This is how it looks on my 3x display 7680x1440 setup. Notice the distortion on the left and right panels. Also, ground movement on the left and right panels are all wrong as well as the ground tend to move to the base of your mech rather than out to either side, like it would in your real side vision.
High FOV!...uRXDRzewAuBcn1w
Low FOV!...w2oHZw9_CRdEY3A
Apparently, nvidia released a fix for this issue a few years ago. SMP or Simultaneous Multi-Projection is a function that allows the developer to render objects to up to six viewports at different angles, while only rendering the object once.
This would be awesome, as this would render the scene correctly for each display as wall as the movement direction would be correct per display.
There are new players with either multi or ultra wide display setups every day, SMP should be mandatory. Could PGI imagine ever getting SMP support?
Read/see more here:
And, comparison of SMP off/on in iRacing. It's a little hard to see in the video as he is not filming the entire with of the displays.
Edited by Serpentbane, 26 October 2018 - 03:19 AM.