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Piranha Needs To Be Nerfed (For Real This Time)

piranha pir nerf

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#1 DrJay888


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Posted 26 January 2019 - 09:12 PM

The patch changes for the Piranha were a joke. Don't get me wrong, it's a fun mech to use. But unfortunately it's too overpowered for it's weight. To see even the most inexperienced players able to easily rack up 500-800 damage and multiple kills in a quick match is ridiculous. This compares to about 200-400 damage for most any other light mech.

The real problem is it throws out the balance in the Faction Play matches. If you play on the clan side why would you not take a Piranha? It gives you a huge damage to weight ratio advantage and it frees up additional tonnage to bring heavier mechs in your drop deck.

The other option is to release an IS mech that is just as ridiculous. A 20 ton mech with a heavy gauss rifle sounds ridiculously sweet glass cannon.

#2 Dauntless Blint


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Posted 28 January 2019 - 12:26 AM

It would be too slow. Just face it Clan have a light mech with a RAC2 & RAC5 strapped to it (albeit with 90 odd meter range) but they don't overheat and they don't jam, pretty insane power.

#3 Brokmuk


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Posted 12 March 2019 - 12:53 PM

A Piranha never has to be nerfed, its totally normal that a 20 ton mech can handle 15 weapons. An Atlas for example can handle one ac20 and some rockets, its also toally normal, because it has only 100 tons.

#4 General Solo


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Posted 12 March 2019 - 04:34 PM

I find an urbanmech/Wolfhound with two large pulse can torso/kill a piranha before it gets into range.

Problem with piranhas is you gotta shoot them.

We need lights that make you sheet your big boy pants I think.
They are the least used class after all. And not every ones OP in them

So I think leave them as they are.

#5 admiralbenbow123


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Posted 13 March 2019 - 04:14 AM

View PostDrJay888, on 26 January 2019 - 09:12 PM, said:

The patch changes for the Piranha were a joke. Don't get me wrong, it's a fun mech to use. But unfortunately it's too overpowered for it's weight. To see even the most inexperienced players able to easily rack up 500-800 damage and multiple kills in a quick match is ridiculous. This compares to about 200-400 damage for most any other light mech.

The real problem is it throws out the balance in the Faction Play matches. If you play on the clan side why would you not take a Piranha? It gives you a huge damage to weight ratio advantage and it frees up additional tonnage to bring heavier mechs in your drop deck.

The other option is to release an IS mech that is just as ridiculous. A 20 ton mech with a heavy gauss rifle sounds ridiculously sweet glass cannon.


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