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Fp Weekly Report - May 21-2019

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#201 Hierarch


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Posted 22 May 2019 - 11:11 PM

Honestly I don't get why we have to pick wolf or hog. Why not just pick IS or Clan, and then let people have their cool wolf symbol as a badge or something that impacts nothing other then the image next to this post and the left side of my name in the pre lobby?

Not that I wouldn't like a cool system that really used the MW universe rewarded teams for winning fp and gained further influence for your contract and or loyalty faction but the above seems to be the easiest solution to keep everyone happy.

Oh I hope you make some changes to incursion really not looking forward to that phase.

Edited by Hierarch, 22 May 2019 - 11:14 PM.

#202 Bishop Six


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Posted 22 May 2019 - 11:19 PM

Ok, yeah. I mean, this is not what we thought it would be.

But guys, seriously. When got this community so aggressive?!

Paul is a human in first line, he had the guts to start active communication (which was desired) and THIS is what you make out of it???

I thought this is a more adult community because of 80's Battletech?

I feel embarassed to read all this hateful and aggressive comments from butthurt nerds. Sorry, but this is going way too far.

Looks like some of you just waited for the patch, waited for little mistakes to **** all the things out of your mouthes what you are carrying in your brain.

Boys, here are about 50 % who even didnt read PTS Threads, Suggestions and Weekly Reports and now are shitstorming like hell.

Yeah this Scouting thing was stupid, but w t f it was just 1 ******* day and our unit did the best out of it and had fun in scouting. nice variety.

I am hardcore loyalist usually and yeah its not a lucky mechanic decision, but hell boys, this can be worked on. Now Paul did a new basis for FP and there from we can look for loyalist stuff and so on.

Then just play the other loyality trees which are active for the events. Really, you are whining like little babies.

The huge amount of disrespect i could feel myself already, Ash is getting shots, Paul too.

You see? Like Drop Callers or people speaking out loud their opinion, people who are changing stuff. They are always getting shots from the mass.

From the lazy people, the fainthearted people who arent able to take responsibility. They are shitstorming with torches and mist forkes. If you would be Paul, what would you do after reading this abomination of Thread? I'd say "**** this!" You are not productive here, just a ranting mob at the moment. Calm down.

Really, cool down and show respect for people who are working on this game, who are trying to improve this game. Its just a ******* game, and you Sirs, should show more adult behaviour.

#203 Hanky Spam


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Posted 22 May 2019 - 11:51 PM

View PostBishop Six, on 22 May 2019 - 11:19 PM, said:

Ok, yeah. I mean, this is not what we thought it would be.

But guys, seriously. When got this community so aggressive?!

Paul is a human in first line, he had the guts to start active communication (which was desired) and THIS is what you make out of it???

I thought this is a more adult community because of 80's Battletech?

I feel embarassed to read all this hateful and aggressive comments from butthurt nerds. Sorry, but this is going way too far.

Looks like some of you just waited for the patch, waited for little mistakes to **** all the things out of your mouthes what you are carrying in your brain.

Boys, here are about 50 % who even didnt read PTS Threads, Suggestions and Weekly Reports and now are shitstorming like hell.

Yeah this Scouting thing was stupid, but w t f it was just 1 ******* day and our unit did the best out of it and had fun in scouting. nice variety.

I am hardcore loyalist usually and yeah its not a lucky mechanic decision, but hell boys, this can be worked on. Now Paul did a new basis for FP and there from we can look for loyalist stuff and so on.

Then just play the other loyality trees which are active for the events. Really, you are whining like little babies.

The huge amount of disrespect i could feel myself already, Ash is getting shots, Paul too.

You see? Like Drop Callers or people speaking out loud their opinion, people who are changing stuff. They are always getting shots from the mass.

From the lazy people, the fainthearted people who arent able to take responsibility. They are shitstorming with torches and mist forkes. If you would be Paul, what would you do after reading this abomination of Thread? I'd say "**** this!" You are not productive here, just a ranting mob at the moment. Calm down.

