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1St Fire Group

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#1 SmokeGuar


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Posted 01 February 2019 - 11:18 AM

Experiencing change of fire mode on group 1 and only on group 1. It keeps chancing between chain fire and group fire between matches.
General bug or only on this client?

#2 Vorpal Puppy


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Posted 02 February 2019 - 07:07 AM

Been seeing this bug for ay least the last 3 patches. Its not completely random as there seem to be a few scenarios that potentially - but not always - trigger it.
1. Overheating, then hitting override will cause this to happen a lot of times.
2. Hitting override from the beginning of the match, fine during that match, but then group 1 is chainfire the next match from the beginning.
3. Playing a mech that uses chainfire for group 1, then switching to a mech that doesnt. Occasionally, chainfirr seems to get preserved.
There may be other scenarios, but these are the ones I have seen. Running repair does not fix it, as I have done that several times. I just make a habit of checking group 1 first when I drop.

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