How To Play Solo Que By A Ozhomeroz Scrubby Hive Underlord Freebirth Extraordinaire
Posted 03 October 2018 - 11:52 PM
this is drunk crazy me talkin,
but please
somebody PLEASE ,mods or what-not; PIN his OP
( and delete crazy rambilngs of old drunk berserker-person cryin in his cups he isn't in valhalla yet)
but " for cereal" os much distlled wisdom in this thread.,,
should go right there next to kineticx's guide and and the fat4eyes' tatics101 in the new player area we had once on ever team speak.... disocrd.... w/e
Posted 08 October 2018 - 06:49 PM
May apply in this case

Posted 16 October 2018 - 05:13 PM
Posted 16 November 2018 - 03:19 AM
Posted 17 November 2018 - 09:11 AM
Tier5ForLife, on 09 September 2018 - 02:41 PM, said:
8) If you are with a good group of players that seems to know what they are doing and you are attacking, do not stop or worse, back up. Trust in each other and move forward allowing the guys behind you to add their firepower.
Why don't the group of good players trust me to add my firepower from behind them though?
Posted 17 November 2018 - 10:10 AM
So add your firepower from behind and let them deal with their trust issues.
Thou if you get too far behind, their could be problems with being outnumbered and all dat or worse a light mech headbutting low hung bits of your mech
So having those guys kinda close could come in handy.
Although what I think was meant was , when the team attacks, you should too.
Front and behind were never mentioned, but I would go with whatever works best for you and your loadout/mech.
Hope that was helpfull.
Edited by OZHomerOZ, 17 November 2018 - 10:16 AM.
Posted 29 November 2018 - 05:50 PM
1. Never fight alone in solo q. make a 'Battle Buddy.' You have a better chance of winning if you fight with a buddy making it 2 vs 1 or more.
2. Communicate. There was no in-game voip or command wheel in closed beta. All we had was in game chat. Make use of in-game chat,command wheel and voip. The team that works as a team will always beat the less cordinated team even if that other team as a list of same unit tags, founders etc.
3. When 'scouting' in a hurry use the simple bingo method of scouting. Example...in team chat type it as the following 'b4 x3.' Translation...in grid b4 you have spotted 3 enemy mechs. Remember a dead scout is just that. Dead.
4. Use the mini-map. A LOT. It tells you important things such as where are your team mates, where the heck am I, where are my team mates moving to. That erratically moving symbol on the mini map could be one of your lights engaged with the enemy fighting all four of alpha lance and too busy at the moment to get a lock on. Help the guy.
5. Uavs. They cost 40,000 c-bills and are one time use. They refil between matches when you set it to refill at a cost of 40,000. They are an excellent distress signal when you are suddenly wolf pack-ed by enemy alpha lance. It will cancel out ALL ecm near you and reveal enemy around you on your mini-map to the rest of your team. See the running theme?
6. Use the HUD. On HPG specifically and in all other maps in general you will get sound bugs in the form of missing or over lapping sounds from incoming fire especially from racs and uacs. Pay attention to the flashing red damage indicator of your hud and react to take cover and counter fire.
7. LRM dodging. IS lrm have a minimal of 180m. They will do zero damage at 179m and less. Clan lrm do vastly reduced damage at close range. Lrms have a small tracking window and arc. With proper timing you can step side them. Any cover will block lrms whether it be elevation change as standing behind a small incline, inside a tunnel on river city, a bolder/rock on canyon etc.
9. Stealth ECM mechs can be detected by...seeing it move,seeing it fire weapons,turning on thermal/night vision to see it, or by shooting it with a weapon. Stealth causes a lot of heat build up so forcing one to fire will cause it to need to run away to cool down or risk blowing up from heat damage.
