MischiefSC, on 25 July 2019 - 04:18 PM, said:
Not entirely true.
If I'm disconnecting from MW5 a year (or more) before I'm going to play it the odds of my re-investing in it declines significantly.
I may not be the total whale some people are but I'm certainly a spender. I have literally most the mech packs and pre-orders. I preordered the largest package for MW5.
However EGS is a bad experience and I say that having tried, repeatedly to use it. I wanted it to be a thing as I really dislike steams model, it's a bad deal for developers, especially small ones. If I take the step to cancel I'm not going to be throwing money at MW5. If the only real money PGI makes from MW5 is the Epic exclusive deal money and the player base moves on in the interim, where does that leave them? 12 months may feel like a long time waiting for a game but for a business that's a super short time.
So much goodwill burned. Unfortunate.
Good will burned? What good will? The community population has been declining. Steadily because PGI cannot or will not change anything other than more mecpacks. Founders Era and Heros,Community Warfare,Infowarfare,Company Management,planetary holdings etc.
Every time something was announced it was delivered half assed,broken,or not worth the effort to touch.
Prototelis, on 25 July 2019 - 04:20 PM, said:
Actually dude its entirely true; epic reimburses lost pre-orders.
So in the event you do actually buy the game at a later time its like you bought it twice.
Arr matey I hear the port will have new goods on launch week if we are quick we can scoop some up.