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Holiday Bonus 2018

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#181 FATA13RR0R


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Posted 04 December 2018 - 10:58 AM

нас сказочно{censored}али, расходимся

#182 Chiasson Brinker


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Posted 04 December 2018 - 10:59 AM

View PostMechwarrior772492, on 04 December 2018 - 10:56 AM, said:

The wrong weapons and hardpoints are pasted for the Warhammer IIC Hero (Maul). The Maul has 4 energy, 2 ballistic, and 2 missile hardpoints. The ballistics are in the two side torsos. Also, it doesn't have jump jets.

See https://mwomercs.com/warhammeriic

The hero variant included in the preorder packages is a different hero than the one we’re getting through this event.

#183 Acersecomic


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Posted 04 December 2018 - 11:01 AM

Mhmhm :3 Looking forward to these. Can't wait to experiment with tons of Corsair builds :D With the amount of hardpoints for each weapon type, this is gonna be a diverse mech.
Warhammer I mostly want for how stylish it is but it looks nice. AMT12, Heavy medium lasers and PPC maybe? We'll see.

We still don't know the quirks for any of these mechs so those will be a big factor to consider too.
Bring them on! Oh I'm gonna go nuts until February and March ahaha.

All you doomsday and DoE callers need to lay off seriously, it's like you're all 8 year olds or something xD Jeez, relaaaax.

#184 Cazador88


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Posted 04 December 2018 - 11:03 AM

I'll just say thanks PGI for the gifts as i wil certainly have that much time to play that 50ms match.



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Posted 04 December 2018 - 11:14 AM

Maybe I'll get the Warhammer IIC pack at some point. I find the jumping special variant quite attractive.

#186 Runecarver


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Posted 04 December 2018 - 11:20 AM

This Warhammer IIC hero could have had something actually interesting like missile or ballistic hardpoints on the arms. Instead it's... just sad. A single missile hardpoint, unless you're trying to joke around with a NARC launcher, will not have any chance to make a difference on a clan mech. One ATM launcher just gets destroyed by even one enemy anti missile system. One LRM launcher is just wasted tonnage for no real effect. One SRM launcher is just wasted tonnage. One Streak launcher is just wasted tonnage. Two could have been usable. One is worthless.

Also, your designers need to understand that one or two jump jets do not equal the actual practical applications of a weapon hardpoint. Having less weapon hardpoints because you can use slots and tonnage for jump jets doesn't make it fair when the things can't even look down enough to use those torso hardpoints without getting obliterated by the variants with more guns.

Edited by Runecarver, 04 December 2018 - 11:25 AM.



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Posted 04 December 2018 - 11:28 AM

Personally, I use the jump jets more to spread damage to the legs. If they worked like they did in MW3 I'd absolutely love them.

#188 FireStoat


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Posted 04 December 2018 - 11:33 AM

Thank you very much for the mechs. The Corsair special hero looks like an ugly lump of metal garbage that will do horrific things to enemies if given a chance. It's kind of endearing for that. The special Warhammer IIC hero with only six energy and one missile hardpoint felt disappointing at first, when compared to similar 'off brand' mechs like the Marauder IIC B variant and the Skoll Orion IIC hero. You look at the special Warhammer hero and wonder what the heck you can do with it. Even still, pulse lasers come to mind along with an ATM 12 with jump jets and a larger than normal engine. It has some potential.

Free is free. Thank you for the gift.

#189 LordNothing


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Posted 04 December 2018 - 11:40 AM

whammy is going to be a good cerppc/hll/erll boat. that corsair comes stock with dual gauss so it should be viable if not pretty.

#190 Mechwarrior772492


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Posted 04 December 2018 - 11:59 AM

View PostAidan Kell, on 04 December 2018 - 10:59 AM, said:

The hero variant included in the preorder packages is a different hero than the one we’re getting through this event.

Ah ok, thanks for the correction.

#191 Arjohan


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Posted 04 December 2018 - 12:09 PM

Thanks for the free 2 'Mechbays, MC and CBills, but I was expecting Hero 'Mechs like last year... Well, can't do much for asking it, can't wait for future content

#192 thievingmagpi


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Posted 04 December 2018 - 12:10 PM

View PostMatt Newman, on 04 December 2018 - 10:28 AM, said:

Hey guys

Sorry for the slow update... Mech_Con took a lot out of us.
I had this other thing that needed to get taken care of yesterday.
Mech Info is up now and the Qualification times as well.
Will continue to work on this stuff to get you more details and post the event pages
  • A couple Mechs came out for MC and C-Bills today Will be posting those details shortly.
  • I am going to Start working on the Advent Calendar event and posting those details tomorrow.
  • I have the Charger and Hatimoto Chi Release countdown to start. Will do 1st post tomorrow.
  • Stocking Stuffer event and December Sales need to be planned.
  • not to mention a bunch of housekeeping stuff to finish up from Mech_Con.
I appreciate any patience you can extend at this time while I try and work through this backlog of Items.

thanks for the updates!

#193 GaelicWolf


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Posted 04 December 2018 - 12:22 PM

1st of all, I do thank you for the Chritmas presents, I really do. The combination of MC/C-Bills/Stocking stuffers, as well as two Mech and bays are extraordinary gifts and we ALL should be sayimng thank you.

But.......I do have to ask why is the Warhammer IIC Hero Varient, not equal to but WORSE than every other varient as well as some of the other assault class Mechs. Hell we can put those hard points on most Heavy's and some Medium's

Posted Image

Edited by GaelicWolf, 04 December 2018 - 12:22 PM.

