Mech Release: Vulcan For C-Bills And The Incubus For Mc
Started by InnerSphereNews, Feb 05 2019 10:40 AM
11 replies to this topic
Posted 05 February 2019 - 10:40 AM

VULCAN VL-2T 3,249,735 C-Bills
VULCAN VL-5T 3,366,792 C-Bills
VULCAN VT-5M 3,508,760 C-Bills
VULCAN VT-5S 6,130,512 C-Bills
VULCAN VT-6M 6,256,842 C-Bills
Vulcan Patterns, Bolt-ons and Cockpit items are 50% off!
Sale Ends: February 10th, 2019, 00:00 UTC
Posted 05 February 2019 - 11:26 AM
Always wanted to do this....
Also, buying the 5S
Also, buying the 5S
Posted 05 February 2019 - 11:26 AM
Think i will get me a Saber
Posted 05 February 2019 - 11:48 AM
saber for me
Posted 05 February 2019 - 11:50 AM
Here comes the swath of new Vulcan builds... I'll bet some will be real lemons. Anyone up for giving their owners a really crazy/wacky/rough/goofy/etc. (take your pick) time on the battlefields? 
However, one could wish that the Customizations were possible to purchase without having to already own one of the Mech(s) in question. Of course, I haven't checked the In-Game Store yet, so I may unfortunately find there's a laugh to be had at my own expense here.
~D. V. "one who will be checking on those Vulcan Mechs for future knowledge" Devnull

However, one could wish that the Customizations were possible to purchase without having to already own one of the Mech(s) in question. Of course, I haven't checked the In-Game Store yet, so I may unfortunately find there's a laugh to be had at my own expense here.

~D. V. "one who will be checking on those Vulcan Mechs for future knowledge" Devnull
Posted 05 February 2019 - 01:03 PM
I forgot the Incubus was in the game. I never see it
Posted 05 February 2019 - 01:48 PM
Cool might pick one up.
Posted 05 February 2019 - 03:06 PM
Shock21, on 05 February 2019 - 01:03 PM, said:
I forgot the Incubus was in the game. I never see it
No worries got em' awhile ago and I forgot they were in game too!
Remind me to go scurrying around in them later on, but probably just the INC-1 (S) for its extra cbills. :/
Posted 05 February 2019 - 04:27 PM
What's wrong with the Incubus, anyway? It was really well-received when it first came out, I thought.
Posted 05 February 2019 - 08:27 PM
Mister Maf, on 05 February 2019 - 04:27 PM, said:
What's wrong with the Incubus, anyway? It was really well-received when it first came out, I thought.
Not bad but kinda run of the mill nuttin' special imo.
Not tanky like commando, but not hard point op like piranha.
Needs speed and is mostly hit and run, or run around behind and pop uav, or attempt distraction of 4-6 red mechs for 30 seconds, and run past to shoot cored areas really basic lights piloting type stuff.
Posted 06 February 2019 - 12:24 AM
After my previous post...
...it has been a few hours. Quite a few. However, I finally got to checking. I get to have a partial laugh at my own expense, due to the Bolt-Ons & Cockpit Items that are on the In-Game Store's Sale Rack.
But then I rather sadly tripped over the one part which I was trying to allude at before, the Camo Patterns that are noted as being On-Sale. It so happens that Camo Patterns no longer show on the In-Game Store's Sale Rack, haven't for some time, and I think it would be nice to make it possible again to purchase those through there. Why make somebody stumble through their MechLab and its' Camo Spec section, when the person may already know what they want but might not wish to apply it immediately for some reason? Heck, what if they don't currently own a Vulcan, but want to pick up the Camo of their choice ahead of time for the future? It feels like part of the positive User Experience has been ignored here.
~D. V. "thinking a fix -- or an adjustment -- for the In-Game Store's Sale Rack is needed regarding Camo Patterns" Devnull
D V Devnull, on 05 February 2019 - 11:50 AM, said:
However, one could wish that the Customizations were possible to purchase without having to already own one of the Mech(s) in question. Of course, I haven't checked the In-Game Store yet, so I may unfortunately find there's a laugh to be had at my own expense here. 

...it has been a few hours. Quite a few. However, I finally got to checking. I get to have a partial laugh at my own expense, due to the Bolt-Ons & Cockpit Items that are on the In-Game Store's Sale Rack.

But then I rather sadly tripped over the one part which I was trying to allude at before, the Camo Patterns that are noted as being On-Sale. It so happens that Camo Patterns no longer show on the In-Game Store's Sale Rack, haven't for some time, and I think it would be nice to make it possible again to purchase those through there. Why make somebody stumble through their MechLab and its' Camo Spec section, when the person may already know what they want but might not wish to apply it immediately for some reason? Heck, what if they don't currently own a Vulcan, but want to pick up the Camo of their choice ahead of time for the future? It feels like part of the positive User Experience has been ignored here.

~D. V. "thinking a fix -- or an adjustment -- for the In-Game Store's Sale Rack is needed regarding Camo Patterns" Devnull
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