PhoenixFire55, on 26 April 2019 - 03:36 AM, said:
Pffft ... It is more effective for a skilled player sure, for a baddie it isn't. And obviously its not skilled players who actually want to farm suicide rushes in the first place.
So we have a mode that skilled players won't play? Hey problem solved itself New kids have their playground. It also works for balanceing. Greate...go on.
Seriously are you slow or something? ... You got a match with endless respawns, which means it always have to be 24 active players. One player leaves, and there is nobody in search queue available. What happens? ... Match freezes mid-way with bullets hanging in the air waiting for minutes till someone joins the queue?
MWO allready supports matches with uneven teams. Adding a function for players to hop in and take an open spot isn't far fetched, it had been done in other games too.
This is not a single player game, this is PvP, multiplayer ... why do people want stupid ai to be a factor in a PvP game all the time ffs? 1 player vs ai mode is NOT happening. If you want 1 player vs ai, go buy a mechpak MW5.
It dosn't has to stop with 1 vs Ai. How about 24 players against 24 Ai or even larger?
What about new consumables like Tanks and Elementals?
1 vs Ai is basicly a steppingstone and its frankly one of the ideas I also dislike the most, just see it as an option.
No, because every QP map allows you to not feed yourself through any chokepoint, its the lemmings choice to be fed through them. In contrast FP invasion maps do force people to go through chokepoints, and needless to say, its considered one of the if not THE worst feature of current FP implementation. And you want to add another gamemode with forced chokepoint. So how about ... No.
Yes other maps have options to go around and still you will find people in the chockpoints at every game. Except for polar and HPG. First realy not haveing any and HPG beeing only a chockpoint. Go top via ramps, go low, go sides...its allways a chockpoint you can block.
For the FP maps, I only played FP a little and I didn't had the impression. Most of the times they where the best coordinated attacks/defances of all the maps with people actualy starting to work together, even as PUGs.
Again, short impression but maybe you don't speak for everyone.
LOL! Best joke I've heard in a while. Yeah right, PUG assaults acting as cover for teammates. Yeah, like that is ever gonna happen. I recall times when I've played chokepoint-warrior-online in FP and the amount of "coordination" people displayed there. Oh boy, soooo coordinated ...
Yes PUGs will have their problems but again I had different experiances from you, maybe its different today but some of the Rasselhag drops with PUGs where awesome.
You simply can not have something, anything, that is going to be well received by smart people and idiots at the same time. 5000 years of human history should have taught you that. You either choose one, or the other.
How you come up with smart and idiots is beyond me. Haveing different preferances in playstyles dosn't make people idiots or smart, just different.
Also I think I didn't said to bring them together but have seperate modes that cater to each playstyle. That dosn't mean that you have both playstyles and you also force both on them.
Thats like you would force everyone to play FW or Solaris too. These are quite different modes and they also cater to different groups of playstyles. Do you want to say that the people in this community are idiots because they prefere a certain gamemode?
Yes and I like the idea of that mode. Had that idea for private matches instead of QP but I think it could work for that too.
Edited by Nesutizale, 26 April 2019 - 03:26 PM.