Really, cool down and show respect for people who are working on this game, who are trying to improve this game. Its just a ******* game, and you Sirs, should show more adult behaviour.

The general mood is toxic, yes, but does that suprise actually anyone after months of development (I just assume they needed months for it?), writing as a customer/player suggestions and then having to experience such a disaster patch?

This patch proofs just one thing: PGI staff is not playing any FP and yet they believe to know what would be the best for us.

C'Mon, it's not like we gave warnings to Paul that alot of things on the PTS are based on bad design decisions and we were hoping that these would be addressed. Instead PGI releases this cluster-**** patch to the wild.

If Paul didn't ignore and comprehend our posts then he should have been very much aware that the general reception wouldn't be good if they release the PTS status quo to the live servers.

And yet I know that we are all human and that we tend to make mistakes, but PGI need to understand that alot of us are desperately disappointed after this recent happening...

The question whatsoever is how PGI wants to fix the current mess? Are they able to fix it like in 48h hours? Or do they need more time? If the latter then I would propose to rollback the patch and then get back to the drawing board and please show us what you (PGI) have actually planned for FP...

Edited by Hanky Spam, 22 May 2019 - 11:53 PM.

#204 Bishop Six


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Posted 23 May 2019 - 12:01 AM

View PostHanky Spam, on 22 May 2019 - 11:51 PM, said:

The general mood is toxic, yes, but does that suprise actually anyone after months of development (I just assume they needed months for it?), writing as a customer/player suggestions and then having to experience such a disaster patch?

This patch proofs just one thing: PGI staff is not playing any FP and yet they believe to know what would be the best for us.

C'Mon, it's not like we gave warnings to Paul that alot of things on the PTS are based on bad design decisions and we were hoping that these would be addressed. Instead PGI releases this cluster-**** patch to the wild.

If Paul didn't ignore and comprehend our posts then he should have been very much aware that the general reception wouldn't be good if they release the PTS status quo to the live servers.

And yet I know that we are all human and that we tend to make mistakes, but PGI need to understand that alot of us are desperately disappointed after this recent happening...

The question whatsoever is how PGI wants to fix the current mess? Are they able to fix it like in 48h hours? Or do they need more time? If the latter then I would propose to rollback the patch and then get back to the drawing board and please show us what you (PGI) have actually planned for FP...

I totally agree with you.

Still...would i show behaviour like this to everybody in my team when they make mistakes in match when i am drop calling...oh boi!

Its the double morale which makes me angry. One side they are all mimimi when you criticize their play, other side they are like Hulk with diarrhea.

We should focus on important things to correct for FP, breath smoothly and give Paul valuable information.

Memes intended to get laughs are not productive. Personal attacks are not productive, making jokes about PGI is not productive. Criticism is totally ok and needed, but i think some people here are too...unfocked in real life.

#205 iLLcapitan


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Posted 23 May 2019 - 12:16 AM

View PostBishop Six, on 23 May 2019 - 12:01 AM, said:


Despite beeing able to muster some respect for your patience, you can't just outright dismiss people who's patience is gone after several years of the same old loop:

-players ask for simple changes to improve FP/CW, because we understand so well PGI is a small team/ needs ages for bigger changes / insert excuse of choice
-PGI runs a pts and people give feedback only to be ignored
-players leave
-PGI proceeds to implement whatever they feel like / nobody asked for
-FP is blown up in the process (in some cases literally)
-more players leave
-cycle continues

I'm spent emotionally on this and as a result can't bring myself to play currently despite having played close to 10k FP matches.

Edited by iLLcapitan, 23 May 2019 - 12:17 AM.

#206 Bishop Six


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Posted 23 May 2019 - 12:26 AM

View PostiLLcapitan, on 23 May 2019 - 12:16 AM, said:

Despite beeing able to muster some respect for your patience, you can't just outright dismiss people who's patience is gone after several years of the same old loop:

-players ask for simple changes to improve FP/CW, because we understand so well PGI is a small team/ needs ages for bigger changes / insert excuse of choice
-PGI runs a pts and people give feedback only to be ignored
-players leave
-PGI proceeds to implement whatever they feel like / nobody asked for
-FP is blown up in the process (in some cases literally)
-more players leave
-cycle continues

I'm spent emotionally on this and as a result can't bring myself to play currently despite having played close to 10k FP matches.

