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Event Injection Bugs

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#1 Squirell


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Posted 15 February 2019 - 11:17 AM

I have two issues that PGI don't seem to want to fix.

1. The event tab has not nor will it work in the game client. I have asked PGI to fix this, and after I was told that it was some kind of non duplicatable issue on my end.

That's the last I heard about it, but hey they kept the website events going so no big loss on my end,

2. The last couple of events I should have received some C-Bill injections to my account. They never showed up on my end, and I have attempted to point this out to PGI.

At one point I was just brushed off and ignored.

This issue happened yet again with the Shoot and Loot and the Heart Breaker events. So I email PGI, and the response I get is just baffling. One of their support people keeps telling me that the injection happened even though I keep providing screenshots that the account injection of C-Bills never happened. The person I kept talking to in Support ignores all of the screen shots and keeps telling me that on their end the injections are showing up.

At about this point I'm just baffled how this issue can be fixed as I'm getting really tired of dealing with the people in Support, especially since I keep getting brushed off or ignored.

#2 D V Devnull


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Posted 15 February 2019 - 12:37 PM

Have you tried going into...
  • a Match
  • the Testing Grounds
  • the Academy
...and then coming back to the MechLab after? That usually triggers the Injection System to finish what it did not. If that fails, Log Out and then Log In again. You may even have to restart the MWO Game Client executable in order to get it to wake up properly. If you've done all that, and 24 Hours has already passed without getting what you earned, then PGI's Support really NEEDS to cough up your Rewards immediately. Otherwise, they're in violation of their Event/Contest/Tournament Rules, as well as in violation of the Laws Of Your Country, and in violation of the Laws Of Canada too. :(

You know... It's sad, but I'm beginning to think you may have to catch one of these Event Reward Injection Failures on a Video to show to PGI Staff... It could easily be that someone there is like "No Video, No Proof", and is wrongfully dismissing your complaints. Jam a Video in their faces, and they simply can NOT dispute that. <_<

While beside the point of your topic of discussion, I frankly think PGI really NEEDS to cause an Injection Dialog on the MWO Game Client when people are using the Event Redeem Claiming Website Buttons to get their Event Challenge Rewards that they honestly & really earned. They do it with the In-Game Event Browser, and it's literally the ONLY way to ensure that you get your stuff immediately or at least after your Next Match is done. So, I really don't get why they won't do the same thing with the Website's Claiming Button. :huh:

~D. V. "sad to see that anyone is STILL having problems with the Event Reward Claiming Website Buttons" Devnull

#3 Squirell


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Posted 15 February 2019 - 01:05 PM

Yep, I've tried all of those to get to trigger. Nothing happened so I emailed Support.

Yeah, they just need to cough up the C-bills instead of arguing with a customer and player.

#4 Squirell


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Posted 15 February 2019 - 01:53 PM

On a quick note, where do I find their Event/Contest Rules?

#5 Squirell


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Posted 15 February 2019 - 02:11 PM

This is the latest response form one their GMs.

Might be that the injection window it's not showing up on your end, but as I mentioned the injections add up. The last sellback was on 2019-02-12 07:08:30 for an Equipment - TARGETING COMP. MK III.

Thanks for reporting this issue I will pass your report to the right folks in the house.
Piranha Games

Don't just pass this on, PGI FIX THIS![/color]

#6 D V Devnull


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Posted 15 February 2019 - 03:08 PM

View PostSquirell, on 15 February 2019 - 01:53 PM, said:

On a quick note, where do I find their Event/Contest Rules?

You'll find those at...

--->>> https://mwomercs.com/forums/topic/225115-mechwarrior-online-contest-rules/

...and I will hope they're of some use to you. It so happens however, due to Laws regarding Contests present in most (if not all) Countries, that those Contest Rules are NOT legally allowed to override (or skip out on) Your Earnings being given to you, provided you have rightfully earned them. :huh:

Which brings me to...

View PostSquirell, on 15 February 2019 - 02:11 PM, said:

This is the latest response form one their GMs.

Might be that the injection window it's not showing up on your end, but as I mentioned the injections add up. The last sellback was on 2019-02-12 07:08:30 for an Equipment - TARGETING COMP. MK III.

Thanks for reporting this issue I will pass your report to the right folks in the house.

Piranha Games

Don't just pass this on, PGI FIX THIS!

...and seeing that someone has decided finally to try and actually help you, all we can do is now wait for whatever Fix they can manage. Unfortunately, you're at the mercy of PGI managing a Fix for your issue, unless you go out and pay tons of 'Real $$$' for a Lawyer and Court in Real Life, all in order to force PGI into quickly & speedily coughing up your In-Game Rewards for MWO. Almost makes you question if it's even worth it, huh? :(

~D. V. "replying while depressed, primarily in order to provide you the Info & Link you asked for" Devnull

#7 Squirell


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Posted 16 February 2019 - 09:09 PM

Well it looks like not a single one of the Heart Breaker event redeems that offered C-Bills have been added to my account.

#8 Squirell


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Posted 19 February 2019 - 09:36 PM

Wow, it looks like it still hasn't been corrected.

Edited by Squirell, 19 February 2019 - 09:56 PM.

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