Y E O N N E, on 04 May 2019 - 08:01 PM, said:
On LaMalinche, LPL have 505 meters range using a TC1 and full skills. The AC/10 is over 600 meters.
If this were a 'Mech with higher mounts (i.e. put the lasers on top of the wrists, please), it would actually be extremely fun to play.
Agreed. Just 20% higher would be enough... Or give it armour quirks like the 3S
Side note - I ran it a few games tonight unskilled. 300-450dmg I believe was end result. Nothing stellar and I felt like it would do better. Would need to be skilled for that to be the case... It is also heavily map dependant. I'd say more so than the Black Knight in all honesty and that mech struggles as it is, but works cause of its mobilty and quirks.
So yeah, it's definitely NOT a great mech. I reckon I could get 700-900dmg semi-consistently out of it once I skill it up. And yeah, skill will make THAT much difference because the face-time DPS unskilled sucks. Needs WAY more cooldown to make use of the viable loadout which but current META is anemic in outright alpha but will make up in DPS (once skilled only).
Some mechs skills are not so much of an issue, this one definitely needs some skilling.
Edited by justcallme A S H, 05 May 2019 - 06:15 AM.