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Faction Play Update - Post Mechcon 2018

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#321 Monkey Lover


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Posted 03 January 2019 - 01:45 PM

View PostYondu Udonta, on 03 January 2019 - 11:35 AM, said:

As much as I understand the idea of lore, I think the majority of FPers would agree with me that scouting is boring and would not want to have a scouting-only queue for half a day. Just to let you know.

Scouting is the only mode my unit will play. I know this might be a crazyyyyyyyyy idea,,,,,,, but maybe they could improve scouting?

ok back to my hole, i will see how the word doc is doing again in 2 months.

Edited by Monkey Lover, 03 January 2019 - 01:58 PM.

#322 Vectoron The Black Minister


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Posted 03 January 2019 - 08:15 PM



To preface this
I, like many others, really wanted unit MechBays in this game. Where units could loan mechs to be used. I believe I heard or saw something where PGI said that’s just not really possible. Okay. That sucks, but there are other things we can do with a similar effect to that.

Here is where I think options exist for UNIT REWARDS AND MECH FUN!

This is a lot. I understand. Please consider this as a MAJOR STEP toward long term stabilization of Faction Warfare, and its prosperous future.

TLDR to start;

To the Heart through the Stomach

(The Whole Enchilada)


  • Allow units to donate a total of 5-20 million C-bills to pilots (number of pilots able to receive bonus uncapped) in their unit. (Pilots may only receive a total of 5-20 million c-bills a week from Unit Coffers.)
  • OPTIONAL: Starting now - Hard Limit the amount of C-Bills able to be donated to ANY UNIT regardless of size to (say... 50-100 million C-Bills) a week. Units should always have something to work for, and now that this money is spendable – it should absolutely be something that needs to be worked for. This also further limits/prevents account liquidation abuse.
  • Pilots must spend at least 25 Million C-bills before they are permitted to donate to their unit. This is to prevent players form using cadet bonuses as a means of gaming the system.


  • Introduce a Unit Inventory where units can store and donate (to their members) FW EARNED Tech.
  • Add in a FW Black Market with a limited and rotating weekly supply of goods for sale to ALL UNITS. All tech bought this way is donatable to players in unit. All tech costs the unit 2-3 times normal cost.
  • Add Faction/Alignment Based CACHES (Supply drops). These can work similarly to the current existing Supply Drop framework but are for UNIT INVENTORIES and behave differently depending on if you are a mercenary or loyalist. For more see explanation.


STEP ONE (UNIT INVENTORY): Unit inventory gives units a way to buy, sell, store, and use equipment gained over the course of their battles together. This can be used to donate to pilots in unit as a reward for their services, and to further aid pilots filling new dropships.
  • Can store donatable BattleMechs – mechs can only be given to members in unit, and only through the unit.
  • If a unit member is selected to be given a Mech, they must first ACCEPT the mech given to them. (Mechbay Slot Reasons)
  • Can store donatable weapons, engines, and equipment.
  • Can donate weapons, engines, and equipment to pilots in unit.
  • Members cannot donate weapons, equipment, or mechs to a unit. Unit Items can only be gained via the following pathways presented next. (Earn the stuff by playing or participating in FW).
STEP TWO (RETURN OF THE BLACK MARKET): A Black Market should be introduced so that units have the ability to purchase mechs and equipment with their unit coffers. This equipment should exist as a LIMITED AND ROTATING WEEKLY SUPPLY, and ALL EQUIPMENT PURCHASED THIS WAY SHOULD BE MORE EXPENSIVE THAN ITS ORIGNAL VALUE. Meaning that if units wants new mechs and equipment to GIVE their guys, they MUST check the game each week to see what’s new. This brings in ACTIVITY and a special kind of feature that keeps things interesting and different.
  • Add a Black Market to FW.
  • The Black Market has a limited supply of Mechs and items in it. (Supply levels are equal for one unit to the next) (Recommended a low number of Mechs per type… say 6 IS Mechs and 4 Clan mechs every week).
  • The Black Market randomly rotates its weekly supply, similar to Xur in Destiny.
  • Items Bought here are 2x-3x more expensive than “normal”.
  • Items sold on the Black Market should be reduced in price compared to that of standard buying and selling for individual pilots.
  • HEAVY RECOMMEND: Do not include hero mechs here. Let pilots get their own.
  • OPTIONAL: Certain pieces of gear are discounted to 1.5x price depending on loyalty status of originating faction.
STEP THREE (THEMED UNIT SUPPLY CACHES): Create a UNIT CACHE DROP system. The drop bar gets easier to fill and the system increases the chance of rare caches depending upon your units existing LP/Standing with a faction, or performance in game. The Caches are different between MERCENARIES and LOYALTISTS! (WE DON’T NEED NO STINKIN’ COCKPIT ITEMS – GIVE US CASH AND GUNS!)

