Other than the legs, the armor layout is identical.
The skills are identical, where it matters for survivability.
Yet the 5M is SOOOOOO fragile compared to the Bounty Hunter it isn't even funny.
It "feels" like maybe the 5M's ST hit boxes are larger? I'm not sure but the 5M is definitely losing ST's nearly instantly anytime the enemy "thinks" about shooting at them, verses the BH which feels sturdier and seems to somehow be able to absorb more damage than the 5M.
I switched back and forth between the builds multiple times just to make sure I wasn't imagining things... There's definitely something "off" about the 5M.
For reference adding the builds:
Load Out: AK5920C1|i^|i^|=P|=P|nbph0|Q@|[<2qh0r`0|Y?|Y?|Y?s`0|Y?|Y?t01u01vB0|=Pw908080
Skill Tree: adfcf0ec600f7b811b44bb6fb7f00000000000000e86f770f000080a2211f
Load Out: AL5:20D1|i^|jb|i^|>P|>Pph0|Q@|[<2qh0|i^|>P|>Pr`0|Y?|Y?|Y?s`0|Y?|Y?|Y?tn0|>P|>Pum0|>P|>PvB0|Y?w808080
Skill Tree: aff8f0fcc00f7b811b44bb6fb7f00000000000000e86f770f000080a2211d
Edited by Dimento Graven, 15 January 2019 - 10:38 PM.