Wil McCullough, on 20 March 2019 - 11:13 PM, said:
The problem with following bt too strictly is that its rules are meant to imitate real life. When grognards go all "but in bt", a lot of the time what they're asking for is a real life imitation of a system that imitates real life. Basically a knock-off of a knock-off. That's dumb af because it's a recipe for failure.
Even BT:TT rules do not imitate BT real life second by second, it is done in 10 second intervals (Solaris 2.5sec intervals), simulating what happens in a 10 sec span.
PGI either is using or being inspired/flavored by BT:TT/Solaris Rules/settings. There will those who will not agree how PGI went about it. Even MPBT EGA/Solaris/3025 had issues, even when using 3025 STOCK IS mechs. The MW series themselves may have provided multiplayer ability but at their core they were PVE games.
As for PGI's MWO, players conception of a heat spike is incorrect, in how they believe it is happening. It is the loss of the capacity but a Heat Bar rating that does not reflect that loss of capacity. The moving indicator will always at 100%. It is showing the current capacity, it does not show the original/starting capacity then followed by the loss of said capacity when a ST and/or HS are lost, it does not show a new, major mark down on the Heat Bar to show the new, reduced capacity, ie 75%. In fact the Heat Bar only shows the moving heat marking in percentage, and that still pegs at 100%.

As for percentage lost for 10 HS (integrated, no slotted) vs 15 HS (integrated + slotted)
*****WIth a cXL/LFE engine with 10 teHS + 5 slotted HS, 6 out of 10 HS lost with 40% penalty. The loss HS capacity is removed from the integrated HS, not the slotted
Base 30 + 2*4 eHS + 0.5*5 eslotHS = 30 + 2*4 + 2.50 = 40.5 capacity (prior to loss 52.5 capacity)
40.5/52.5 = 0.7714 or 77.14% of original Heat scale/bar left, losing 22.86% of the heat scale/bar for a mech with total 15 HS contained in the engine.
*****WIth a cXL/LFE engine with only 10 teHS in it, 4 out of 10 HS lost with 40% penalty
Base 30 + 2*6 eHS = 30 + 12 = 42 capacity (prior to loss 50 capacity - DHS/SHS same)
42/50 = 0.84 or 84% if the heat scale/bar actually scaled this max %. Technically the mech lost 16% of its heat scale bar when it lost 40% of the heat sinks in the engine.
******With a cXL/LFE 390 rated engine using SHS
Base 30 + 2*10 eHS + 0.25*5 = 30+20+1.25 = 51.25 capacity
Base 30 + 2*4 eHS + 0.25*5 = 39.25 capacity after ST loss
39.25 / 51.25 = 0.7658 or 76.58% capacity, or 23.42% loss capacity, the difference is in the capacity of the non-integrated HS, whether engine slotted or elsewhere. 0.50 to 0.25
Just as a reminder, the lost capacity originally was coming off the bottom instead of the top. Also none of the previous games, both MW games nor even BT:TT itself accounted, damage-wise, for those extra HS slotted into a 275+ rated engine. It was free, and FASA never altered nor changed their engine crit rules. LFE/cXL/isXL with their extra side slots simply increased the likelihood, the chance, of an engine crit. This is PGI inspiration.
Now doing this with a 20% capacity loss penalty instead of the 40% from the HS equipped in the engine (Percentage penalties are calculated based off HS in the engine, bott slotted/integrated), and using the largest rated engine 400. It can slot 6 HS.
16*0.20 = 3.2. Would this be truncated or rounded up since it could still affect a HS? Rounding up
Base 30 + 2*10 eHS +0.5*6 = 53 capacity
Base 30 + 2*6 eHS + 0.5*6 = 45 capacity after ST loss
45 / 53 = 0.8490 or 84.90%, or only a loss of 15.20% capacity using 20% penalty instead of 26.42% loss capacity using 40% penalty
Edited by Tarl Cabot, 21 March 2019 - 03:11 PM.