Alienized, on 16 October 2018 - 08:49 AM, said:
awesome had 3 ppc's but the pilot was always advised to only use 2, the third was a backup.
In TT, each turn is a 10 second window. Heat and weapons fire is presumed to happen within a 10 second frame of time. That means, even by TT standards, even if an Awesome shoots all three PPCs in a turn, he very likely did not alpha them at the same exact moment (unlike MW:O).
That being said, that Awesome could shoot triple PPCs for a couple of turns before threatening it's heat scale. Most common way to use an Awesome in TT was to shoot three PPCs, then two, then three again and repeat. Unless one needed to shoot three PPCs a couple of turns in a row, which it could still do.
By lore, there was no reason not to shoot three PPCs, besides heat levels. But if you could maintain enough cooling it would be fine.
On the counter point, it was impossible in lore to shoot more than two Gauss simultaneously (but you could shoot more within 10 seconds, a single turn). Doing so would cause the mech to brown out it's power grid recharging it's capacitors.
Beyond those points, I'm not in disagreence with you. A change to the heat scale could be a good thing. However, as a counter argument, adjusting Gauss heat production a little (much like MLs already have) could also work and would be far easier to do.
So many possible solutions...