In the wreckage of the Free Rasalhague Republic only the most resilient, the most tenacious, the most savage and the most capable warriors remain. All else is but dust trampled beneath the mud of fallen worlds and lost causes.
Many of these few yet hardy heroes have hearkened to the hallowed horn of the Jarl and have fought their way back to Rasalhague space and the Royal KungsArme.
And yet our forces still feel isolated, unconnected, organized, unused to fighting alongside their kinsman, so long did they languish in the clan-infested void unaided. So, in order to re-knit the old bloodlines and forge new bonds between our warriors the Jarl has decreed the rebuilding of several destroyed or fractured commands and a grand tournament to commemorate the occasion.
The Bloodsmoot.
Bleed for the Old Gods, fight for the new dawn. Earn glory and renown beneath the eyes of your Jarl and Kinsmen. The Bloodsmoot banner has been raised and its legendary blood-thirst demands satisfaction.
Bloodsmoot Pilots have been placed into one of the Four RKA Companies. They've been placed mostly based on Jarl's List Matchscore rating to create lances that are relatively even. When possible unit members have also been separated into different lances.
The tournament will be on Saturday March 2nd at 2pm EST.
These Regiments will then be divided into 4v4 lances who will make up the teams for the tournament.
The RKA, though a formidable fighting force, is low on funds and resources due to the loss of 97% of all their worlds. Due to these shortages the RKA can only afford to field Medium ‘Mechs to the participants.
The RKA’s handful of mech-wrights and scientists are hard at work reverse engineering what few Clan Mechs we’ve been able to capture. We cannot afford, at this time, to throw them away in a tournament.
Lock on weapons are Lostech. Or, at least, we lost them. For this tournament.
The skills and relationships we’re trying to build do not necessitate the use of Lock-on weapons.
Best out of three.
Drops 1 and 2 will be Domination on Frozen City (Day) with teams switching spawns.
Drop 3 will be Skirmish on Solaris 7 Test B.
All drops 10 minutes long. No 3rd Person.
We shall be fighting on in the abandoned Frozen City near Tukkayid’s northern pole, far from any civilian outposts or settlements.
The Participants:
Blood Eagles

On the distant rim-world of Outpost the survivors of the Great North insurgency were forced to fight for their lives in a generational gladiatorial arena. The corrupt Kurita governors maintained the arena throughout their occupation and the newly instated Rasalhaguian ones kept it running secretly to line their pockets. One side effect of the Clan Invasion was an end to the endless arena, with a few chosen champions being made Bondsmen. Not willing to trade one form of slavery and subservience for another these champions broke out and with their stolen mechs formed the core of what would one day be the Blood Eagles.
They recruit the damned, forgotten, abused and mistreated. They fight to protect those who can not protect themselves and they fight to prove to those who once lorded over them that they are greater than their so-called masters.
Bloody, savage and ruthlessly loyal to the idea of a Free Rasalhague Republic.
CO: Kolbrandr Fenrir "The Black-Sword of the ISEN"
(Kolbrandr will be casting the tournament with Jarl Dane and therefore will be unable to command his lance for the tournament.)
XO: Samuli Salonen
1st Blood Eagles
- Ormstarr The Splitter
- Bad_Wolf
- BloodValensky
- HueyTheGreat
- Rydiak Randborir
- Samuli Salonen
- HonourWolf
- Puggs Hunter 197
- Saikyou
- SimpleUkyo
- EldenLance
- ZealotTheFallen

When the the regular forces of the Rasalhague KungsArme were destroyed in the Clan Invasion, the remaining survivors had to look for aid in unlikely places. Hailing from a dark periphery world the Trollfolk are a mysterious and savage folk. Legends say they are misshapen and monstrous. Perhaps the cast off failures of clan elemental eugenic projects, perhaps the radiated survivors of some forgotten colony. Either way, they keep their looks a closely-held secret and go all places armored to the very eyes.
Originally a pirate force preying on the fringes of Inner Sphere Civilizations, their hodge-podge company responded to a distress call from a terrified little girl on a world being purged by fanatic Smoke Jaguar forces. Whatever piratical resolve the Trollfolk had that day was broken by what they saw and what did they when they arrived on that world. Since then they have always answered the call of the Free Rasalhague Republic and have added in new Republic pilots to shore up their numbers. Fast becoming a dependable and regular unit of the faction.
CO: Blaketown
XO: Grayson
1st Trollguard
- Blaketown
- Deathlord
- Piet1Skiet
- Recipe 501st
- Jotunn Dagr
- Grayson Collins
- Robertson Taylor
- SgtHorror
- Jaster Me Reel
- Interkrome1
- Fiskamurfin
- Wafthrundir

In the wake of the Clan Invasion most regular FRR forces were crushed. With their meches destroyed, pilots enslaved, and commands eradicated - everyone assumed they were all utterly lost. And yet, some few survived. Left for dead and stuck behind enemy lines without supplies or hope these forgotten warriors began fighting mad small-scale guerrilla campaigns against the occupation garrisons and began to, miraculously, link up with other all-but-dead survivors. Written off for good, these heroes called themselves the Doom-Draugr, the undead monsters of Norse lore, and terrorized clan garrisons on a dozen worlds.
Against all odds these walking-dead Doom-Draugr were not only able to survive for sometime, but during a lull in the fighting, were able to break out of Clan controlled space and made their way back to the remnants of the Free Rasalhague Republic.
After being given a heroes welcome the Doom-Draugr were given a regular command in the reforming RKA and have become a beacon for pilots with nothing left to lose.
CO: Coyote_
XO: Isengaest "The Crimson Corpse"
1st Doom-Draugr
- Isengaest
- DeepFryer
- DaChump
- Vasilie
- Coyote_
- Shin Brodama
- Sidetrak

As best anyone can tell the strange history of the Sand-Riders begins with the crushing defeat of the 1st Skallevoll People's Armored Regiment during the invasion and fall of Skallevoll. Somewhere, in the glacial black sands of that worlds frigid region a handful of resistance fighters held on. Living in sturdy turf halls and piloting nothing more advanced then their small Skallevoll Horses (apparent descendants of Icelandic Horses from Terra), these die-hard warriors kept up the offensive against the Clan occupation forces. Or, at least that's how the legend goes.
No one really believes that a small group of horseborne rustic glacial folk really could maintain any level of defiance against the Clanners, and yet there were strange reports from Skallevoll of constant breakdowns, explainable missing equipment and strange sightings of cloaked figured on horseback in the untraceable unfriendly glaciers.
Fleeting hallucinations, perhaps. Either way, the Sand-Riders who arrived on Tukkyid in answer to the Jarl's call were no dream. Flesh and bone, though a little stoic, a little quiet and a lot of fierce.
CO: Tarogato
XO: Spheriod
1st Sand-Riders
- Tarogato
- Lusankya
- Khanur
- P33NSupr3m3
- DJ Ubran II
- Spheroid
- BoldricKent
- Major_Fault
Edited by Skallahelm The Dane, 24 February 2019 - 04:32 PM.