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Special And Limited Mechs

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#1 HelloByeBye


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Posted 12 December 2018 - 09:14 AM

Hi guys!
I always wanted to see actual skins of webstore special mechs in Mechlab (like common ones and heroes). The pictures in store are often quite misleading as they may greatly differ from in-game models.

Now the only good way to view precious special mech variants you dont own is by importing someone else's loadout profile.
So feel free to post your build codes here for other curious people.

I'll start with myself


Please do not post pictures here. Post only build code. This Topic is not about weapons and other equipment, It's ONLY about unique skins of special and exclusive mechs

How to get build code:
Open Mechlab, choose your special mech, click "Loadout", press blue "EXPORT" button. Now the code is saved in your clipboard. Then post it here (and write what mech is it)

How to view mech you dont own in actual game:
Copy code of the mech you want to see. In Loadout press blue "IMPORT" button, then paste code you copied. Enjoy viewing shiny mechs

Edited by HelloByeBye, 12 December 2018 - 10:06 AM.

#2 JediPanther


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Posted 12 December 2018 - 09:31 AM

I got a lot of heroes most of the lights but here are a few.

sarah's Jenner https://goo.gl/images/AGfP1o

Founder Cat https://goo.gl/images/f7d6Xu

Hunchback Grid Iron https://goo.gl/images/wgJVXU

Oxide Jenner Herohttps://goo.gl/images/QicqDn

Panther Katana Kat https://goo.gl/images/iRVZVa

Phoenix Shadowhawk https://goo.gl/images/MQfzea

Huggin Raven Hero https://goo.gl/images/Y2ktQG

Edit as for builds I use smurfy to do most of them. https://mwo.smurfy-net.de/mechlab

Edited by JediPanther, 12 December 2018 - 09:33 AM.

#3 HelloByeBye


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Posted 12 December 2018 - 09:39 AM

View PostJediPanther, on 12 December 2018 - 09:31 AM, said:

I got a lot of heroes most of the lights but here are a few.

sarah's Jenner https://goo.gl/images/AGfP1o

Founder Cat https://goo.gl/images/f7d6Xu

Hunchback Grid Iron https://goo.gl/images/wgJVXU

Oxide Jenner Herohttps://goo.gl/images/QicqDn

Panther Katana Kat https://goo.gl/images/iRVZVa

Phoenix Shadowhawk https://goo.gl/images/MQfzea

Huggin Raven Hero https://goo.gl/images/Y2ktQG

Edit as for builds I use smurfy to do most of them. https://mwo.smurfy-net.de/mechlab

Well the main point of this topic is to share build codes to actually see in-game 3d models. Do you know how to do this?
In Loadout press blue "Export" button. The code will be copied to your clipboard. Then post it here

Edited by HelloByeBye, 12 December 2018 - 09:44 AM.

#4 JediPanther


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Posted 12 December 2018 - 09:44 AM

View PostHelloByeBye, on 12 December 2018 - 09:39 AM, said:

Well the main point of this topic is to share build codes to actually see in-game models. Do you know how to do this?
In Loadout press blue "Export" button. The code will be copied to your clipboard. Then post it here

I could but the laptop i'm using is sup bar not even meeting min specs for the game. A google image search of the mech hero's name would get you images of it. I'll make a few and post them. i'm just guessing they also show the mech's full build so maybe I can put up some actual combat viable builds with it. This laptop has about half the minimal specs needed to actually play mwo with only 5 fps in live matches.

#5 HelloByeBye


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Posted 12 December 2018 - 09:49 AM

View PostJediPanther, on 12 December 2018 - 09:44 AM, said:

I could but the laptop i'm using is sup bar not even meeting min specs for the game. A google image search of the mech hero's name would get you images of it. I'll make a few and post them. i'm just guessing they also show the mech's full build so maybe I can put up some actual combat viable builds with it. This laptop has about half the minimal specs needed to actually play mwo with only 5 fps in live matches.

