- Damage: 3 (1 x 3)
- Heat: 0.6
- Velocity: 2000
- Spread: 0.30
- Range: 720m
- Max Range: 1440m
- Cooldown: 1.25s
- DPS: 2.4
- Ammo/Ton: 58
- Damage: 7 (1 x 7)
- Heat: 1.66
- Spread: 0.45
- Velocity: 1650
- Range: 600m
- Max Range: 1200m
- i-Cooldown: 2.324s
- i-DPS: 3.01
- C-Cooldown: 2.55s
- C-DPS: 2.745
- Ammo/Ton: 25
- Damage: 13 (1 x 13)
- Heat: 3.5
- Spread: 0.9
- Velocity: 1100
- Range: 450m
- Max Range: 900m
- i-Cooldown: 3.0s
- i-DPS: 4.33
- C-Cooldown: 3.29s
- C-DPS: 3.95
- Ammo/Ton: 18
- Damage: 24 (1 x 24)
- Heat: 7
- Spread: 0.9
- Range: 270m
- Max Range: 540m
- Velocity: 1100
- i-Cooldown: 5.0s
- i-DPS: 4.8
- C-Cooldown: 5.4s
- C-DPS: 4.44
- Ammo/Ton: 7
The LBXs this way, have reduced DPS, but increased alpha and heat. Despite doing spread damage, they would try to overwhelm spread with enough damage. This also puts the LB5X at a different use than the standard AC5, solving the problem of it being a completely worse weapon by giving it the niche of increased damage. The increased CD as a result will also help it, because it would be less starey at a the closer range that it's actually effective. It doesn't matter that LB5X has worse DPS and worse range than the AC5, because it has the fallback of greater damage.
I also adjusted the heat, spread and velocity of the LBXs, the LB20 would have similar spread as with LB10X, for it already has worse optimal damage. The LB5 just got better velocity and spread. Overall, I normalized the ranges to mirror the standard ACs, it already has higher damage -- it doesn't need higher damage and 3x max-range. The increased heat is there to make it not completely unbalanced in terms of heat-efficiency, I mean if LB2X is still doing 0.4 with 3 damage, that is way colder than 0.5 with 2 damage, it's still pretty cold in comparison considering that you are still doing way more damage/heat.
Note that Clan LBXs would have longer cooldown, to compensate the fact that C-ACs have burst-fire that prolongs their CD and as a result have lower DPS than IS counterparts.
Edited by The6thMessenger, 20 June 2019 - 03:43 PM.