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Tier 3-5 Are Harder Than Tier 1-2

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#21 Extra Guac


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Posted 26 December 2018 - 10:55 PM

tldr, no paragraph breaks in OP

#22 Vellron2005


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Posted 27 December 2018 - 12:23 AM

Personally, I have not noticed an increase in skill as I progressed though the tiers..

Only a steep increase in saltiness..

The same amount of people derp around.. but more people blame their own failure on others..

#23 RickySpanish


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Posted 27 December 2018 - 05:25 AM

View PostSky Legacy, on 26 December 2018 - 10:26 PM, said:

Well the sniper build was not even what I played most often in T3, I was just using it as an example. But I experienced the same thing with all builds, and I like variety cus I get bored easily so I played everything. I have an LRM boat, fast light, 100ton dakka, a srm splat boat, etc, etc, etc. However one thing you're right about is that a sniper build is the most vulnerable to having a bad team because it's very specialized, if you're caught in a bad team and are exposed a sniper can be pretty ****** and get you killed fast as it's not really a brawler etc.

Either way the biggest way that I learned that the players themselves are far better in T2 is after I die and watch the POV of the other players on my team, I was usually horrified to see my teammates POV gameplay in T3. People that must of been playing with a trackball, unbelievable inability to aim or hit an enemy mech. In T2 when I watch teammates after I die, I finally see very good players aiming with a mouse and actually hitting things

Trackballs? Ouch! I usually spectate and find the one dude in his Awesome missile boat with an arm on yellow and everything else untouched desperately attempt to get missile locks on the half dozen 'Mechs closing in on him.

#24 Kubernetes


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Posted 27 December 2018 - 11:09 AM

My previous experience with a smurf account was that T4 and T3 games are much more chaotic, with little skirmishes occurring all over the map, whereas in T1 people tend to group up and move quickly to Nascar or engage in the usual spots. In T4 you can get surprised by some random attacking from a rarely-used part of the map.

It also makes it easy for T1 smurfs to farm, because you can dominate a series of small engagements without getting hosed down by a concentrated death-ball. I recall matches that seemed like I was engaging in 1v1 duels one after the other.

In terms of skill it's not even close. I recall being able to stand out in the open in T4 and facetank enemies for minutes at a time because they're bad at landing accurate shots. With a proper dead-sided mech in T4 you're almost unkillable.

#25 Knuckles OTool


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Posted 27 December 2018 - 01:42 PM

The quality all depends how many top players are running around on their 7th account farming noobies in a T4 game.

Edited by Knuckles OTool, 27 December 2018 - 01:42 PM.

#26 Helreginn


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Posted 27 December 2018 - 05:35 PM

View PostSky Legacy, on 26 December 2018 - 08:53 PM, said:

Damn thanks I do like that I just tried it though I miss er-ppc but love the mobility of it and top speed of this thing. But I do already use my current 2nd favorite mech which is a medium Nova which is only 5 tons heavier and does dual c-er-ppc's. I'm looking for something that has mobility but higher PPFLD, back in the day used to do a Victor and Highlander with all the meta poptart stuff like ppc's uac5's gauss etc. Whats' a good mobile jump jety mech with a little more zing to it ? I do have a Timberwolf with dual erppc and gauss but for some reason I still like the summoner more. I know Night Gyr is supposed to be the go to but I hate having weapons in arms and apparently the gual gauss has to be in the arms from what I've seen

Night Gyr is good as you said and instead of dual gauss you could do dual UAC5s or UAC10s. Much of the old PPFLD poptart is gone, nerfed into oblivion though. The 2xGauss, 1xERPPC or 1xGauss, 2xERPPC with effective jump power is no more.

One that can punch heavy and jump would be the Grasshopper with 2x Heavy PPCs and some backup lasers in case you're underrun. The -5J or -5H would be the best, the -5J for armor quirks and the -5H for torso mounts. All inner sphere PPCs are pinpoints whereas clan ERPPCs splash 5 of their 15 damage to the surrounding components making them quite comperable to the 10 damage of inner sphere ERPPcs.
Another would be the Thanatos -5S with daul gauss and ECM. Going to have to comprimise on something like speed, arm armor, or the ECM though as it doesn't have much weight to work with.
On the lighter side there is the Quickdraw and Griffin which can poptart 50-60 MRMs and the Shadow Hawk which I use as a close range jumper with an AC20 and 2xSRM4.

#27 Vxheous


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Posted 27 December 2018 - 05:49 PM

View PostJinete, on 27 December 2018 - 05:35 PM, said:

Night Gyr is good as you said and instead of dual gauss you could do dual UAC5s or UAC10s. Much of the old PPFLD poptart is gone, nerfed into oblivion though. The 2xGauss, 1xERPPC or 1xGauss, 2xERPPC with effective jump power is no more.

Funny, because since the heat change from a few patches ago, 2xGauss + CERPPC alpha works on Night Gyrs again, due to the huge increase in dissipation, and it's entirely possible to eat the +1 ghost heat. 2xGauss + 2x CERPPC can't be alpha'ed though, that still requires firing in 2+2 pattern.

As an example, a 2xGauss+CERPPC Night Gyr can alpha twice on Canyon network, followed by a single 2xGauss, then another full alpha. Each alpha sends your heat bar up 60%, and your bar will cool 30% in the time it takes for the Gauss/CERPPC to fully cycle. If you want to do the almost old meta build, you can alpha 2xGauss+CERPPC+2CERML for 78% of heat bar once, then 2xGauss+2xCERML, followed by 2xGauss+CERPPC, then 2xGauss+2xCERML, then 2xGauss+CERPPC, until you break contact and have the ability to full alpha for 78% of heat bar. Bit of a different rotation than prior, but the 0.22 heat dissipation on heat sinks have actually allowed 2xGauss+CERPPC to work again.

Edited by Vxheous, 27 December 2018 - 06:02 PM.

#28 Xetelian


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Posted 28 December 2018 - 01:19 AM

I started at the bottom of tier 3, enjoyed most matches, in Tier 1 I enjoy matches less.

Since the tier system is an XP bar and not an actual skill rating because the system is weighted for gaining PSR and not at all for losing any PSR you end up with guys who are definitely like myself and belong in tier 3 and end up in tier 1.

On the otherside of that argument are the people I've run into on Discord and from the forums that are Tier 5 or 4 for life and are making no progress forward on their PSR bars, or the progress is so slow its been over a year and they haven't moved up.

Like the guy I talked too a few months ago that put a AC2 BAP TC7 and full sensor nodes so he could scout in his Cyclops. I can't remember if it was the ECM one because he may have had ECM as well.

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