I think you completely misunderstood the whole idea. I am talking about actual models which you can see in your own game. No images here (As I said, this images is not always what mech actually looks. Please do not go off topic

Edited by HelloByeBye, 12 December 2018 - 10:01 AM.

#6 Jables McBarty


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Posted 12 December 2018 - 10:12 AM

View PostHelloByeBye, on 12 December 2018 - 09:49 AM, said:

Please do not go off topic

Welcome to the forums my friend :)

#7 HelloByeBye


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Posted 12 December 2018 - 10:19 AM

I realize that I forgot to add another one. Here it is (so spooky)

#8 JediPanther


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Posted 12 December 2018 - 12:09 PM

View PostHelloByeBye, on 12 December 2018 - 09:49 AM, said:

I think you completely misunderstood the whole idea. I am talking about actual models which you can see in your own game. No images here (As I said, this images is not always what mech actually looks. Please do not go off topic

Explain how to me I am off topic there. You specifically stated you "wanted to see" and "to view." I gave you one method of doing that since special and hero mech skins are highly unlikly to change once they go live in the game. However your post did give me reason to go though my mechs,organize them, and figure out how many of what type I had so i shall list the ones I have for those other than your self to view.

I have organised them by weight class. I have also gone through the mech lab to be sure both cammo patter and the colors were set to default. While i have some clan ones I'm not devoting my entire day to this as I have other things to do.

mwo mech heroes 93/100 bays
IS lights heroes owned

1. com Ai0920D0|Igp>0|i^q>0r@0|Y?|Y?s@0|Y?|Y?tH0uH0vB0w<0:0:0
2.firestarter A92920N0pC0qC0rH0sH0tP0uP0vB0w>0=0=0
3.jenner Ak1920T0pJ0qJ0r>0s>0tP0uP0vB0w@0<0<0
4.lct AN3820<0p:0q:0r<0s<0t@0u@0vB0w<0:0:0
5.panther AV8820J0pC0qC0rH0sH0tP0uP0vB0wB0=0=0
6. raven AD2920L0pF0qF0rE0sE0tP0uP0vB0w@0:0:0
7. urbie AT8920G0p?0q?0rD0sD0tL0uL0vB0wA0=0=0

IS mediums

1. cicada A01920T0pP0qP0rB0sB0tX0uX0vB0w@0<0<0
2.hunchback A72820]0pQ0qP0rP0sP0t^0u^0vB0wC0@0?0

IS Heavies

1. cata Af082031pZ0qZ0r\0s\0tk0uk0vB0wE0B0B0
2.Catapult BB AT6120m0pX0qX0rX0sX0tl0ul0vB0wG0D0D0
3. Catapult Jester Ai1820o0pX0qX0rX0sX0tl0ul0vB0wE0D0D0
4. roughkneck AZ:820n0p\0q\0rX0sX0tl0ul0vB0wF0@0@0

Clans Heroes

1. kitfox AL7D<1I0pA0<F7qA0:F7rD0;J7sD0NQ7tL0OQ7uL0PQ7vB0IQ7w?0;0;0

Clan heavies
1. sunspider AY:D<:31p]0UX7q]0SX7r\0bW7s\0fW7tl0WX7ul0XX7vB0QX7wE0?0?0

IS Specials

is lights special
1. jenner 1. AT?920S0pK0qK0r>0s>0tP0uP0vB0wA0;0;0
2. jenner 2. AF1920P0pI0qI0r>0s>0tP0uP0vB0wD0=0=0
3. locust AY1900<0p:0q:0r<0s<0t@0u@0vB0w<0:0:0
4. panther Ac3920K0pD0qD0rH0sH0tP0uP0vB0wA0<0<0

