Silly Question : What Will Happen To Mwo When Mw5 Hits ?
Posted 21 April 2019 - 07:32 AM
Posted 21 April 2019 - 07:58 AM
Edited by Arnold The Governator, 21 April 2019 - 07:58 AM.
Posted 21 April 2019 - 08:07 AM
Posted 21 April 2019 - 10:01 AM
Probably the same thing will happen like that battle tech game . Most will play mw5 for a month or two then come back to MWO.
Posted 21 April 2019 - 11:35 AM
Edited by Khobai, 21 April 2019 - 11:41 AM.
Posted 21 April 2019 - 01:50 PM
personally even with all the free crap im waiting to see how it looks and just how much they have crippled the mechlab. chnaces are if modders cant make the mechlab as customisable as MWOs then im not getting it at all.
its frankly bizarre to have such limited customisation in a single player game, when i got Battletech first thing i did was get Roguetech so the mechlab didnt suck, and MW5 is going to far more limited than BT was
Edited by VitriolicViolet, 21 April 2019 - 01:50 PM.
Posted 21 April 2019 - 04:19 PM
MW5 = $50
Some people don't want to or cannot justify affording $50, so free is always there
Posted 21 April 2019 - 06:16 PM
MWO for that glorious PvP action.
Battletech for the turn based board game strategy.
MW5 for some co-op campaigns.
The games all stand on their own for various reasons.
I seriously doubt we would see MWO be converted to another engine or anything like that.
Perhaps at some point there might be an MWO 2 but you would think any musings on that matter are so far back on the back burner they have fallen behind the stove.
If anything, we should prepare MWO for fluctuations in the player numbers by allowing smaller teams!!
Posted 21 April 2019 - 07:16 PM
kuma8877, on 21 April 2019 - 07:21 AM, said:
I've heard of IP owners threatening modders with legal action. So if they still have the license. They might have legal grounds to get a mod shut down. But I mean that's all speculative. They might not care about a few people doing some small matches through a client based mod.
Posted 21 April 2019 - 07:24 PM
Pain G0D, on 21 April 2019 - 10:01 AM, said:
Probably the same thing will happen like that battle tech game . Most will play mw5 for a month or two then come back to MWO.
MW5 can make a stream of income for PGI simply by coming out with DLCs. There are games in Steam where the combined value of all DLCs amount to $8,000 to $12,000.
Edited by Anjian, 21 April 2019 - 07:25 PM.
Posted 22 April 2019 - 02:11 AM
VitriolicViolet, on 21 April 2019 - 01:50 PM, said:
personally even with all the free crap im waiting to see how it looks and just how much they have crippled the mechlab. chnaces are if modders cant make the mechlab as customisable as MWOs then im not getting it at all.
its frankly bizarre to have such limited customisation in a single player game, when i got Battletech first thing i did was get Roguetech so the mechlab didnt suck, and MW5 is going to far more limited than BT was
Funy, I really dislike Roguetech and enjoy the vanilla version much much more due to existing limitations that guide you to an extent, compared to a mess of a UI and million systems that detract more from the game than they engage me in.
More is not always better.
Posted 22 April 2019 - 05:31 AM
Despite the detractors cry for the end. Micro soft have zero reason, to cut off P.G.I.
Hare Brained Schemes can't do it, even if they do decide to apply for a live action licence.
Wiesman's ill advised personal agreement, with Harmony Gold, means any game that H.B.S make won't have the Unseen, that H.G have arguable rights to, in them.
Which is why even after the result in the courts, it remains a score draw for P.G.I ( can only be concidered a win if the Crusader, wasp, stinger etc get released.
While still remains a loss for H.B.S as the official Marauder and WarHamer remain pulled from the game.
They can chose between money now, or have the franchise lay dormant, for 10 -15 years like it did in the past.
Its actually, far more likely that P.G.I will not ask for an extension, than Microsoft close down the deal.
This will be decided over sales of Mw5 and how many more mechs are available for producing
Edited by C E Dwyer, 22 April 2019 - 05:37 AM.
Posted 22 April 2019 - 07:52 AM
Prototelis, on 20 April 2019 - 07:54 PM, said:
Pretty close to normal anyway. There are some players who only log in to MWO for big stompy mech action and tolerate the PvP due to lack of choice. MW5 will give them a choice. Those players may not return but if MW5’s advertising campaign is successful and the game is fun, then MWO player numbers should increase after the players start craving PvP.