MERCENARIES: Receive LARGE sums of UNIT COFFER C-Bills, and a very marginal amount of tech. Rare supply “donations” may contain a mech of some kind based on the faction you’re fighting for. We’ll get our gear on The Black Market!

LOYALISTS: Don’t get much if any money but get a TON of equipment and weapons. Regularly see decent light/medium BattleMechs. Rare Drops will contain a highly rated Heavy or Assault class mech for your unit. All tech based on which faction you’re with. Who needs a Black Market when you’re a true enlisted loyalist!
  • The Match Score of all playing Unit Members is used to push the reward bar.
  • This could use LP/Merc Equivalent to determine how long much match score is required to fill a reward bar
  • This could use LP/Merc Equivalent to determine how likely you are to receive a RARE/ULTRA RARE cache.
  • This system gives something each week for just playing and doing your best in FW.
  • This system is a way to differentiate and truly choose between Loyalist and Mercenary.
  • Everyone is a winner, without actually always having to be the big dog at the very top.
Potential Questions FAQ
  • No, this system doesn’t replace the MC rewards for taking planets.
  • Yes, you can still buy and use YOUR OWN MECHS normally to use in Faction Warfare.
  • This system allows Units to be rewarded easier, faster, and always.
  • This system allows UNITS to reward their player-base.
Closing statement:
The problems units experience after a while is that they feel like they truly aren’t rewarded for their efforts– and just REALLY GOOD units are. I’m a huge purveyor of GIT-GUD Brand Encouragement. None of that rhetoric matters if people don’t feel reward even for their efforts, which may be huge for them.

Combat for its own sake can and does eventually grow old. Being, and feeling rewarded DOESN’T. Everyone should feel rewarded for their own time and hard work.

This will be a lot of work, but I feel like a lot of work is what’ll be needed regardless.

Rewards are the way to bring back activity and interest (Check your events for proof of this) Rewards are what you get for your time.

This better provides and defines differences between Mercenary or a Loyalist. Are you and your unit just in this for a huge check? Or are you in this for your homeland and being given the tools you need to never see it fall?

Unit Involvement.
All of this has been about units if you’ve paid close attention. Nothing in here, or in any of my posts has been about giving better rewards to solo players. This should entice the lone wolf to consider joining a group and being rewarded for it. It’s a carrot on a stick for solo players to join a unit, without beating them with that stick.

Every week is different.
This is a way to keep activity constant, and fun. People will WANT to log in to see whats waiting for them. The ideas presented here deal in this.

Every Battle has a different outcome.
More than just on paper, you are given something for the fight you entered. You can SEE what you’re given for your time and USE it.

Thank you for reading this!

This will be my last suggestion post in this thread.

I hope it serves you all well and look forward to hearing from you!


(Edits for spacing and grammar).

Edited by Vectoron The Black Minister, 04 January 2019 - 09:16 AM.

#323 GweNTLeR


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Posted 04 January 2019 - 02:30 AM

View PostYondu Udonta, on 03 January 2019 - 11:35 AM, said:

As much as I understand the idea of lore, I think the majority of FPers would agree with me that scouting is boring and would not want to have a scouting-only queue for half a day. Just to let you know.