is mediums special
1. blackjack A?7:20S0pI0qI0rL0sL0t\0u\0v@0wE0C0C0
2.. centurian 1. Ah6000b0pT0qT0rP0sP0t_0u_0vB0w>0<0<0
3. centurian 2. A80100]0pN0qN0rP0sP0t`0u`0vB0wC0B0B0
4.griffinphoenix 1. A4:120b0pV0qV0rT0sT0td0ud0vB0wF0>0>0
4. griffin 2. Am1020c0pT0qT0rT0sT0tc0uc0vB0wE0@0@0
5.hunchback founder AV?820]0|VbpP0|[<2|L@qN0|i^|i^|i^|i^rP0|Y?sP0|Y?t_0|3P|3Pu_0|3P|3PvB0|Y?wC0B0@0
6. shadowhawk phoneix A]1920d0pR0qS0|k?rT0sT0|Y?td0ud0|[OvB0|2@wD0A0B0
7. wolverine phoenix A12820f0pQ0qQ0rT0sT0tc0uc0vB0wB0C0C0
8. wolverine loyal AD5120`0pT0qT0rT0sT0td0ud0vB0wH0@0@0

is heavies special
1. catapult founder AU?820n0|Y?|Y?|VgpX0|Y?|NGqX0|Y?|NG|[<2|[O|[O|jOrX0|4@sX0|4@tl0|[O|[Oul0|Z<2vB0|[OwF0D0D0
2.thunderbolt phoenix Aa1020k0pU0qU0rX0sX0tl0ul0vB0wI0G0G0
is assassults specials
1. atlas founder AW?120Y1|Y?|Y?|bg|i^|i^|i^|i^p11|1@|1@q11|[<2|LO|Z<2|i^|i^r41|Y?s41|Y?tD1|LO|LOuD1|LO|LOvB0|LOwC0C0C0
2. atlas loyal AH3020X1po0qo0r41s41tD1uD1vB0wD0E0E0
3. kgc A]3120Y1p61q61r41s41tD1uD1vB0wC0>0>0

#9 HelloByeBye


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Posted 12 December 2018 - 12:38 PM

View PostJediPanther, on 12 December 2018 - 12:09 PM, said:

Explain how to me I am off topic there. You specifically stated you "wanted to see" and "to view." I gave you one method of doing that since special and hero mech skins are highly unlikly to change once they go live in the game. However your post did give me reason to go though my mechs,organize them, and figure out how many of what type I had so i shall list the ones I have for those other than your self to view.

I have organised them by weight class. I have also gone through the mech lab to be sure both cammo patter and the colors were set to default. While i have some clan ones I'm not devoting my entire day to this as I have other things to do.

My topic is about in-game models, not about images you posted. Please dont try to justify yourself.

I really appreciate your work. But I did not mention hero variants. Its just needless. You have wasted your time by including heroes which are available in game store.

#10 Blockpirat


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Posted 12 December 2018 - 12:47 PM

Gold Mechs:

Kit Fox



Storm Crow


Timber Wolf


Dire Wolf

#11 Jay Leon Hart


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Posted 12 December 2018 - 12:48 PM

All the Gold Clan Wave I codes are here


[Edit] Ninja'd! Posted Image [/Edit]

Edited by Jay Leon Hart, 12 December 2018 - 12:50 PM.

#12 HelloByeBye


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Posted 12 December 2018 - 12:55 PM

View PostJay Leon Hart, on 12 December 2018 - 12:48 PM, said:

All the Gold Clan Wave I codes are here

View PostBlockpirat, on 12 December 2018 - 12:47 PM, said:

Gold Mechs:

Excellent! Thank you very much! Our collection is growing

Edited by HelloByeBye, 12 December 2018 - 12:56 PM.

#13 tutzdes


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Posted 12 December 2018 - 01:13 PM

Flea FLE-17(S):


There is no need to post MC/C-Bill released heroes as they can be viewed in-game via store mech lab.

Vulcan Hero just in case, not in the store yet. VL-BL:


#14 HelloByeBye


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Posted 12 December 2018 - 01:24 PM

View Posttutzdes, on 12 December 2018 - 01:13 PM, said:

Flea FLE-17(S):


There is no need to post MC/C-Bill released heroes as they can be viewed in-game via store mech lab.