Yes ok...you are right.

But now? Close the door and move away? I think there are still many people who like to play this game. In their opinion this game is ****** up. And now? What to do?

There are these possibilities:

1.) Close the door, uninstall the game, play something different. -> problem solved for yourself

2.) Unproductive shitstorm (what can you reach with that?) -> ???

3.) Constructive criticism in hope to get things better again -> maybe improvement

There are no other solutions. Choose!

#207 denAirwalkerrr


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Posted 23 May 2019 - 12:29 AM

View PostdenAirwalkerrr, on 21 May 2019 - 09:23 PM, said:

And as usual.
PGI: making PTS
Players: playing and giving feedback that it sucks
PGI: pushes changes with 2 faction lock nobody ever said about or wanted
Players: angry
PGI: Posted Image

Seriously only reason to do what you did is only if you want to deliberately kill gamemode.


Hunders upon hundreds messages of constructive criticism were provided. Nobody is shoked with PGI ignoring it as they always do because they made a thingie and too busy with MW5 to dedicate more resources to finish it out. What baffles me is how thingie literally ended up being probably the worst MWO update I ever saw over the time I play when they managed to **** up not only FP but even people who don’t care about it but had their ability to show their passion for certain faction in BT universe removed.

Edited by denAirwalkerrr, 23 May 2019 - 12:41 AM.

#208 justcallme A S H


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Posted 23 May 2019 - 12:31 AM

View PostHanky Spam, on 22 May 2019 - 11:51 PM, said:

The general mood is toxic, yes, but does that suprise actually anyone after months of development (I just assume they needed months for it?), writing as a customer/player suggestions and then having to experience such a disaster patch?

I'd say more - tensions boiling over. J a y & I have exchanged messages and are on different pages in some areas but on the same page in others and that's all it is - peeps are frustrated. End of the day we agreed to work together best we can, that is all anyone can do.

I mean look at it this way, trying to turn a negative into a positive here - There is a LOT of passion for FP - Just look what one patch did, the forums have been dead for 2-3 months and outta nowhere we've had 100s of people posting about FP and also in Gen Chat (and discords, reddit etc). They wanna see their faction back, they wanna play etc etc.

So despite the mode being "dead" according to a lot of Quick Play-only experts - To me - If that many people are bothering to log in and post then I say the passion is still there for many people and also many units.

PGI just needs to get it right and at this juncture a few big points were not thought of the way we expected.

Edited by justcallme A S H, 23 May 2019 - 12:35 AM.

#209 Laser Kiwi


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Posted 23 May 2019 - 12:38 AM

View PostJ a y, on 21 May 2019 - 05:06 PM, said:

I have been Kuritan loyalist since 2016.

With DOZENS of my unit members already in the final 5 ranks of Kuritan loyalty, this is a huge blow. Advancing towards rank 20 was a slow grind, and its about to get even slower. UNBEARABLY slow.

I could only imagine that older loyalist units like CGBI, HHOD, and RPTG/R79T are taking this very poorly as well.

Figure something out. Have multiple conflicts going on at the same time. ANYTHING but this.


I see some long-time mercenary "enemies" (Neir, Callandor, Nightbird, etc) actively opposing this despite the fact that the loyalty issues don't affect them as much.

Cheers from ISMO. Keep fighting the good fight.

Can't really speak for my unit as i'm a minion, but what the hell, add SROT to that, Skye Rangers, not Free Rasalhague rangers, but Skye, inside Steiner.....

#210 Bishop Six


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Posted 23 May 2019 - 12:42 AM

Here guys, some food for your mood:

#211 Laser Kiwi


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Posted 23 May 2019 - 12:56 AM

View PostBishop Six, on 23 May 2019 - 12:42 AM, said:

Here guys, some food for your mood:

I've got that song on my spotify, i play it when i go to work

#212 Paul Meyers DEST


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Posted 23 May 2019 - 01:32 AM

I am pissed too and i am not even a Loyalist.

