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Hot-Fix Scheduled For 13-Dec-2018 At 2Pm Pdt!

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#21 Brother MEX


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Posted 12 December 2018 - 08:10 PM

View PostHawk819, on 12 December 2018 - 05:56 PM, said:

Why was escort removed from Quick Play??
Because most players dont seem to have the intelectual abilities for playing THIS mode !

Its the same reason why PGI keeps SKIRMISH mode in Quickplay,
despite the problems with players like ME which want to SURVIVE
as long as possible ( I dont want to waste my mechs needlessly )

#22 UrbanTechBro


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Posted 12 December 2018 - 08:35 PM

Well you Troll's will hafta vote for something like IDK Candy crush Friends...….Thanks PGI for Killin this Dumb mode...and Adding More Stuff....We gonna Need A Charger/Hamichi Buff cuz they got some suspect Structure for 80 tons!!!...



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Posted 12 December 2018 - 08:54 PM

View PostHawk819, on 12 December 2018 - 05:56 PM, said:

Why was escort removed from Quick Play??

Because PGI was probably sick of listening to all the whiners and finally gave in to their bellyaching. These cry babies are the same people that don’t want to worry about protecting anything but their own arses. SELFISH. I enjoyed escort.. I enjoyed organizing and leading the team.. and escort victories (esp on defence) were much more satisfying than any regular qp win.

This game mode also allowed battles to take place outside of the usual 4 grids.. a huge plus.

Undeniably, escort required you to use more brain cells than usual because of the added wildcard of the roaming VIP and the ecm shield provided by the flags which heavily crippled streak/lurm boats... but hey, everyone wants ez mode.. Baah.. this game lacks so much in variety already, removing escort without providing an adequate replacement is a step in the wrong direction. Just like when those brawling maps of old like original Frozen City or Forest Colony were removed. The behemoth replacement maps were nothing like those and so the originals should never have been removed. Or when lights were resized much larger and their mobility heavily downgraded... even though NO ONE asked for this. It’s no wonder lights are getting their mobility slowly buffed back to what it was before.. too little too late im afraid because many light pilots went to find greener pastures soon after that unforgettable patch. But I digress.. I better stop here because although there’s been a lot of good along the way (new weapon systems, skill tree, faction warfare...), it’s been a long, rocky road and I can go on and on about all the missteps that could have been avoided along the way..

TLDR: not pleased ... RIP escort

Edited by DAEDALOS513, 12 December 2018 - 09:07 PM.

#24 GweNTLeR


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Posted 12 December 2018 - 09:03 PM

View PostInnerSphereNews, on 12 December 2018 - 04:46 PM, said:

Fixed inconsistencies in LRM flight paths introduced in the Dec. Patch

Should have remained live. I actually enjoyed all the lurmers crying. :)
You actually made a proper thing unintentionally :)

Edited by GweNTLeR, 12 December 2018 - 09:04 PM.

#25 AlphaPiAlpha


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Posted 12 December 2018 - 09:31 PM

Every patch requires hotfixes cause the weirdest stuff gets broken :P
Do you acutally test and play your own game, PGI?

#26 H311FR0G


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Posted 12 December 2018 - 09:41 PM

I do not agree with removing escort. it is an unliked gamemode because so few people know how to actually protect the VIP, and assume to either cluster around it leving it easy to find by the enemy team (they find it with you) or to just run away and leave it undefended. One must simply keep 1-3 assault/heavy with the VIP to body block and take out those that make it through, and the rest of the team put about 1 grid square between (close enough to drop everything and save the VIP) and spread into a firing line to prevent enemy team from closing in. i hope they are only removing it temporarily to address the VIP having the IQ of a stone and weapons for decoration, and not removing it entirely? I actually enjoy Escort missions. Just because players do not care to take the time to learn the mode does not mean those who know it should suffer IMHO.

#27 H311FR0G


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Posted 12 December 2018 - 09:49 PM

View PostGartenlaube, on 12 December 2018 - 09:31 PM, said:

Every patch requires hotfixes cause the weirdest stuff gets broken Posted Image
Do you acutally test and play your own game, PGI?

most likely they only test it in their internal test servers before launch, not EACH PLAYERS PCs. Some of the weird stuff that gets broken only pertains to specific hardware. some of it runs fine on the test server, but the test server is not offloading 1,000 players on at once. the test server is most likely 24 PGI employees (or less?) playing test matches with certain combos of mechs. I highly doubt it is possible to test every last combo of mechs on a team (ie: the bug last year where a spider would crash out an entire game (both teams) on the grim plexus if it had more than 2 weapons equipped or there were more than one SDR in the match).

#28 Belkor


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Posted 12 December 2018 - 10:06 PM

View PostXeno Phalcon, on 12 December 2018 - 07:36 PM, said:

Escort and CS:Danger Zone are fantastic examples of bad content - but at least in the case of CS:DZ I dont HAVE to play it while escort was some times stuffed down my throat by some votejockey with a large multiplier to troll with.

