The Plan
Hit the first 1hr of scouting and then 1hr of 12v12
The Date/Time
Date: 05/05/2019
Time: 02:45 UTC (24HR Time)
You will need to convert that time into your own timezone. Start time is 15mins earlier than the phase start time to make sure we are ready/have people there and so on.
How do I get onboard?
You can a few ways...
- Just queue up at that time
- I will be streaming it - Link is in my signature
- Join us on the discord - Sig link will take you there
- Please do not select your contract / faction.
Do I need to have anything ready?
Yes. You need to get the PTS updated PRIOR. I know this seems like common sense but it needs to be said. We don't want to be wasting 20mins for people to update it. It can take 30mins to update so you need to have that sorted.
I will try and balance it as best I can in terms of numbers/players so the sides are as even as possible and try get a 50/50 split between each population. Thus point #4 above, its pretty important. If everyone stacks one side this will not work.
We also want to get some of the SSR data which should evolve over the course of the first hour so there is a bit of method to the madness.
I also have a mechbay/1000MC to giveaway on the stream while we are doing it all
See y'all tomorrow! Basically 24hrs from this post
Edited by justcallme A S H, 03 May 2019 - 10:54 PM.