Edited by draiocht, 01 June 2019 - 11:15 AM.
unconstructive, discussing moderation, staff abuse

Mwo Dev Update New Date!
Posted 01 June 2019 - 10:26 AM
Posted 01 June 2019 - 10:36 AM
ShyX, on 01 June 2019 - 10:26 AM, said:
If you'd actually read what they said ABOUT the update coming up, they covered everything they said they'd cover.
[Redacted]. everything Russ said about MechPacks was true: There is a crapton of available mechs and chassis, and they haven't gotten a good return on the last few monthly ones... partially DUE to salty [Redacted] on the forums.
p.s. to be honest, I applaud them going back to adding mechs on a case-by-case basis, simply for the fact we'll very likely get a full pack of four different mechs, so that people ordering will at least get SOMETHING they want out of it. And, to be blunt, they're also launching MW5 in roughly three months. if MWO stuff is put in the Backburner for a bit so they can make sure MW5's the best it can be by launch, I'm completely fine with that.
Edited by draiocht, 01 June 2019 - 11:21 AM.
Quote Clean-up, unconstructive, replies removed
Posted 01 June 2019 - 10:37 AM
That raises the question, what will happen to MWO after that? Are there any plans for MWO2 based on unreal engine? Any chance to run MWO on private servers? Or will MWO go down to the digital abyss like so many F2P games before, never to be seen again?
Edited by Rockcrusher, 01 June 2019 - 10:38 AM.
Posted 01 June 2019 - 10:43 AM
I genuinely wanted MWO to keep thriving and MW5 to be extraordinary. I hope PGI learned from mistakes and comes up with a way to revitalize the brand.
Posted 01 June 2019 - 12:32 PM
Posted 01 June 2019 - 12:47 PM
Alienized, on 01 June 2019 - 01:01 AM, said:
are you wondering?
this community in general was one whiney lump all damn time.
scattered in too many directions, never wanting to understand the opposition.
if things didnt go their way, full drama mode and ragequit.
all this narrow minded BS community wise for so long, all the major expectations no one could ever live up to (ye, i know that PGI made mistakes and so on and never lived up to their words either) lead to where we are now.
i never much cared where PGI was going with this, i was just going with it doing my thing ignoring meta, the min/max trash trying to tell me how the game should be played.
the community itself done everything in their might to help this ship sinking.
if its the hardcore lore guys, the elitist comp guys, the casual puggers.
you fought each other to the bone so hard that it was only a matter of time you killed your own fun.
you cant develop THIS game into one side alone and expecting it to be succesfull.
You good sir or madam, you should win the internet. Because you literally just explained the player base, even me. I've said what you've said for years and no one has listened, or I thought no one did. You've proven me wrong, and given me a little hope. Thank you
Also whats up with all the F's? FFS people, cool off and play the game, it ain't dead yet.
Edited by Avalon91211, 01 June 2019 - 12:51 PM.
Posted 01 June 2019 - 01:10 PM
Posted 01 June 2019 - 02:06 PM
Let the mechs battle.
Posted 01 June 2019 - 03:20 PM
Very doubtful about MW5.
But core community will be back to Living Legends guys, so we still have place to be.

Posted 01 June 2019 - 04:50 PM
now if mw5 does anywhere from mediocre to good, pgi will likely have enough money to fund the next game, whatever that may be, or to keep paying for mwo's life support and if they do real good maybe they can do both. but mwo still needs to be made cash positive.
now a big change like an engine upgrade and a major redesign where you can pass it off as an mwo2 in cases where you need to bury some of the horrible design decisions chosen in mwo and also rebrand it mostly for marketing reasons. but where you can still carry on mwo at least in part (mostly existing mech inventories and some maps that can be ported or recreated for nostalgia). maybe you can make that cash positive.
such a redesign would be set up with multiple income streams funding different aspects of the game. like one for mechs, one for maps, one for weapons and so on. you would literally be voting with your wallets where you want the devs to focus. each division would have a target goal for some big change (say a new map or a new set of weapons or a mech). if you actually show current and target numbers and get people hyped up enough to buy content to make the change happen. if you encourage good playerbase relations where supporters and designers can interact and make sure paying customers voices are heard and where they can actually participate in the design process. you can also source community generated content in this way and use that to improve the game. say map design contests make a map, if it passes minimum requirements you get a mech pack. or a best skin competition where you have the community submit their own art and add the top 5 winners to the game.
