I had problems with bad fps when aiming. Ping is a different thing. You cant really fix that. You just gotta get used to it.
My advice to guys who want better fps is to upgrade CPU or overclock it or adjust bios settings. Best thing is just buy faster CPU.
But im poor so i went for overclocking and bios settings. I got i5 4960k @ 4.4GHz. There is big risk in overclocking if you dont know what to do, so google it before doing it. Bios settings on other hand isnt that risky. You gotta disable all settings that says power savings. And enable all that says better performance. Best performance that i got for my second computer by disabling CPU thermal throttling. Its risky to disable that and it might lead to shorter CPU lifespan. But CPU thermal throttling will keep your core load ~80%(at least for me) so disabling that you get 20% more power out of your CPU. And remember that you keep your CPU temps low as possible. I think 70-80C is max for most CPU's
And of course set video settings so low that you get at least 30-40fps min in when battle is busiest whit lrms/particles in the air. Under 30-40fps its so ******* hard aim and land shots. Best thing is to get 60+ fps min of course
And mouse settings is so damn important to land shots. I think most of best players are within 300-800dpi.
I got 400 and in game settings on 1
Edited by Kotis77, 13 February 2019 - 06:36 AM.