I was -and kind of still am- against these changes on principle, I have come to believe that of all the things PGI has proposed of late to further muck with the game even more than they already have this year, this is one change I think I would be ok with. I might even come to outright appreciate it given more time to play with it (like on the live server).