10. The people who know maps better than most are the light mech pilots as they depend on map cover to move about. They are the ones to ask when you want to know the fastest way to move around a map.
11. When in a heavy or assault mech that is slow ask a light for escort. Many love being an orbital extra gun as your bigger mech makes a bigger target. This isn't rude. The light gets more seconds to live doing more damage while you get extra fire power and protection from enemy lights.
12. Don't be a stat warrior. You can be competitive as much as you like but you'll enjoy the game far more if you make up your own in match goals instead of kdr w/l as the means of your success.
13. Experiment with crazy builds. MWO allows a lot of options so go with it. Mechlab is half the fun for tinker-ers.
14. Learn your play styles and mech classes you do well in. Examples...The Atlas may be the bamf for some but if you stink at using it and hate it you'd be better off in a different mech. PPC is fun but if you can't aim without adv zoom and wiff every shot try some thing else.
15. Old-er mechs are still viable. Catapult k2 was one of four mechs in closed beta. Since then there are lots of mechs that can do big guns. That k2 isn't meta now but it still does damage. A pilot who has hundreds of matches and experience with an old mech is just as deadly as a new-er mech.
16. Never chase quirks. They change or get removed constantly.
17. There are trash tier mechs in the game. They have any combination of the following...bad hard point locations,low hard points, slow engine caps, bad base stats or poor geometry. Spider 5V is the prime example of this.
Posted 29 November 2018 - 11:22 PM
You can't always get an assault that plays with the team, but it's a ton of fun if it works, and the assault pilot will love you.
Posted 30 November 2018 - 04:25 AM
Silra, on 21 November 2018 - 03:47 PM, said:
I record the games I play for possible youtube content and such, and so no VOIP during QP games for me, as I don't want random people's voices on my recordings.
I don't think i would want to watch solo mechwarrior's no coms gameplay on yt.
watched this
Not overly interesting tbh, i'd much rather enjoy watching whole games with communication / tactics involved.
At the end, you used the terrain and the high mounted MRM so well but you didn't comment on it, it think those gameplay tips you can easily share.
If i actually watch mwo content on yt instead of playing the game myself, i am really looking forward to other peoples opinions, their thought and ideas, tactics, way to handle stuff. Commentary is the most importent element i am looking forward to. Be it on the fly as you play or afterwards as an overlay.
Of course, it's your channel and content, i am in no postion to criticize you or your content.
It' s just my honest 50 cents on it.
Edited by Toha Heavy Industries, 30 November 2018 - 04:42 AM.
Posted 06 December 2018 - 10:04 PM
Tier5ForLife, on 10 September 2018 - 11:17 AM, said:
You do not have to call the match or even to call targets. It is hard to call targets if you are not close to each other and seeing the same thing. I know of a couple of teams that will be on two-three different Teamspeaks channels often doing it by Lance instead of all 12.
Plus sometimes the game happens too fast at times. If you have targets popping up and back the target you called is gone. In fact, it is often difficult (small edit for missing word) to even target anything to call a target in such conditions.
In these conditions I guess using my:
Tip Four :Gauge your teams Quality
and the using the strat below:
"Guid Pilots: Follow the pain train and weapons impacts (aka laser beams) strategy.", should do the trick.
IN plain speak: SMASH what your team mates are SMASHING, by watching which mech is getting smashed and in what naughty place said mech is being smashed in.
Add your fire to exactly and precisely dat same naughty place for best results, without waiting for someone to tell you.
Coz your OP, You have eyes, their OP! (plz nerf - Im kidding PGI plz dont)



