Spheroid, on 07 December 2018 - 12:26 PM, said:
From Classic BattleTech - Total Warfar, page 148:
In order for a unit to charge, the target must be in the hex
directly in front of the charging unit (disregarding torso twists) at
the beginning of the Physical Attack Phase. The charging unit may
not make any weapon attacks in the same turn.
Charging attacks must be declared during the Movement Phase
(Ground), but like all other physical attacks, they are resolved
during the Physical Attack Phase. This means the charging unit
can only attack units that have fi nished their movement. It also
means a charging unit cannot be the target of a charge or death
from above attack, because its movement will not be fi nished
until the end of the Physical Attack Phase.
The charging unit must spend MP to enter the target hex
regardless of whether or not the charge is successful. If a unit
does not have enough MP in the Movement Phase (Ground)
to enter the target hex, it may not make a charging attack See
Modifi ed To-Hit Number, p. 144, to determine the target number
for a charge attack.
If the attacking ’Mech takes damage during the Weapon
Attack Phase that forces the warrior to make a Piloting Skill Roll,
the player should roll as normal. A failed roll means the attack
automatically misses. Resolve the fall normally at the end of the
Weapon Attack Phase. An exception occurs if the unit falls into a
paved hex, in which case it is treated as a skidding ’Mech (this is
resolved at the end of the Weapon Attack Phase). It will skid for
a number of hexes equal to half the hexes it entered during the
Movement Phase; when it skids into the hex containing the unit
it was attempting to charge, it makes an unintentional charging
attack (see Skidding, p. 62).
If the target takes damage during the Weapon Attack Phase
that requires a Piloting Skill Roll and the roll fails, resulting in a fall,
the charge attack cannot be made (see Physical Attacks Against
Prone ’Mechs, p. 151).
MP Loss: A charging unit that loses MP due to damage can still
make a charging attack that turn.
Multiple Attacks: A unit may only be the target of one charging
or death from above attack in a given turn.
Prohibited Terrain: If the target unit occupies prohibited
terrain for the attacking unit, the attacker cannot charge
(meaning the player cannot declare a charge attack during the
Movement Phase).
Unusual Targets: A vehicle or ’Mech may charge a building
hex, or may be forced to accidentally charge a building or hill hex
under certain circumstances.
Infantry: Infantry units may not charge or be the target of
standard charge attacks.
ProtoMechs: ProtoMechs cannot be targets of charging
Vehicles: All vehicles except VTOLs, WiGEs, Airships and Fixed-
Wing Support Vehicles may make charging attacks. Vehicles may
charge other vehicles, but may not be charged by ’Mechs.
If the attack succeeds, both units take damage from the collision.
The defender takes 1 point of damage for every 10 tons that the
charging unit weighs, multiplied by the number of hexes moved
by the attacker in the Movement Phase, rounding fractions up
(the hexes moved do not count the hex containing the target).
The charging unit takes 1 point of damage for every 10 tons the
target weighs (round fractions up).
Divide the damage from charging attacks into 5-point Damage
Value groupings. The attacking player rolls once on the appropriate
Hit Location Table for each grouping.
If a unit charges a target in a building hex, the building hex
absorbs damage as normal (see Attacking Units Inside Buildings,
p. 171). The charging warrior also must make a Piloting/Driving
Skill Roll modifi ed by +3 in addition to the building modifi er to
avoid taking damage from entering the building hex (see Moving
Through Buildings, p. 167). If the charging unit crashes through
multiple building hexes, the warrior must make all appropriate
Piloting/Driving Skill Rolls upon entering each building hex.
Vehicles: When a vehicle charges a standing ’Mech, allocate
damage according to the ’Mech Kick Location Table. Against another
vehicle or a prone ’Mech, the normal hit location rules apply.
Regardless of whether a vehicle executes a successful charge
or is the target of a successful charge, in addition to any rolls that
might occur due to damage, the vehicle must make an immediate
roll on the Motive System Damage Table (see p. 193).
Unusual Targets: If a charge attack is made against a target
with no tonnage, such as a building or hill (for example, as the
result of a skid), calculate damage to the attacker using the
attacker’s tonnage rather than the target’s.
A 65-ton JagerMech moves 5 hexes and declares a charging
attack against another BattleMech. If the charging attack is
successful, the target takes 33 points of damage (6.5 for the
JagerMech’s tonnage multiplied by 5 for the number of hexes
it moved, rounded up).
If the charging attack succeeds, the target unit must move as
if it had been pushed, and the attacker advances into the target’s
hex. (See Unit Displacement, p. 151). If the attacker misses the
target, the attacking player places his unit in the hex to the right
or left of the attacker’s forward arc.
Prohibited Terrain: If the hex into which the target unit would
be displaced is prohibited terrain (except a hex more than two
levels lower than the target’s current hex; see Unit Displacement,
p. 151), neither the attacker nor the target units move; all other
eff ects occur, however, including any Piloting Skill Rolls to avoid
After any successful charging attack, the attacking and target
’Mechs must make Piloting Skill Rolls modifi ed by +2, plus all other
applicable modifi ers, or fall in the hex they currently occupy.