For the Roflman IIC I am extremely pessimistic about its potential agility values. Firstly, look at the WHM-IIC that has mostly low-medium mounts and how it got turned into a dump truck. The Roflman IIC has all high mounts.
Secondly, PGI almost always bases the agility values on your stock engine. Mechs with low stock engines almost always get lower agility values than mechs with higher caps...which completely contradicts the entire purpose of the engine desync (to make small-engine mechs not completely useless like they used to be) but that's another story for another time.
The faster variants might get okay agility but I am going to bet you $1000 of monopoly money right now that the slow variants will have lower agility than the fast variants despite the fact that having lower top speed is already a weakness in and of itself (lower agility just doubles down on the punishment).
I have learned to always expect the worst. Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment.
Edited by FupDup, 10 May 2019 - 06:01 PM.