4.1) The Faction Selection for Loyalist is currently permanent in this proposed system.
- Should a Loyalist be able to switch Factions? (Remember, the major feedback so far in this area is that a Loyalist would never switch.)
- When would a Loyalist be allowed to switch?
- Would there be penalties of some sort involved in doing so?
There should be an option to break loyalty. I can think of a couple options to do this (not necessarily inclusive/exclusive options):
1. If we are still going with CW seasons, then at the conclusion of a season.
2. At any time for a certain % of earned LP in that faction. So the longer you are with one, the more you will lose if you ever go back. Maybe as high as 25%
3. Possibly the surrender of certain Loyalty perks. I'm thinking camos, decals or mechs (on loan?) if that is possible. Cbills if not.
Rewards for Loyalist must be great to make anyone want to be a loyalist. They should have the biggest perks, but also (if possible) something that can be lost if they leave that faction and would kind of "hurt" to lose. Maybe exclusive camos or decals. Something more than just a number of LP unless their LP level is not just an experience bar but a meter of what special goodies they have access to. Maybe Davions get a 5% ballistic cooldown quirk on all mechs (probably impossible to implement). I've been playing HBS's Battletech lately and your reputation with each faction determines your payouts so the higher your reputation, the more cbills you earn, but some people have so much they don't need it. Maybe at a certain level, you start earning MC each match?