I am not opening my wallet again until this crap is reworked.



#213 n00biwan


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Posted 23 May 2019 - 01:58 AM

I'm just going to say, that "unconstructive shitstorm" from players who are normally calm, rational or reasonable might be an indication that this is a {LT-MOB-25}-up.

It was mentioned before, but low post count/oldbies are getting up and angry about this, might be worth notice.

Loyalist units are very unhappy to be not just ignored but actively punished for "how they want to play", again.

Just.... I'm sad. FP was why I came to MWO and it NEVER lived up to the hype/promises, and changes made usually seemed to make things worse. This last rot is just a sheer failure to understand humans and how they emotively connect with your content (or even how living a normal life and being a gamer works, we have lots of choices and limited time)

What football team do you support? Well, that doesn't matter this season because they aren't allowed in the cup... because... I dunno, some people that play tennis sat around a table and decided it.

#214 Geewiz 27


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Posted 23 May 2019 - 02:16 AM


Edited by draiocht, 23 May 2019 - 06:55 AM.
unconstructive, replies removed

#215 J a y


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Posted 23 May 2019 - 02:51 AM

View Postjustcallme A S H, on 23 May 2019 - 12:31 AM, said:

So despite the mode being "dead" according to a lot of Quick Play-only experts - To me - If that many people are bothering to log in and post then I say the passion is still there for many people and also many units.

100%. The US primetime window is 8PM-12AM EST. At the peak of our arguing last night, square in the middle of primetime, there were over 80 individual pilots monitoring this post.

We love MWO, and we love FW. Reverting to the pre-patch FW build will give us the ability to play while discussing solutions and ideas again.

#216 Nathan White


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Posted 23 May 2019 - 03:21 AM

View PostMetalgod69, on 23 May 2019 - 03:04 AM, said:

The main problem in FW is, that super strong premades butcher alle new players, so they never return. And in QP they dont get better, because nascaring with lrms dont makes you better. As a consequence we have a very little player base and long wait times. (and often very boring mismatch drops..) Groups and pugs have to be separated. Maybe a competitive group fw mode. But for that we dont have enough players. Honestly, i dont see a solution.

Each of us was a newbie, when coming to this game. But time is gone, and passed a few year. Someone joing (or create) a good unit, and improve his skill, someone - none. Main problem - PGI hates units. Now, units have no instruments to attract a new people, a new blood. After this patch, last bastion was crushed - loyalist units. Who tried to teach people the basic mechanics.

Average players go out, who stayed in the game? Some top players, and big potato sea. People, who dont learn anything from the years plaing this game.

Its a problem.

#217 Teenage Mutant Ninja Urbie


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Posted 23 May 2019 - 03:52 AM

View PostMetalgod69, on 23 May 2019 - 03:16 AM, said:

By the way is it an error that i can fire THREE PPCs without ghost heat on my new highl. IICA ? I thought this ppc hsl quirk only cools the mech more when firing ppcs......

no. "no extra heat with up to 3" is exactly what it should do. ofc pgi has a more complicated way to write this out as a
'heatscale limit that punishes people with a mechanic we call ghost heat if they bring (4) ppcs and shoot them at the same time'
but......... eh. I disgress.

back on topic:
when do we get the rollback? when can I start playing FW again in a tolerable way?

Edited by Teenage Mutant Ninja Urbie, 23 May 2019 - 03:54 AM.

#218 xX PUG Xx


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Posted 23 May 2019 - 04:45 AM

I'd like to add my "voice" to the "Please roll back the patch".

#219 DAEDALOS513


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Posted 23 May 2019 - 04:50 AM

Yes, if there is in ANY WAY possible. roll all of it back. The goodwill such an action would generate among your player base would be unprecedented.

Edited by DAEDALOS513, 23 May 2019 - 04:53 AM.

#220 Grus


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Posted 23 May 2019 - 04:54 AM

I've sent some tweets out to hopefully get a comment but nothing as of yet.

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