Vulcan Hero just in case, not in the store yet. VL-BL:


Thank you for contributing! I Really like this flea

#15 Renzor the Red


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Posted 20 July 2019 - 08:10 PM

This is neat. I'll keep this going. It's cool to look at the mechs in Camo Spec. I wish I could get my hands on some of those limited offerings. Posted Image

My specials:

Flea 17(S) A7;:20C0p?0q?0r:0s;0t@0u@0v10w505050

Jenner IIC(O) AY5D40Z0pJ0qJ0rB0sB0tP0uP0v:0w:08080

Osiris 3D(S) AP9920R0pF0qF0r@0sD0tL0uL0v90w606060

Wolfhound 2( R ) A>5920R0pF0qF0r50sH0tP0uP0v>0w:0:0:0

Bushwacker X1(S) Ad7:30n0p\0q\0rR0sR0td0ud0v80w:08080

Crab 27( R ) A95920e0pV0qV0rP0sP0tV0uV0v40w;0:0:0

Hunchback 4P(S) AV5820d0pR0qV0rP0sP0t[0u[0v:0w<0:0>0

Hunchback IIC(O) A^5D40f0pV0qV0rB0sB0t`0u`0v?0w:0:0:0

Vapor Eagle 1(S) AZ;D4011p]0q]0rC0sC0td0ud0v80w707070

Catapult MW5 C2(S) AT<:30<1pf0qf0rH0sI0te0ue0v>0w806060

Marauder MAD-3R(S) AH5:20B1pf0qf0r`0s`0tj0uj0v80w:0:0:0

Marauder MW5 9M(S) AV<820B1pf0qf0r`0s`0t01u01vB0w:0:0:0

Warhammer MW5 9D(S) AU<820>1pb0qb0r\0s\0tl0ul0v@0w:0:0:0

Annihilator 2A(S) Ae8820^1p61q61r41s41to0uo0v60w>0>0>0

Fafnir 5(S) A[:820Z1p41q41r41s41t=1u=1v:0wB0@0@0

King Crab MW5 001(S) AW<:20`1p81q81rl0sl0tl0ul0v:0w<0<0<0

Mad Cat MKII 1(S) A39D40X1p01q01rl0sl0t<1u<1vB0w<0<0<0

Does anyone have a Supernova 1(S)? I'd love to see what the camo looks like in the game instead of just in the store.

Too bad we can't trade/sell/give away special mechs to each other.

Edited by Renzor the Red, 20 July 2019 - 08:12 PM.

#16 Armored Yokai


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Posted 20 July 2019 - 09:52 PM

Credit to BlockPirat for the Gold Mechs and Invasion series
Credit for Ash Mechum for the Preorders
Credit for Cykath for the all the I.S Specials/Resistance/Loyalties

Jenner AT?920S0pK0qK0r>0s>0tP0uP0vB0wA0;0;0
Hunchback AV?820]0|VbpP0|[<2|L@qN0|i^|i^|i^|i^rP0|Y?sP0|Y?t_0|3P|3Pu_0|3P|3PvB0|Y?wC0B0@0
Catapult AU?820n0|Y?|Y?|VgpX0|Y?|NGqX0|Y?|NG|[<2|[O|[O|jOrX0|4@sX0|4@tl0|[O|[Oul0|Z<2vB0|[OwF0D0D0
Atlas AW?120Y1|Y?|Y?|bg|i^|i^|i^|i^p11|1@|1@q11|[<2|LO|Z<2|i^|i^r41|Y?s41|Y?tD1|LO|LOuD1|LO|LOvB0|LOwC0C0C0


Cancer Slayer Jenner

Phoenix Project
Locust AY1:20H0|nf|`?pD0|i^|i^|i^qD0|i^|i^|i^r<0|0@|0@|KOs<0|0@|0@|KOt;0u;0v80w000000
Wolverine A12:3081|Rdpd0|OG|]O|]O|]O|]O|]Oqd0|W@|W@|W@|Z<2|OGr<0s<0td0|OG|OGud0|OG|OGvB0|=@w000000
Griffin Am1:3081|Rdpd0|W@|W@|W@|Z<2|OGqd0|]O|]O|]O|]O|]O|OGr30sE0|=@td0|OG|OGud0|OG|OGvB0w000000
Shadowhawk A]1920d0pR0qS0|k?rT0sT0|Y?td0ud0|[OvB0|2@wD0A0B0
ThunderBolt Aa1020k0pU0qU0rX0sX0tl0ul0vB0wI0G0G0
Battlemaster Ae1820F1|i^|i^|i^|2cph0|i^|i^|i^|c?|c?|c?qh0|i^|i^|i^|c?|c?|c?rh0sh0|b?|i^|i^t81u81vB0wF0@0@0