So you'd prefer no content to content you don't like? Also you say CS:DZ is bad but it sure boosted their player numbers from around 500k peak to a 740k peak. Their numbers are still holding up fairly well. MWO numbers on the other hand are hovering around the lowest point it has ever been in its entire lifespan. Removing content from the game is not helping.

Edited by Belkor, 12 December 2018 - 11:42 PM.

#29 GweNTLeR


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Posted 12 December 2018 - 10:53 PM

For those crying about escort going to dust bin:
It was the worst balanced mode with multiple ways to abuse rules in it (Like, to prevent capping ECM towers with lurms or just using RACs to kill VIP fast).There was a way to make it right, but it would probably require a remade from scratch (you can read some ideas here ) Since PGI won't bother doing it, is's better get rid of it completely.

#30 cougurt


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Posted 12 December 2018 - 11:05 PM

View PostBelkor, on 12 December 2018 - 10:06 PM, said:

So you'd prefer no content to bad content? Also you say CS:DZ is bad but it sure boosted their player numbers from around 500k peak to a 740k peak. Their numbers are still holding up fairly well. MWO numbers on the other hand are hovering around the lowest point it has ever been in its entire lifespan. Removing content from the game is not helping.

if i'm being forced to play content that i don't want to, then i would absolutely prefer not having said content. that seems like a no brainer to me.

also, the launch of CS:DZ coincided with the game going free-to-play, so that alone is likely responsible for a large increase in player numbers.

#31 Peter2k


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Posted 12 December 2018 - 11:06 PM

View PostGartenlaube, on 12 December 2018 - 09:31 PM, said:

Every patch requires hotfixes cause the weirdest stuff gets broken Posted Image
Do you acutally test and play your own game, PGI?

For all my bitterness, I never understood this.

The weirdest things get introduced, not even talking about messing up the very things that actually were patched into the game (like this time the friends list, or someone missing a 0 for the arm pitch).

How did the rifleman even gain energy HP to begin with?

I swear there is an intern who just randomly dabbles with things no one is actually working on.

View PostH311FR0G, on 12 December 2018 - 09:49 PM, said:

most likely they only test it in their internal test servers before launch, not EACH PLAYERS PCs. Some of the weird stuff that gets broken only pertains to specific hardware.

Posted Image

There is only a very limited amount of stuff actually introduced in a patch.

When you add a button that says refresh, how do you miss it not working.

If you give out mechs to NoGutsNoGalaxy to play around with and make a video about them, how do you miss the missing arm pitch value?

And those are not even the weird things.
How come there is stuff added that needs to be removed, but no one was actually working on, like more hardpoints?
Like no Mech ever got more hard points after a year of being in the game.

And btw, no hotfix has been about a compatibility fix for hardware, ever.
It's always because of a snafu in the code, be it a typo or something just not working as intended.

It is way more likely that the very few people still working on MWO do a rush job and do as much work for MW5 as they can, for probably a long time now.

Just a few

View PostInnerSphereNews, on 16 October 2018 - 12:53 PM, said:

- Fixing performance issues caused by Missile weapons.

No one worked on missiles, how did this get in?

View PostInnerSphereNews, on 19 September 2018 - 10:56 AM, said:

The Piranha Cipher PIR-CI 'Mech is now properly displayed in Select 'Mech screen if owned.

Or that one, no one worked on the inventory system

Its not that there are bugs, even in a patch, its the weirdness from stuff no one has seemingly touched or worked on.
And its not related to hardware.

Edited by Peter2k, 12 December 2018 - 11:23 PM.

#32 Belkor


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Posted 12 December 2018 - 11:18 PM

View Postcougurt, on 12 December 2018 - 11:05 PM, said:

if i'm being forced to play content that i don't want to, then i would absolutely prefer not having said content. that seems like a no brainer to me.

also, the launch of CS:DZ coincided with the game going free-to-play, so that alone is likely responsible for a large increase in player numbers.

I mean you're technically forcing others to play maps / modes they don't want to when you vote on any maps / modes. You're free to prefer no content to content you don't like but don't cry when this game dies from the lack of a playerbase. Seems like a no-brainer right? See below:



Edited by Belkor, 12 December 2018 - 11:26 PM.

#33 Man in the Mountain


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Posted 12 December 2018 - 11:21 PM

I am sad that Escort mode will be removed.
I agree to all the points of the pro-Escort faction here, so no need to repeat them all again.
It is a tactically challenging and very satisfying game mode when you have smart teams.
And by the way, when you have not-so-smart teams, any game mode can be a bit frustrating.