#194 Arkhangel


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Posted 04 December 2018 - 12:23 PM

View PostRunecarver, on 04 December 2018 - 11:20 AM, said:

This Warhammer IIC hero could have had something actually interesting like missile or ballistic hardpoints on the arms. Instead it's... just sad. A single missile hardpoint, unless you're trying to joke around with a NARC launcher, will not have any chance to make a difference on a clan mech. One ATM launcher just gets destroyed by even one enemy anti missile system. One LRM launcher is just wasted tonnage for no real effect. One SRM launcher is just wasted tonnage. One Streak launcher is just wasted tonnage. Two could have been usable. One is worthless.

Also, your designers need to understand that one or two jump jets do not equal the actual practical applications of a weapon hardpoint. Having less weapon hardpoints because you can use slots and tonnage for jump jets doesn't make it fair when the things can't even look down enough to use those torso hardpoints without getting obliterated by the variants with more guns.

Apparently you've never heard of cover and teamwork..

Edited by Arkhangel, 04 December 2018 - 12:25 PM.

#195 Mafarrico


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Posted 04 December 2018 - 01:07 PM

View PostBwah Ha Ha, on 01 December 2018 - 11:10 PM, said:

So only on the 27th??? A timeframe when A lot of folks are out of town for the holidays. Another poorly planned event then.

Really? You salt even this?

#196 Warning incoming Humble Dexterer


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Posted 04 December 2018 - 01:20 PM

View PostMafarrico, on 04 December 2018 - 01:07 PM, said:

Really? You salt even this?

Thing is a few players in this thread have already posted they know they will be away from home for the holidays and not available to log in on that day, so even if I'm not concerned either, he's right to point this out for those who are.

#197 D V Devnull


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Posted 04 December 2018 - 01:28 PM

View PostMatt Newman, on 04 December 2018 - 10:28 AM, said:

Hey guys

Sorry for the slow update... Mech_Con took a lot out of us.
I had this other thing that needed to get taken care of yesterday.
Mech Info is up now and the Qualification times as well.
Will continue to work on this stuff to get you more details and post the event pages
  • A couple Mechs came out for MC and C-Bills today Will be posting those details shortly.
  • I am going to Start working on the Advent Calendar event and posting those details tomorrow.
  • I have the Charger and Hatimoto Chi Release countdown to start. Will do 1st post tomorrow.
  • Stocking Stuffer event and December Sales need to be planned.
  • not to mention a bunch of housekeeping stuff to finish up from Mech_Con.
I appreciate any patience you can extend at this time while I try and work through this backlog of Items.

Hello there, Matt... I just caught up with the discussion here too. Glad to see you posting in. ^_^

Anywho, I see you're way overworked, thanks to Russ and the Other Staff dropping a bit much on your shoulders. I've got a suggestion to fix that, and I'm sure there are others who would be personally fine with you using this. All you would have to do is skip building the Advent Calendar Event (particularly if it's a Daily-type) completely, and avoid giving yourself extra trouble both on your end, as well as from those in the Player Base that would gripe over 'getting burned out' before the main "Holiday Stocking Stuffer Event" arrives. That would also let you re-devote resources more where you want and need them, as well as let you recover better from the happenings of "Mech_Con 2018", so that other things can be much better than how they might end up right now. Plus, it would let those who will be fighting the siderail of the Holidays not feel like they're being snubbed by the Holiday Events conflicting with whatever Offline Holiday Happenings going on at their end. That can only really net you a positive result, or at least that's what I think even if nobody else agrees. :D

Heck, you could probably get away with dropping the Advent Calendar series of Event Items in tandem with lengthening the Holiday Bonus Match Window to 48 Hours (or more) by packing another 6 hours (or more) on both sides of it. I've already been seeing some people in this thread previously who are saying it needed to be way longer than Last Year's Window due to things they apparently are unable to avoid. I might not need the extra time myself, but I do know there are those out there who will appreciate a Larger Window to get their Qualifying Match in. :)

Also, I'm making no assumptions on how much of this thread that you've read so far. (For all I know, you had to skip a bit to save time, right?) Here's an Extra Link back to an earlier post of mine (which also has a link to another useful one further back) so you can take in the Suggestion Info for possible use later on during the Holiday Cycle. B)

EDIT :: By the way, after I hit the 'Post Button', I'm throwing a '+Like' on your post! Don't let the clowns keep making you overwork yourself! :o

Now... I hope you'll please pardon me, for I need to go find the Mech that I parked nearby, and use it to get where I can eat some food in reasonably short order. I'm unfortunately getting a headache from some things that happened to me offline last night (And literally have nothing to do with MWO, seriously!), and I'm going to consider myself lucky that I could even type this post out before succumbing to having to walk away again. :unsure:

~Mr. D. V. "definitely thinking our friendly Matt Newman should NOT have to keep overworking theirself" Devnull

[One Extra Edit by Post Author after their Main Edit for a Formatting Error. What an extra headache. Argh!]

Edited by D V Devnull, 04 December 2018 - 01:35 PM.

#198 Radkres


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Posted 04 December 2018 - 01:32 PM

A Suggestion for the Warhammer IIC Hero Add a Left Torso Missile Hard point So it would be the same in both Torsos. Anyway an idea!

#199 FyrstormTheArtist


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Posted 04 December 2018 - 01:33 PM

Hm. Given the lack of hardpoints on that Warhammer, I'm honestly kinda tempted to run some sort of horrific Charger IIC sort of build on it-- Clan XL 385, five Small Pulse, full jump jets, AMS, and maybe an SRM launcher if I feel like it. It'll be incredibly awful, but utterly hilarious at the same time.

I'll run a far more serious build on the Corsair, of course, since it's looking pretty nice and useful.

#200 denAirwalkerrr


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Posted 04 December 2018 - 01:43 PM

Thanks for hero Corsair and free mechbay instead of actual WHM-IIC!

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