Wolfhound A>5820P0|Y?|Y?|GdpF0|i^|Y?|i^qF0|i^|Y?|i^r:0sH0|]?tP0uP0vB0w<0:0:0
Crab A95820X0|`b|Y?pP0|f?|i^|i^qP0|f?|i^|i^rO0|`?sO0|`?|i^t`0|aOu`0|aOvB0|Y?w@0<0<0
Enforcer Ag3820^0|DdpV0|OG|OG|i^|GO|GO|GOqV0|OG|OG|i^|c?|c?rP0|c?sP0|l?tZ0uX0vB0w>0:0:0
Panther Ac3830N0|?@|8dpF0|i^|i^|i^qF0|i^|i^|nO|_O|_OrH0sH0|^?tP0|PG|PGuP0|PG|PGvB0w>0:0:0
Grasshopper Al3820l0|]?|[d|i^|i^|i^|i^pX0|f?|i^|i^qX0|AO|f?|i^|i^r\0|]?s\0|]?td0|NG|NGud0|NG|NGvB0wJ0D0D0
BlackKnight Ao4:2071|i^|i^|i^|]g|o<2p`0|f?|i^|b?|b?q`0|i^|f?|i^|[?r`0s`0|b?tn0|aOun0|aOvB0|[?wD0@0@0
Zeus A04:30L1|^g|c?pm0|3=2qm0|c?|c?|c?rd0|k?|k?|FOsd0t21|FO|FOu31|FO|FOvB0w807070
Mauler A45830d1|jb|i^|i^p<1|L@q<1|L@rB0|`?|i^sB0|`?t71|3P|3Pu71|3P|3PvB0|3Pw000000


Pre-order MW5
King Crab AW<220b1|Vg|i^|i^|f?|AOp:1|[@|Y?|Y?|HPq:1|i^|i^|dOr41|l?s41|l?|GO|GOtC1|GO|GPuC1|GO|GPv@0|o<2w:0:0:0
Marauder AV<120B1|^<2|Ug|i^pf0|Z@|i^qf0|Z@|i^|GPr^0|Y?|Y?s^0|Y?|Y?|i^tn0|GP|GPun0|GP|GPv<0|o<2w:0:0:0
Warhammer AU<820>1|Vg|i^|i^|NG|NGpb0|H@|[?|i^qb0|H@|[?|i^r\0|[?|[?|i^|i^s\0|[?|i^tl0ul0v@0|o<2w:0:0:0
Catapult AT<:30:1|Hg|1P|1Ppb0|K@|i^qb0rX0|D@sX0|D@t_0|^O|^Ou`0|^O|^Ov;0w:0:0:0