Posted 22 April 2019 - 08:09 AM
Khobai, on 21 April 2019 - 11:35 AM, said:
Yaaa...I don’t know man, that seems pretty twisted.
I mean look at the numbers:
The season 22 spike is the month AFTER Battletech dropped. Then we had the population plummet over the next few months, back to even below normal levels, and then a return to the norm of gradual population droping over time with occasional ups and downs relative to the long term trend line.
If that was what occurred with what you consider to be a related “good” game’s impact, then a supposedly bad game (in your view) like MW5 would probably be a benefit to MWO population.
Posted 22 April 2019 - 08:11 AM
As some have said, MWO may see a dip in players right at MW5's launch, but should bounce back after a few weeks/months or so. As long as the game sells well, I would also expect to see periodic drops as Expansion/DLCs launch as well (again assuming the game sells well). This is what I would assume from those who are still playing MWO because they enjoy a multiplayer shooter aspect of the franchise above all else. To them, MW5 is a curiosity and they will eventually come back to the game style they prefer.
There are other like myself though who played MWO because it was a MechWarrior game. I don't care for the multiplayer aspect THAT much (instead preferring SP games with crafted stories), but I just wanted to play a new game in the franchise, so MWO it was. Now, for me, I am probably going to play MW5 much longer than the standard MWO player and am eager to possible try out some mods and maybe perform some custom playthroughs (making up my own rules/limitations). I am confident I will get my values worth out of MW5 and will have fun bouncing back and forth between MW5 and HBS's BattleTech. So for me, I have already left MWO and don't really have any plans to return in the foreseeable future. Since I am already gone, no loss for the game going forward really.
Ultimately though, I hope that new players are drawn to MW5 because of what it is and hopefully it gains a good amount of traction for an indie game. At that point, if it does well, MWO might see a boost to players when those who are unaware of MWO play MW5, and after look towards a more multiplayer experience. In that case, one might actually see more people playing MWO a month or so after MW5 launches. I suppose time will tell how this all plays out.
P.S. Don't misunderstand me, I did thoroughly enjoy my time with MWO. I did play for several years pretty regularly. I am just glad I am finally able to get more narrative experiences in one of my favorite franchises. I will always look back on MWO fondly, it is just that now I am finally getting a chance to play BattleTech games as I have preferred them in the past and that makes me happy.
Edited by MeiSooHaityu, 22 April 2019 - 08:16 AM.
Posted 22 April 2019 - 09:56 AM
Edited by MW Waldorf Statler, 22 April 2019 - 10:03 AM.
Posted 22 April 2019 - 11:10 AM
Posted 22 April 2019 - 01:02 PM
MeiSooHaityu, on 22 April 2019 - 08:11 AM, said:
This is how I feel. I play MWO because it's a battletech game, not because I like multiplayer games. In fact I've put more time into MWO than any other multiplayer game. I don't have the time to become good at twitchy headshot shooters like COD and am glad MWO offers some tactical options (support mechs, DPS, shield arms, etc).
I still play MW4 some and have recently gotten into tabletop. I just love the franchise. So I'll be playing MW5 a LOT. I actually have scheduled a week of vacation for the week after it comes out so I can play through it without distractions and after the inevitable post launch patch comes out.

Posted 22 April 2019 - 02:43 PM
since russ refuses any info on mwo's life span and was directly asked how long for mwo at the last mech con with no reply at all I'd expect pgi to keep selling mech packs on the day they turn the mwo servers off. Their history of game quality speaks for itself if not the history of mwo alone.
Posted 22 April 2019 - 03:07 PM
mass population exodus.
consolidation of game modes into a super mode as a last ditch to keep the game alive.
derpification of the game in general as a result.
which leads to game death, the closing of mwo and erradication of inventories.
optimistic model:
mass population exodus.
mwo goes into maintenance mode.
mw5 sales drop off.
pgi announces mwo2.
you have to buy everything again.
salty model:
mass population exodus.
mwo closes.
mw5 flops.
somone releases a multiplayer mod for mw5 that turns out to be better than mwo anyway.
but because mw5 flopped nobody plays it.
people are stuck playing legacy mechwarrior games and living legends, which is also dead.
transverse 2 comes out and flops.
pgi then looks to screw over another old skool ip and goes on to treat another group of 40 something grognards as children.
gaming dies all together.
Edited by LordNothing, 22 April 2019 - 03:09 PM.
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