If we were to choose one representative from the whole FP community, it would be Yondu. He playes both sides alot, streams alot and acutally makes fights fun when played with/against him.

#324 Bishop Six


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Posted 04 January 2019 - 03:11 AM

View PostGweNTLeR, on 04 January 2019 - 02:30 AM, said:

If we were to choose one representative from the whole FP community, it would be Yondu. He playes both sides alot, streams alot and acutally makes fights fun when played with/against him.

You are right, he is FP hero :)

But, i saw that the experiences of people are very different because of time zones.

In EU prime time we have another balance of players on both sides than US or Asian Timezone.

I think if we could choose some representatives for the community we need them from all time zones, i think about Ash for example who is also doing a great job. And there are many US players who surely can bringing in efforts to this topic as well.

What i want to say: There are different feelings about FP in different time zones because the setup of players (quality/sides/style of play) change from zone to zone.

#325 MischiefSC


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Posted 04 January 2019 - 09:08 AM

View PostVectoron The Black Minister, on 03 January 2019 - 08:15 PM, said:



To preface this
I, like many others, really wanted unit MechBays in this game. Where units could loan mechs to be used. I believe I heard or saw something where PGI said that’s just not really possible. Okay. That sucks, but there is other things we can do with a similar effect to that.

Here is where I think we still have options for UNIT REWARDS AND MECH FUN!

This is a lot. I understand. Please consider this as a MAJOR STEP toward long term stabilization of Faction Warfare, and its prosperous future.

TLDR to start;

To the Heart through the Stomach

(The Whole Enchilada)


  • Allow units to donate a total of 5-20 million C-bills to pilots (number of pilots able to receive bonus uncapped) in their unit. (Pilots may only receive a total of 5-20 million c-bills a week from Unit Coffers.)
  • OPTIONAL: Starting now - Hard Limit the amount of C-Bills able to be donated to ANY UNIT regardless of size to (say... 50-100 million C-Bills) a week. Units should always have something to work for, and now that this money is spendable – it should absolutely be something that needs to be worked for. This also further limits/prevents account liquidation abuse.
  • Pilots must spend at least 25 Million C-bills before they are permitted to donate to their unit. This is to prevent players form using cadet bonuses as a means of gaming the system.


  • Introduce a Unit Inventory where units can store and donate (to their members) FW EARNED Tech.
  • Add in a FW Black Market with a limited and rotating weekly supply of goods for sale to ALL UNITS. All tech bought this way is donatable to players in unit. All tech costs the unit 2-3 times normal cost.
  • Add Faction/Alignment Based CACHES (Supply drops). These can work similarly to the current existing Supply Drop framework but are for UNIT INVENTORIES and behave differently depending on if you are a mercenary or loyalist. For more see explanation.


STEP ONE (UNIT INVENTORY): Unit inventory gives units a way to buy, sell, store, and use equipment gained over the course of their battles together. This can be used to donate to pilots in unit as a reward for their services, and to further aid pilots filling new dropships.
  • Can store donatable BattleMechs – mechs can only be given to members in unit, and only through the unit.
  • If a unit member is selected to be given a Mech, they must first ACCEPT the mech given to them. (Mechbay Slot Reasons)
  • Can store donatable weapons, engines, and equipment.
  • Can donate weapons, engines, and equipment to pilots in unit.
  • Members cannot donate weapons, equipment, or mechs to a unit. Unit Items can only be gained via the following pathways presented next. (Earn the stuff by playing or participating in FW).
STEP TWO (RETURN OF THE BLACK MARKET): A Black Market should be introduced so that units have the ability to purchase mechs and equipment with their unit coffers. This equipment should exist as a LIMITED AND ROTATING WEEKLY SUPPLY, and ALL EQUIPMENT PURCHASED THIS WAY SHOULD BE MORE EXPENSIVE THAN ITS ORIGNAL VALUE. Meaning that if units wants new mechs and equipment to GIVE their guys, they MUST check the game each week to see what’s new. This brings in ACTIVITY and a special kind of feature that keeps things interesting and different.
  • Add a Black Market to FW.
  • The Black Market has a limited supply of Mechs and items in it. (Supply levels are equal for one unit to the next) (Recommended a low number of Mechs per type… say 6 IS Mechs and 4 Clan mechs every week).
  • The Black Market randomly rotates its weekly supply, similar to Xur in Destiny.
  • Items Bought here are 2x-3x more expensive than “normal”.
  • Items sold on the Black Market should be reduced in price compared to that of standard buying and selling for individual pilots.
  • HEAVY RECOMMEND: Do not include hero mechs here. Let pilots get their own.
  • OPTIONAL: Certain pieces of gear are discounted to 1.5x price depending on loyalty status of originating faction.
STEP THREE (THEMED UNIT SUPPLY CACHES): Create a UNIT CACHE DROP system. The drop bar gets easier to fill and the system increases the chance of rare caches depending upon your units existing LP/Standing with a faction, or performance in game. The Caches are different between MERCENARIES and LOYALTISTS! (WE DON’T NEED NO STINKIN’ COCKPIT ITEMS – GIVE US CASH AND GUNS!)