Atlas AH3230l1|jb|i^|i^|c?|c?pD1|L@|3PqD1|@@|@@|@@|@@r^0|c?|i^|o<2s^0|c?|i^t61|_O|3Pu61|3P|_OvB0|_Ow000000
Centurion A80:20f0|Id|i^|Z<2pX0|i^|]O|lO|]O|]OqX0|W@|W@|W@|]O|]O|]OrP0sP0t`0u`0vB0w:08080
Cicada AC5920X0|Sd|i^|i^|i^pR0|c?|c?qR0|c?|c?r60s60tX0|OGuX0|OGvB0w<0:0:0
BlackJack A?7820T0|Rb|\OpN0|i^|i^|7@|7@|\OqN0|i^|i^|7@|7@|\OrH0|c?sH0|c?tR0|OG|OGuR0|OG|OGvB0wB0<0<0
KingCrab A]3820N1|jb|i^|i^pl0|@O|@O|@O|@O|@O|@O|`?ql0|[O|[O|4@|i^r11|X?s11|X?tD1uD1vB0wN0H0H0
Zeus AE5820@1|Rd|i^|i^pd0|[O|[O|[Oqd0|Y?|Y?rd0|l?|dOsd0|4@|4@|4@tc0|GO|dOuc0|[O|jOvB0w@0<0<0
Stalker AA7030D1|ab|^<2pn0|i^|i^|i^|]?qn0|^O|^O|^O|i^|i^|]?|[<2r^0|i^|C@|Y?|Y?s^0|i^|C@|Y?|Y?t01u01vB0wF0>0>0
Cataphract A@7820d0|i^|JdpP0|o?|b?qP0|i^|b?|3IrT0|i^sT0|b?|i^tV0|JOuV0|JOvB0wB0B0B0
Urbanmech A3::20D0|PG|6dp@0|GP|GP|i^|i^q@0|i^rB0|F@|F@sB0|Z@tH0uH0vB0w@08080
Victor A5:820`0|MG|Zg|i^|i^pN0|l?|GO|dOqN0|l?|GO|dOr00sN0|l?|GOtX0uX0vB0wH0>0>0
Rifleman Ab;820h0|BdpX0|AP|AP|AP|i^qX0|AP|AP|AP|i^rV0|S@|F@sV0|S@|F@tf0|NG|NGuf0|NG|NGvB0wB0>0>0
Griffin A4:820`0|Id|i^pX0|[O|OG|OG|3@|i^qX0|i^|OG|OG|F@|F@rP0sP0|l?|GOtT0|GOuT0|GOvB0w>0<0<0
Warhammer Ac;82021|i^|^<2|Vg|i^p\0|i^|]@q\0|i^|i^|c?|i^r\0|i^|c?|b?s\0|i^|c?|b?tl0ul0vB0|c?wD0@0@0

Clan Invasion
Ebon Jaguar
Mad Dog
Timber Wolf
Dire Wolf
Arctic Cheetah
Kit Fox
Mist Lynx
Shadow Cat
Storm Crow
Ice Ferret