Great feed back much thanks
Yo up and coming winners of the solo que of stompage, come check out this thread and gain a express shortcut to success, wid minimal effert.
Worked for me
It can worx for u 2
Good threads neva dae

Edited by OZHomerOZ, 06 December 2018 - 10:19 PM.
Posted 22 January 2019 - 03:54 PM

Can you believe it.

This bump is for them.

I won't name them, they might be shy. Enjoi

Edited by OZHomerOZ, 22 January 2019 - 03:55 PM.
Posted 23 January 2019 - 10:43 AM

As far as deciding what targets to take on, unless you are talking or have played so much with someone you both know what to do, the best thing is simply to attack someone that a teammate is attacking. Hard to go wrong there. If you are using LRMs, attack someone a teammate is attacking. One big reason is that you should get a good lock that way.
MWO is not about fighting one on one.
It is about finding and creating 2 to 3 on ones.
This is so important!
The following is an answer to a request of something I threa...uh...said I would write.
And it is a short version because I can't type or spell gud. It will add zero to the conversation. Otherwise, I think this thread should almost be a sticky.
The purpose of LRMs is the same as slingers 5,000 years ago. Or javelin throwers or archers. Later with Guns, howitzers and mortars to name a few.
Indirect fire. We do not think of it normally. Most people think that missile weapons fire mostly direct. This is false.
For many 1000's of years when two forces met only the first few ranks of men in front could attack the enemy. One thing "Westerners" have to understand is that we were brought up in the old Greek way of fighting as hoplites (Pre-Peloponnesian War).
The early Greek city-states would fight on a picked flat piece of land between two groups of heavily armored infantry. They were often battle of pushing and would often end with little loss of life. These are the first people who made fun of anyone using missile weapons.
If you understand the fable about the sour grapes, you might understand this
It was not "manly" which considering the Spartans were forced into being homosex...anyway.
The rest of the world used indirect fire and soon everyone would. Or die.
The Norman's archers were one of the main reason behind their victory at Hastings
Posted 23 January 2019 - 11:23 AM
shaytalis, on 17 November 2018 - 09:11 AM, said:
Why don't the group of good players trust me to add my firepower from behind them though?
Yeap, trust is rare unless you really know the person. So many times we say Push and I go up on the ridge and no one comes with me and I get hit by 3-4 enemy mechs.
I've had the FLU OF DEATH for over 13 days now but I had a day a couple of weeks ago where the same sort of thing happened a couple of times. One was done right and the other wrong.
I'm in Frozen City in an Assault and I'm going down a "street". There are building ahead and one to my left and one to my right. I know there is an Assault up and to the left, and a light or medium up and to my right. So I need to go up and turn left to take on the Assault but if I do, I'm going to get shot in the back.
One of the smaller mechs near me had to take on the guy to the right so I could attack the guy on the left. And this happens a fair amount, an assault or heavy goes up BYPASSING the lesser mechs because they know or hope that others will take them on.
And this is straight out of the modern military. Everyone needs to do their job. Take a house you will keep moving, the front guy taking the first targets, firing and moving counting on the other guys to clean up. I know of one guy who is great at this and he calls the game from the 6 O Clock position of another mech. Often the best thing for a light is not to run ahead and get in a light fight or whatever.
Follow and stay with the group and kill those they leave behind. If you see a light with 4-7 kills that is how he did it. He cleaned up.
We speak little of things like this (and many more) where the important thing is time. Your team might have a 6-8 second window so you need to take it NOW!
There are times where seconds matter. This is one of the many reasons teams do better then PUGs. They move together a few seconds faster then your team does. Or half of your team simply stops moving and if you sit, you become a target.
The Maginot line was an awesome fortification. Attacking it head on would be very hard to do. But since it did not move, the Germans simply moved around it and attacked it from behind.
Posted 23 January 2019 - 03:23 PM
Then I feel more confident, more shall I say, trusting.

Edited by OZHomerOZ, 23 January 2019 - 03:23 PM.
Posted 26 January 2019 - 02:03 PM

Though to be fair, some parts of it are a bit outdated...
Posted 26 January 2019 - 02:43 PM
im pretty sure ive killed everyone of you, and been killed by everyone of you..
Oz almost never speaks
mics are super important Even if its just Bs
to add.... Never let off W... stationery targets are easier to hit.. If your not moving.. your easier to shoot AND THEN! if you cant hit your target while your moving.. go back to training or adjust your controls...
DONT reverse... turn and roll *exceptions
Dont worry about stats.. that **** for nerds.. Aint nobody making money here.. most of us have spent money... PGI has given away a lot of nice free expensive things My account is worth about 500+$ easy all i ever bought was some early things maybe 60$ total
math doesnt mean **** in this game.. 19.9 ton BP takes down 100 tons in 6 alphas to the rear... Most of the time.. the assault pilot doesnt even know what is killing him... AND if he skilled it to move.. then Hes not paying attention to the people coming @ him while he is focused on me...
DONT trust anyone.. ..... Correct!
Posted 26 January 2019 - 04:27 PM
Posted 26 January 2019 - 05:46 PM
Posted 29 January 2019 - 02:22 PM
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