MERCENARIES: Receive LARGE sums of UNIT COFFER C-Bills, and a very marginal amount of tech. Rare supply “donations” may contain a mech of some kind based on the faction you’re fighting for. We’ll get our gear on The Black Market!

LOYALISTS: Don’t get much if any money but get a TON of equipment and weapons. Regularly see decent light/medium BattleMechs. Rare Drops will contain a highly rated Heavy or Assault class mech for your unit. All tech based on which faction you’re with. Who needs a Black Market when you’re a true enlisted loyalist!
  • The Match Score of all playing Unit Members is used to push the reward bar.
  • This could use LP/Merc Equivalent to determine how long much match score is required to fill a reward bar
  • This could use LP/Merc Equivalent to determine how likely you are to receive a RARE/ULTRA RARE cache.
  • This system gives something each week for just playing and doing your best in FW.
  • This system is a way to differentiate and truly choose between Loyalist and Mercenary.
  • Everyone is a winner, without actually always having to be the big dog at the very top.
Potential Questions FAQ
  • No, this system doesn’t replace the MC rewards for taking planets.
  • Yes, you can still buy and use YOUR OWN MECHS normally to use in Faction Warfare.
  • This system allows Units to be rewarded easier, faster, and always.
  • This system allows UNITS to reward their player-base.
Closing statement:

The problems units experience after a while is that they feel like they truly aren’t rewarded for their efforts– and just REALLY GOOD units are. I’m a huge purveyor of GIT-GUD Brand Encouragement. None of that rhetoric matters if people don’t feel reward even for their efforts, which may be huge for them.

Combat for its own sake can and does eventually grow old. Being, and feeling rewarded DOESN’T. Everyone should feel rewarded for their own time and hard work.

This will be a lot of work, but I feel like a lot of work is what’ll be needed regardless.

Rewards are the way to bring back activity and interest (Check your events for proof of this) Rewards are what you get for your time.

This better provides and defines differences between Mercenary or a Loyalist. Are you and your unit just in this for a huge check? Or are you in this for your homeland and being given the tools you need to never see it fall?

Unit Involvement.
All of this has been about units if you’ve paid close attention. Nothing in here, or in any of my posts has been about giving better rewards to solo players. This should entice the lone wolf to consider joining a group and being rewarded for it. It’s a carrot on a stick for solo players to join a unit, without beating them with that stick.

Every week is different.
This is a way to keep activity constant, and fun. People will WANT to log in to see whats waiting for them. The ideas presented here deal in this.

Every Battle has a different outcome.
More than just on paper, you are given something for the fight you entered. You can SEE what you’re given for your time and USE it.

Thank you for reading this!

This will be my last suggestion post in this thread.

I hope it serves you all well and look forward to hearing from you!


(Edits for spacing and grammar).

So much in this that can be taken piece meal if need be but any of it would breathe a lot of new life into FW.