#34 MooseTaco


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Posted 12 December 2018 - 11:41 PM

How am I suppose to torment people with Polar highlands escort if you remove escort? :)

#35 cougurt


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Posted 12 December 2018 - 11:49 PM

View PostBelkor, on 12 December 2018 - 11:18 PM, said:

I mean you're technically forcing others to play maps / modes they don't want to when you vote on any maps / modes. You're free to prefer no content to bad content but don't cry when this game dies from a lack of a player base. Seems like a no-brainer right? See below:



given how infrequently it got played, i think it's safe to say that most people didn't enjoy escort or were least indifferent to it. i don't think the game is at any greater risk of dying due to the removal of a single half-assed game mode, but i'm prepared for it regardless. MWO has been around for what, 5-6 years now? i'd say that's pretty darn good all things considered.

#36 Belkor


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Posted 13 December 2018 - 12:06 AM

View Postcougurt, on 12 December 2018 - 11:49 PM, said:

given how infrequently it got played, i think it's safe to say that most people didn't enjoy escort or were least indifferent to it.

Again, I'd really like to see the stats on how often it got actually got played. Always something for someone but not something for everyone. Escort was one of the only game modes in quick play that was actually different from skirmish - assault - conquest. You say that game mode is half-assed but skirmish - assault - conquest isn't considering how similar they are to each other?

View Postcougurt, on 12 December 2018 - 11:49 PM, said:

i don't think the game is at any greater risk of dying due to the removal of a single half-assed game mode, but i'm prepared for it regardless. MWO has been around for what, 5-6 years now? i'd say that's pretty darn good all things considered.

I don't agree. Remember CS:GO was released in August 21, 2012 and they reached near their all time peak of 850,485 players recently. Why can't MWO do the same for its respective peak? The number of available game modes is already very limited so this kills variety and content that much more. MWO is competing for players against games that have been releasing entire new modes with fresh content and more. A new mech here and there .... a new map ... some balances changes ... is not going to cut it. This is reflected in the declining playerbase:



Edited by Belkor, 13 December 2018 - 12:31 AM.

#37 Coffeeghoul


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Posted 13 December 2018 - 12:21 AM

View PostMan in the Mountain, on 12 December 2018 - 11:21 PM, said:

I am sad that Escort mode will be removed.
I agree to all the points of the pro-Escort faction here, so no need to repeat them all again.
It is a tactically challenging and very satisfying game mode when you have smart teams.
And by the way, when you have not-so-smart teams, any game mode can be a bit frustrating.

I liked Escort, because I'm sick and tired of nascaration, erm, domination and baserushes in assault. At least it was something different.


#38 Aidan Crenshaw


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Posted 13 December 2018 - 01:04 AM

I'd like to learn about the reason Escort gets removed.

#39 cougurt


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Posted 13 December 2018 - 01:33 AM

View PostBelkor, on 13 December 2018 - 12:06 AM, said:

Again, I really like to see the stats on how often it got actually got played. Escort was one of the only game modes in quick play that was actually different from skirmish - assault - conquest. You say that game mode is half-assed but skirmish - assault - conquest isn't considering how similar they are to each other?

different =/= good. it isn't even all that different in practice. just like all the other modes, it still more or less plays out like skirmish, just with an additional victory condition that either goes completely ignored or results in an uneventful and unsatisfying match. the other modes are much more innocuous in their half-assedness, but escort really suffers because of it. it's a concept that requires far more development than PGI will give it.

View PostBelkor, on 13 December 2018 - 12:06 AM, said:

I don't agree. Remember CS:GO was released in August 21, 2012 and they reached near their all time peak of 850,485 players recently. Why can't MWO do the same for its respective peak? The number of available game modes is already very limited so this kills variety and content that much more. MWO is competing for players against games that have been releasing entire new modes with fresh content and more. A new mech here and there .... a new map ... some balances changes ... is not going to cut it. This is reflected in the declining playerbase:



MWO is an extremely niche game compared to something like CS:GO. most people who would have any interest in it have already tried it, and the few new players that may check it out are likely to be turned away by the following:

steep learning curve
bad new player experience
dated and constrained engine/bugs
lack of substantial content updates (shallow, poorly implemented game modes do not qualify)

i feel that a decline in players should be expected given all of these things, and i don't think there's much that can be done about it at this point.

#40 Major Major Catch 22


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Posted 13 December 2018 - 01:39 AM

Dear PGI

Thankyou very much for the changes

Its really good to see some progress being made

I know its not the easeist to get things right the first time or second or wahtevs
but any step is better than no step

Plus it means the game in your minds at least is not dead, and this is the most important thing, someone is actually doing something visible !

Whilst some might say that you dont care or them beaurocrats dont care (and are still bent about solaris failure etc) I dont think that your egos are bruised that easily. I hope the passion keeps up and the technical skills match it.

Look forward to the patch and more to come and the fix ofcourse ;)


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