Posted 01 June 2019 - 05:16 PM
Tank, on 01 June 2019 - 03:20 PM, said:
Very doubtful about MW5.
But core community will be back to Living Legends guys, so we still have place to be.

Posted 01 June 2019 - 05:39 PM
Well, no idea, maybe someone will buy it. I only preordered it because of the MWO goodies. The game itself promises to be the same thing on a better engine, without multiplayer, and with everything PGI didn’t manage to implement in MWO still not being part of the game. The new options a singleplayer game is offering (deep or non-linear campaign, map painting) won’t be there, either.
PGI is trying to sell at least something as long as the license is running to get it extended. Understandable. But still.
The problem with MWO is probably that it wasn’t attracting enough new players, and for the old ones there is not that much incentive to buy new mechs if you already have 234 of them.
Posted 01 June 2019 - 07:06 PM
Kuaron, on 01 June 2019 - 05:39 PM, said:
The problem with MWO is probably that it wasn’t attracting enough new players, and for the old ones there is not that much incentive to buy new mechs if you already have 234 of them.
This, basically people spending all their time on MWO skilling mechs rather than enjoying them, just in case i cashed in my MC for XP at the latest double xp event, i'm skilling up my mechs and playing them for fun rather than grind, might make the game more enjoyable if i don't think about the grind so much.
Posted 01 June 2019 - 07:40 PM
I have enjoyed my time here and will continue to play until lights turn off. Let us all hope MW5, which i pre-ordered, is even a small success.
PS. MS taking control of this franchise would be its death. just saying, but i already know that some wont agree on that.
F (press F for respect)
Posted 01 June 2019 - 08:26 PM
Alienized, on 01 June 2019 - 01:01 AM, said:
are you wondering?
this community in general was one whiney lump all damn time.
scattered in too many directions, never wanting to understand the opposition.
if things didnt go their way, full drama mode and ragequit.
all this narrow minded BS community wise for so long, all the major expectations no one could ever live up to (ye, i know that PGI made mistakes and so on and never lived up to their words either) lead to where we are now.
i never much cared where PGI was going with this, i was just going with it doing my thing ignoring meta, the min/max trash trying to tell me how the game should be played.
the community itself done everything in their might to help this ship sinking.
if its the hardcore lore guys, the elitist comp guys, the casual puggers.
you fought each other to the bone so hard that it was only a matter of time you killed your own fun.
you cant develop THIS game into one side alone and expecting it to be succesfull.
Do you even know what you are talking about?
The "ship" only remains afloat when there is money to support it.
I've have always been fair to PGI with regards to what they have been doing. Giving praise when they do a good job and calling them out when they dropped the ball
I've sunk more than $1k into this game since 2012. There are A LOT of players who have spent thousands Considering the price of an average AAA game... it's borderline insane.
And please consider that all that is to pay PGI who has been performing on a mod-team level, rather than being a full-on developer... but that is expected since a lot of the MWO core code is not accessible to them after they lost their original programmers.
I will say one thing.
When they started selling Clan wave 1 in 2013, the intent was to generate a huge money boost for them to break free of MWO and it's messy engine/code (yes, they intended to abandon MWO since 2013, even before FP was even released).
Clans sold so well, that not only it kick-started MW5 development, but it created a sugar-rush effect on PGI, making them think that they don't even need to develop anything (right when the community was so angry about the delayed FP). Mechpacks became the norm and all eggs were put into it. Alex and model artists led the way of generating revenue. To put it into contrast, MWO still suffers from Beta-version UI problems.
That led to the development of an extremely shallow napkin idea-level FP release with two maps that were examples of "how not to design a multi-player map 101"
lol... You think a voice acted playable MW5 in UE4 engine shown at mechcon 2016 was made the night before? People were so drunk and excited that they forgot about everything.