FW was originally full of tens of thousands of players, the majority of whom were in units. Those units would help find and onboard new players. Tools to make that a good, viable thing (like unit donations to get mechs that are then given away) does a lot of good things.

If I buy a mech pack the onerous process of 30+ matches per mech to level it to FW useful means A) I don't buy mech packs anymore unless I know ahead of time it'll be stellar and B ) I often wait to get 1 or 2 because I know the others will never be touched. This is specifically why I don't own every mech pack PGI has ever made. 8 hours dropping in an un leveled mech that I'll probably only play periodically is just never going to happen.

If I can donate mechs to the unit to go to new players to get FW decks together and help them get going that benefits everyone. It doesn't change the grind because either the unit needs to give them mechbays or they need to buy their own and they'll need to get their own good mechs (not the ones people are willing to give away). It's not zero sum; this will inevitably work to sink cbills and MC out of existing stockpiles and drive more total purchases, meaning money for PGI.

The idea of a black market is awesome. So much could be done with that. The best way to bring people back to play FW isn't just about HOW FW plays but WHY YOU WOULD PLAY IT.

#326 Vectoron The Black Minister


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Posted 04 January 2019 - 09:24 AM

View PostMischiefSC, on 04 January 2019 - 09:08 AM, said:

If I can donate mechs to the unit to go to new players to get FW decks together and help them get going that benefits everyone. It doesn't change the grind because either the unit needs to give them mechbays or they need to buy their own and they'll need to get their own good mechs (not the ones people are willing to give away). It's not zero sum; this will inevitably work to sink cbills and MC out of existing stockpiles and drive more total purchases, meaning money for PGI.

Thank you for your support Mischief! Great post!

I'd like to focus on this part here for just a second.

A wonderful and easy addition to the "Big Picture" idea!

Add into step one of part two: Can use gift store to buy your unit donatable Mechs. Select Donate to Current Unit and the mechs bought go to the inventory!

Is this what you're picturing? Thats what I'm picturing (and I like the image).

#327 Tarl Cabot


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Posted 04 January 2019 - 08:31 PM

View PostMischiefSC, on 04 January 2019 - 09:08 AM, said:

So much in this that can be taken piece meal if need be but any of it would breathe a lot of new life into FW.


If I can donate mechs to the unit to go to new players to get FW decks together and help them get going that benefits everyone. It doesn't change the grind because either the unit needs to give them mechbays or they need to buy their own and they'll need to get their own good mechs (not the ones people are willing to give away). It's not zero sum; this will inevitably work to sink cbills and MC out of existing stockpiles and drive more total purchases, meaning money for PGI.

The idea of a black market is awesome. So much could be done with that. The best way to bring people back to play FW isn't just about HOW FW plays but WHY YOU WOULD PLAY IT.

On Unit donation, I would go with it in a few ways. Unit donation and Unit CO can designate X people who would be able to properly setup said mech using unit funds. Skills I would set it to allow X amount but not the full 91, so better than a Trial mech but not all the way tricked out. Unit mechs would be available but only on a log in basis, to prevent a mech from being locked out. Said player would not be able to make any changes to the mech, again, because it is a unit mech and not a personal mech.

Unit CO and assigned members would also be able to lock a mech up to prevent use, or lock a player from utilizing said unit mech.

#328 Vectoron The Black Minister


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Posted 05 January 2019 - 07:36 AM

View PostVectoron The Black Minister, on 03 January 2019 - 08:15 PM, said:

To preface this
I, like many others, really wanted unit MechBays in this game. Where units could loan mechs to be used. I believe I heard or saw something where PGI said that’s just not really possible. Okay. That sucks, but there are other things we can do with a similar effect to that.

View PostTarl Cabot, on 04 January 2019 - 08:31 PM, said:

On Unit donation, I would go with it in a few ways. Unit donation and Unit CO can designate X people who would be able to properly setup said mech using unit funds. Skills I would set it to allow X amount but not the full 91, so better than a Trial mech but not all the way tricked out. Unit mechs would be available but only on a log in basis, to prevent a mech from being locked out. Said player would not be able to make any changes to the mech, again, because it is a unit mech and not a personal mech.

