RickySpanish, on 18 March 2019 - 08:56 AM, said:
Nobody is denying that an exploding heatsink is going to transfer some of its energy into its surroundings via concussive force. The argument I'm making is that the heatsink doesn't necessarily explode, it may just become inoperable. I draw this idea from the fact that most components on a 'Mech do not disintegrate when they are destroyed. In this case, that energy is still inside the 'Mech waiting to either explode, or transfer to surrounding components. I would be open to the idea of heatsinks acting as bombs instead of just transferring a heat spike - the more heat you have when you lose a torso the more severe the possibility of an ammo explosion type effect. Any unexploded heatsinks could also slowly transfer that potential energy into the 'Mech.
We've covered that like five times already ...
Again. The energy that is the heat of the disabled heat sink is not going to instantly magically jump anywhere even if the heat sink itself isn't destroyed. Yes, the mech will lose a portion of heat dissipation, yes the mech will lose a portion of its heat capacity, but it will NOT magically instantly become hotter than it already is.
If a disabled heat sink explodes due to heat present in it then it explodes, and all that heat is gone with it.
If it does not explode, then as already stated somewhere above, mech systems automatically close down all heat transfer channels leading to said heat sink and it becomes effectively isolated from the remainder of the mech except for radiative thermal energy exchange which is incredibly slow in comparison and plays no role whatsoever in an atmospheric environment because it heats up the atmosphere and not the mech.
Even if we want to be completely [redacted] and assume that everything failed at once and it wasn't isolated, then physics would STILL apply, and heat will NOT trasnfer anywhere immidiately. It will NOT transfer to the remaining intact heat capacity instantly, thus it will NOT generate an instant heat spike that will lead to a shutdown.
And that doesn't even begin to mention the fact that by itself, in a disabled heat sink that doesn't pump anymore heat can only transfer to a adjacent portion of the heat transfer system if it is COLDER than the disabled heat sink in question. If the mech will continue to generate heat, then the disabled heat sink that still remains in the system will actually CONTINUE to dissipate heat passively.
As for the "heat bomb" concept, sorry, but it is purely idiotic.