(I should say though, based on the two times I played MW5 demo in 2017 and 2018, It looks to have good potential)
They tried to repeat the clan sugar rush with civil war tech upgrade. Yet after a while, good mechs ran out, sales dropped and Chris kept smiling with a smug face at players who were stunned by how clueless game designers are about what a player really goes through in MWO.... While Russ was having a blast dropping long toms on FP community (That long tom disaster was one of the main reasons FP died.... lol)
So... don't you dare say it is the community's fault. It's 200% on them... it was on them since the beginning and it would be on them 10 years from now.
Unfortunately PGI (and even some of the community members) think that MWO players are glue-sniffing 12 yos.
While in reality most of them own and run businesses and can see signs and patterns very clearly.
Also forgot to add this:
In 2015 PGI crafted this idea of pushing MWO on a self-sustaining path by moving it into e-sports scene (even when most of MWO was designed to satisfy the typical lore-nerd who likes zero visibility maps, non-functioning heat and night visions, etc.). That is how you can spot the break away point, considering how happy they were with the clan sales and the zero e-sports oriented advertisements after that event.
The entire Mechcon 2016 and the events going on in it (from the prize pool, the large and expensive venue, first reveal of a pre-alpha playable MW5, etc.) was held in hopes of attracting big e-sports sponsors by showing off the community's interest and the competitive potential of MWO.
And if I have to guess, I think they could not attract (m)any sponsors.
Anyways... what I said above is my personal opinion and you are more than welcome to disagree.
I would welcome any PGI staff to correct me in case I'm being completely wrong.
Edited by Navid A1, 02 June 2019 - 12:12 AM.
Posted 01 June 2019 - 09:11 PM
Navid A1, on 01 June 2019 - 08:26 PM, said:
Actually, I found what seemed to drive a lot of interest away from FP was when the map got it's first reset. After the first one, I saw a lot less enthusiasm for FP, and a lot less pushing as a community into the game mode. It was like "if all my hard work can just get reset like that, why fight for little dots on a reset-able map anymore?"
Maybe I'm wrong on that, but that's my take on how things boiled down. That, I think, was the first step in FP's decline. Certainly the current change wasn't good at all (and their updated "recommendation" was how I expected it to be implemented, with individual factions forming alliances for "out of faction" loyalists). If they implement the alliances for Loyalists, I think the current FP mechanics could be reasonable (but I haven't tried it out yet myself).
Posted 01 June 2019 - 09:12 PM
Navid A1, on 01 June 2019 - 08:26 PM, said:
Clans sold so well, that not only it kick-started MW5 development, but it created a sugar-rush effect on PGI, making them think that they don't even need to develop anything (right when the community was so angry about the delayed FP).
Is this your conjecture of what happened behind the scenes? Or have you been secretly spying on PGI all these years? I don't really want to take part in this discussion but simply making things up to support your own opinion won't help anybody.
Edited by Bluttrunken, 01 June 2019 - 09:17 PM.
Posted 01 June 2019 - 09:17 PM
Bluttrunken, on 01 June 2019 - 09:12 PM, said:
Is this your conjecture of what happened behind the scenes? Or have you been secretly spying on PGI these years? I don't really want to take part in this discussion but simply making things up to support your own opinion won't help anybody.
I didn't want to touch that myself either, because it went a little counter to how I remember/heard the story... I kinda recall IGP pushed for the Clan's release (and Gold mechs), and then PGI bought IGP out of the project completely. I'm more inclined to believe IGP had more to do with the base problems with MW:O (such as being made on Cryengine as my take on things for an example) due to how IGP handled MW:Tactics (supported by IGP, produced by someone else).
However, I'll leave conjecture there and chalk most of it up to "irrelevant" in the overall discussion at the moment.
Posted 01 June 2019 - 09:26 PM
Navid A1, on 28 May 2019 - 02:54 AM, said:
Russ will
- - Announce the end of monthly patch cycle for MWO
- - Announce the date MWO servers will shut down
- - Express hope that the community can mod in PvP in MW5 and says that PGI staff is always there to answer any questions
- - No new mechpacks
- - No mechcon this year. At least not in the same way as before
- - Limited, online only WC with in-game prizes.
- - MW5 promotion
- - Gives a vague roadmaps for maintaining FP in MWO over the next couple months.
- - Will say that they are talking with microsoft about the future of the franchise after MW5 and a theoretical MWO2
Pretty good prediction
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