Nightbird, on 20 November 2018 - 11:36 AM, said:
How would the rush teams be rewarded for it? They'll get penalized like any other winning team.
The dedicated rushers get rewarded by simply using medium mechs that lend themselves well to a rush for their first couple drops. (That means something like a crab, crab, assassin, commando deck.) Since they're already planning to rush their first couple of mechs, and planning on winning in 5-10 minutes, there's no penalty to making the second half of the deck light too. Thus, no penalty on them when facing a group of Pugs/Bads, etc, and no better game is created.
Should they find themselves up against an evenly matched, or "Truly Good" team, they don't even really have to change their deck - They can simply rush anyway, and just do their thing as before, and let the chips fall where they may. They probably still lose, just like they did before when facing an evenly-or-better skilled team. Only now, it's a little faster, allowing them to go back to rushing and/or farming pugs more quickly. Plus, they get paid 25% more to lose that 1 match. Therefore, they aren't really hurt here either, nor has this particular matchup changed. (Possible Exception - If the "good" team ALSO decides to under-ton, and rush, you get something like a Rush-On-Rush, which is somewhat more interesting, but could easily get boring fast, since neither team would be particularly interested in engaging the enemy.)
Either way, they come out ahead, especially when compared to a 'Truly Good' group, that now has to think about what to drop, and actually strategize, lest they eat a significant penalty every game. Even a "Pug" player is going to have to occasionally mix up his drop deck, lest he get penalized, something he may not even have the mechs to actually do, making him fall behind the dedicated rusher also.
Bottom line - Incentivizing smaller drop decks (on anyone) is going to incentivize more rushing, due to the fact that the lighter decks fit themselves to that tactic. The groups that dedicate themselves to that style of tactics will be rewarded due to that.
Edited by Daurock, 20 November 2018 - 01:11 PM.