Rich People BLING BLING Mechs Posted Image Posted Image
Kit Fox



Storm Crow

Timber Wolf


Dire Wolf

Urbanmech AB4900D0|6dp>0q>0|h^|h^|h^rB0|Y?sD0|l?|GO|GOtC0uC0v50|dOw@08080
Marauder II AF<020b1|[g|i^|i^|i^|Z<2p:1|i^|`?|`?|`?q:1|f?|i^|i^|i^r41|i^|i^s41|H@|i^tB1|LG|AOuB1|AO|LGv@0|d<2w:0:0:0
Marauder AH522081|i^|i^|Vgp`0|k?|i^q`0|FO|FO|cO|i^|i^r]0|a?|i^|Y?s^0|a?|i^|Y?t01u01vB0wD0@0@0
Warhammer Am582021|fb|i^p\0|Y?|i^|3@|Y?q\0|Y?|i^|i^|Y?r\0|a?|i^s\0|a?|i^tl0|[Oul0|[OvB0wD0@0@0
Rifleman A2692041|FO|^b|FOpQ0|Y?|i^qQ0|Y?|i^rX0|`?|k?sX0|`?|k?tO0uO0v<0w804040
Archer A7682021|fb|i^|c?|c?p`0|[O|[O|4@q`0|[O|[O|4@r\0|c?|c?s\0|c?|c?tl0ul0vB0wD0<0<0
Phoenix Hawk AL6820^0|Nd|i^|i^pT0|OG|OG|OG|i^|i^qT0|OG|OG|OG|i^|i^rD0|`?sD0|`?tN0uN0v<0w:08080
Cyclops Aa692041|6c|i^|i^|i^|i^p`0|k?|k?|k?q`0rN0|Y?sN0|Y?|Y?tX0|FO|FOuX0|FO|FOvB0wF0@0@0
Bushwhacker Ad7820h0|Id|i^|]?p\0|GOq\0|[O|2@|jOrK0|2@|2@sK0|GO|l?t\0u\0vB0w@08080
Assassin A78920T0|Nd|i^|i^pT0|OG|OG|\O|\?|\?|\OqT0|OG|OG|\O|\?|\?|\Or60s60tX0uX0v@0w804040
RoughNeck AF883001|Ng|FOp\0|k?|k?|FO|FOq\0|?@|?@|_O|_O|i^rU0sU0tl0|_Oul0|FO|FOvB0|Y?wD0@0@0
Javelin AM8920H0|PG|PG|EdpF0|\O|\?|\?|kOqF0|\O|\?|\?|kOr00s00tH0uH0v<0w505050
Uziel A^8820R0|Nd|i^|7@pL0|\O|oO|OG|OG|OG|E@qL0|OG|OG|OG|E@rH0|b?sH0|J@|F@tT0uT0vB0w<08080
Thanatos Al9820h0|i^|i^|i^|i^|NG|`gpb0|i^|F@qb0|F@|^<2|i^rX0|]?sX0|GP|GP|Y@tf0|NG|NGuf0|NG|NGvB0wJ0>0>0
Hellspawn A8:920L0|^<2|PgpF0|OG|OG|F@qF0|[O|[O|OG|OG|3@rD0|F@|F@sB0|3@|F@tN0uN0v@0w808080
Fafnir A[:820L1|jb|^<2p01|Q@|[<2q01|Q@|[<2r41|=P|=P|F@s41|=P|=P|F@tD1|=P|=PuD1|=P|=PvB0|c?wP0D0D0
Flea A7;820@0|Fb|0I|Y?p:0|Y?|i^|i^|i^q:0|Y?|i^|i^|i^r80|F@|i^s80|F@t80u80v:0w606060
Osiris AP9920E0|Bd|F@|F@p@0|PG|PG|F@q@0|PG|PG|f?|aOr@0|2@|[O|[Os@0|i^|F@|F@tF0uF0v>0w606060
Night Star AW9020T1|Sg|i^|eOp01|HO|HO|HO|i^|I@q01|HO|HO|HO|i^r01|m?|F@s01|m?|F@t@1u@1vB0|F@wD0@0@0
Vulcan AE;820F0|OG|OG|Nd|i^|i^pI0|OG|OG|U@|U@|i^qI0|OG|OG|c?|c?|i^r<0|U@|FPs<0|_?tJ0uJ0v@0|EPw<08080
Champion AS;:30`0|Vg|Y?|Y?|i^|i^pU0|X?qU0|_O|@@|Y?|Y?|@OrH0sH0tN0|`OuN0|`OvB0|@Ow@0<0<0
Charger Af;:20b0|jg|i^|i^|i^|i^|i^|i^pX0|c?|c?qX0|c?|c?rN0|c?sN0|c?tX0uX0vB0|c?w<0:0:0
Hatamoto Ak;82041|`g|i^|i^|i^|i^pb0|\O|7@|i^|i^qb0|\O|7@|i^|i^rd0|^?sd0|^?t41u41vB0|o<2wP0B0B0
Corsair A><020D1|Vg|i^|i^|c?|c?ph0|l?|4@qh0|c?|c?|5=2|[Orf0|4@|[Osf0t01|GO|jOu01|GO|jOvB0|GOwF0D0D0
Dervish AX<:20b0|OG|i^|i^|NdpN0|Z@|GPqN0|Z@|GPrF0|Y?sF0|Y?tN0|OG|OGuN0|OG|OGv@0|HPw808080
Annihilator Ae8020l1|`?|Vg|i^|i^pD1|R@|R@|?P|i^qD1|R@|R@|?P|i^rJ0|i^|i^|i^sJ0|i^|i^|i^t31|?P|?Pu31|?P|?PvB0|?Pw000000


Edited by Armored Yokai, 04 August 2019 - 01:27 PM.

#17 Renzor the Red


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Posted 22 July 2019 - 03:56 PM

Nice, Yokai.

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