Unit CO and assigned members would also be able to lock a mech up to prevent use, or lock a player from utilizing said unit mech.


Thanks for joining the conversation! Great ideas here! I totally dig the system for Unit Mech usage! Sounds a lot though like Unit MechBays with (Loanable Mechs) ( an idea that is very similar to one I had in the works too). I'm a fan.

From what I had heard, they couldn't do that though... some resource or programming thing. The "Donate to Pilot from FW Unit Inventory" idea I had was actually in place of "Unit Mech Bays".

If they CAN do that, this would be really cool! Only thing is they'd need to create a unit MechBay (Hanger) system as well.

Edited by Vectoron The Black Minister, 05 January 2019 - 07:50 AM.

#329 Nightbird


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Posted 05 January 2019 - 07:56 AM

I support all the ideas that improve QoL for existing players. I just want to point out (for the nth time) that unless the difficulty curve is lowered for the less than seasoned players, 99% of people that try FP will quit after being ground into dust a few times.

(QoL improvements or not)

Edited by Nightbird, 05 January 2019 - 09:52 AM.

#330 Oils


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Posted 05 January 2019 - 05:00 PM

Stop spawn camping night and some of us might come back (EFRT as well)

#331 Nightbird


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Posted 05 January 2019 - 07:46 PM

Spawn camping is how PGI wants us to play? It's why they created the walls to protect us from dropships right?

#332 Major Major Catch 22


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Posted 06 January 2019 - 01:38 AM

View PostNightbird, on 05 January 2019 - 07:46 PM, said:

Spawn camping is how PGI wants us to play? It's why they created the walls to protect us from dropships right?

gr8 nighty we try to get new ppl in and you troll and salt, how about something constructive?

#333 GweNTLeR


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Posted 06 January 2019 - 04:26 AM

View PostMajor Major Catch 22, on 06 January 2019 - 01:38 AM, said:

gr8 nighty we try to get new ppl in and you troll and salt, how about something constructive?

OK BRO, you want constructive?


Edited by GweNTLeR, 06 January 2019 - 04:28 AM.

#334 razor31


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Posted 06 January 2019 - 05:45 AM

View PostMonkey Lover, on 03 January 2019 - 01:45 PM, said:

Scouting is the only mode my unit will play. I know this might be a crazyyyyyyyyy idea,,,,,,, but maybe they could improve scouting?

ok back to my hole, i will see how the word doc is doing again in 2 months.

I personally think you (PGI) need to listen less to the people who have 7000+ posts (forum warriors), and pay more attention to people who have 7000+ drops

View PostYondu Udonta, on 03 January 2019 - 11:35 AM, said:

As much as I understand the idea of lore, I think the majority of FPers would agree with me that scouting is boring and would not want to have a scouting-only queue for half a day. Just to let you know.

#335 Nightbird


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Posted 06 January 2019 - 09:55 AM

I see much whining about spawn camping (caused by unevenly skilled teams in FP) but no support for my tonnage restriction idea to make teams more balanced. Could it be... deep inside you enjoy getting shot out of the drop ship? Grief not, I will realize your innermost desires.

#336 blackchip13


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Posted 07 January 2019 - 12:06 AM

The pugs get longtom. Problem solved.

#337 justcallme A S H


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Posted 07 January 2019 - 03:23 AM

View PostPaul Inouye, on 02 January 2019 - 03:38 PM, said:

Pillar 2: Update participation choices and story driven conflicts.
Participating as a Merc Unit
  • Merc Units are deposited into the general queue.
  • Merc Unit participation requires a group of [2] or more. (Critical: this should be tunable via Configurations in MC^2)
  • Merc Unit participation gains a small [5%] CB boost for every match they play.

Thanks for the update Paul. Looks like those items are progressing well. The above quote is absolutely the biggest concern I can see. Members of a MERC unit as a contract choice cannot drop unless they are in a a group is going to lock a lot of players out.

