Teer Kerensky, on 08 December 2018 - 10:18 PM, said:
We already had then on cold maps. Due to the way different heat calculations worked, even previously a mech could dissipate heat when using stealth, as long as the map was cold.(I think it was that the enviroment dissipation was in full effect even when the heatsink dissapation was null due to stealth armor) So steath mechs could stay cool dissipating their movement heat and the small heat generated by gauss. You could even gradually dissipate normal amounts of heat, while keeping the stealth on, but that took a lot longer time than to dissipate the small amount of gauss+movement heat.
I've had lots of mechs trying to use them(stealt+gauss). Pure gauss sniping is just so weak and most players are able to spot you anyway once you shoot them few times, then they only need to fire even something like ERM outside of the max range, and their teammembers will notice what they are doing, and anyone with range will shoot you, plus some light or medium usually gets exited and comes to kick your *** as well.(Im sure you can have lots of fun with stealth gauss on tier 5, but then you can have similiar fun with streak Locusts as well)
Together with the fact that you have to be at least heavy to pack two gauss rifles plus all other stuff, it's not just going to work.
Sniping, in the sense that you are using long range weapons, and are standing in position way off the rest of your team, is just so challenging that most mechs can't do it.(if you want to try, take Mad IIC D with two ERL and two gauss)
Or if someone is more worried about single gauss stealt snipers, I think mainly Grille might be able to do it effective enough. You might as well as take Shadow cat for similiar effect. Grille is probably better though, but not because of the stealth.
Good snipers relocate after taking their shot, so if a player is standing still to try and squeeze a few shots from the same position, they deserve to get pasted. I've made the mistake more than once and I got what I deserved.
In this game, I personally think that if you're going to be investing in gauss type weapons, the best thing you can do to actually help a team is be more like a squad marksman. That means investing tonnage in usable backup weapons. So I think you're right that being at least a heavy mech is the best way to pull that off. I would even go so far as to say that the sweet spot for the role is 70-75 tons as anything heavier is just a waste of a team's tonnage.