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Hibernal Rift: Invisible Wall

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#1 Captain in You


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Posted 20 April 2019 - 03:37 PM

Along the E3/E4 line there is a shadow on the ground that is an invisible wall. Some parts can be shot through and others can't.

#2 Red Sea


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Posted 27 April 2019 - 11:15 AM

I just found that and was gonna report it, beat me too it!!

#3 Mighty Spike


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Posted 28 April 2019 - 02:13 AM

Just sended Screenshots with exact psoition to Suport. Hope they fix it asap

#4 Nesutizale


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Posted 29 April 2019 - 08:57 AM

Encountered the wall or better rock too. It looks like there is an invisible rock or a big block of ice that you can nearly perfectly see through. There are some fine lines above the ground mid air as the only thing you can see.
Feels like there was supposed to be a rock but its transparent.

#5 Mighty Spike


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Posted 29 April 2019 - 01:05 PM

Suport responded to my mail and said they giave the feedback to the right folks of this matter.so lets wait and see next patch

#6 McHoshi


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Posted 29 April 2019 - 07:20 PM

View PostMighty Spike, on 29 April 2019 - 01:05 PM, said:

Suport responded to my mail and said they giave the feedback to the right folks of this matter.so lets wait and see next patch

PGI should fix that ASAP and not just with the next Patch. ... Why do they always need so much time to fix the easiest Things which are to fix? ... and by the Way ... what about that LBX mechananism? That always sounds like a "cheap" excuse when they say that someone who is no longer employed in the company has screwed up.

#7 Hierarch


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Posted 02 May 2019 - 09:10 AM

Theres also like a box at the F3 spawn point that is invisible and stops you from moving around it. particularly annoying because you spawn right next to it..

#8 Aidan Crenshaw


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Posted 06 May 2019 - 04:20 AM

Particularly as Charlie drops there. Assaults are already slow enough.

#9 ImperialKnight


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Posted 08 May 2019 - 02:21 PM

I wouldn't hold my breath for invisible wall/hitbox fixes. It's so prevalent every map it's like a feature from PGI map programmers.

There was one so big on the old Terra Therma you could hide a heavy mech behind it. I used to trolololol people by parking behind it and watch as the enemies overheat trying to shoot a stationary target.

So yea

#10 Tesunie


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Posted 19 May 2019 - 07:41 PM

View PostImperialKnight, on 08 May 2019 - 02:21 PM, said:

I wouldn't hold my breath for invisible wall/hitbox fixes. It's so prevalent every map it's like a feature from PGI map programmers.

There was one so big on the old Terra Therma you could hide a heavy mech behind it. I used to trolololol people by parking behind it and watch as the enemies overheat trying to shoot a stationary target.

So yea

The issue presented here was an obvious floating piece of ground that should have been flush with the terrain around it. It was visible and movement impairing. What you are referring to is often a different issue between low render and high render shapes of terrain, and how the textures fit over the terrain hitbox. (AKA: Often times, you can see through terrain in spots where the hit box is not covered by texture.)

Also, FYI, this exact issue is suppose to be getting fixed in the upcoming patch this Tuesday. There should no longer be a floating block of groundwork on Hibernal Rift.

As a final note, invisible hit boxes is not a "feature" distinct to MW:O, but is in fact an issue which can be found in other games. Some games have it worse where you can shoot one way through terrain, but return fire can't shoot back at you, among other issues. To give such grief to PGI for something that happens in other games acting like it's a unique problem to MW:O is rather ignorant. I do not deny it can be an issue, and it could use to be fixed, but it's more complicated than you seem to suspect.

In this case, I'd rather give credit where credit is due: The issue mentioned in this thread should be fixed by the Patch Tuesday.

#11 Snapt Gleipnir


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Posted 24 August 2019 - 11:52 AM

I've been dealing with headaches on this map for a while -- especially with light mechs that don't carry jump jets. Much of the terrain is jagged (even in ostensibly 'flat' areas) and many of these jaggs glitch-trap smaller mechs for 4-5 seconds; and to top it all off, the mech takes leg damage for all the standing still it just had to do (from the terrain of course, not enemies).

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