Sometimes I want to solo drop. If I'm forced to go through the motions of the following
  • Going through my friends list (Which still doesn't sort properly).
  • Oceanic timezone can be limited.
  • Then find someone on the same side / contract.
  • Then wait 10-15mins till they get out of their current QP match to see my message.
  • Then they have to be willing to drop FP with me.
All that process just so I can play? I simply won't as it's extremelty painful. I appreciate FP is about group play but specifically targeting MERCs here is a bad idea.

#338 justcallme A S H


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Posted 07 January 2019 - 03:28 AM

View PostPaul Inouye, on 02 January 2019 - 03:38 PM, said:

Planet X is under attack from Faction A and is to be defended by Faction B. If Faction A wins, they will flip the planet in their favor. For the first part of this event, 12hrs of Scouting Mode only will occur as the attackers must gain information about the planet and its defenses. The next 24 hrs will be Skirmish on various maps between Faction A and B. (Players are still locked into the Faction they chose). The next 24hrs will be Assault on various maps between Faction A and B. (Players are still locked into the Faction they chose). The last 48hrs will be Siege on the map that makes the most sense for the planet's ambient environment. At the end, the Faction with the most wins over the course of the event, will be declared the victor. If Faction A has the most wins, the planet will flip ownership

Second one.. This is another big one. I realise it is an example only in terms of the duration - however being forced to play scouting will mean again a big portion of the active FP community just won't play if locked/forced into a certain mode. I look at scouting in a similar way to Escort.

I can see the reason behind locking the mode/map, such that to create a sense of conflict and so on. I don't think that is the right way to go about it however.

Also 24hrs of just skirmish kinda gets the same reaction. I really love the randomness of the bar currently and the fact Siege maps get thrown in among the QP maps/modes on a weighted percentage. I know some prefer more siege, some more QP - overall the balance there currently feels good.

Further to that being locked onto say Vitric Forge for 24hrs of choke-point warrior? Or Boreal Vault? Which would literally be players worst nightmare Posted Image

Again I get the idea however the majority of players I've spoken to on this are definately against it.

#339 Reno Blade


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Posted 07 January 2019 - 06:50 AM

Incentive to play FP for me would cover at least these:
- Gameplay is fun and balanced
This is already difficult to get in QP, so it will be hard to achieve and I will skip this point here.

- Matches are worth the time, no matter the stomp/balance
This could be easier to achieve with the previously mentioned bonus credits for underdogs (recieving a stomp should not net you 0 LP and low CB) and more ingame events (e.g. higher team bonus, savior bonus ...)

- Metagame for Planets and factions (investments, defending and conquering with meaning)
This might be a bigger task, but is one of the core pillars needed to feel some kind of progress.
It could start with using LP as currency to add some buffs (to base/turrets/mechs) or some other multipliers (LP/CB, countdowns...) and go as far as giving each Faction specific buffs or Faction specific Mechs some buffs...
Some ideas from last year: https://mwomercs.com...p-and-gp-united

Having quicker queue time or where you can continue to use the rest of the game (mechlab, chat ...) would be a QoL improvement on top.

#340 Vectoron The Black Minister


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Posted 07 January 2019 - 07:43 AM

View PostReno Blade, on 07 January 2019 - 06:50 AM, said:

Incentive to play FP for me would cover at least these:
- Gameplay is fun and balanced
This is already difficult to get in QP, so it will be hard to achieve and I will skip this point here.

- Matches are worth the time, no matter the stomp/balance
This could be easier to achieve with the previously mentioned bonus credits for underdogs (recieving a stomp should not net you 0 LP and low CB) and more ingame events (e.g. higher team bonus, savior bonus ...)

I agree.

"The best way to anyone's heart is through the stomach".

Give units incentives (rewards) for playing and continuing to play FW. I too have put a post on this (as I know you read (thank you) Posted Image) and feel the same way over all as you do.

Even if a team is getting beaten, at least they'll eventually and consistently get something for their time... and like you point out - more players going in, the better queue times get!

Edited by Vectoron The Black Minister, 07 January 2019 - 07:46 AM.

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