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Mwo Settings Guide And User.cfg


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#21 No One Lives Forever


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Posted 30 May 2019 - 03:52 AM

Well, I've got 9900k and 2080ti, 16GB RAM, applied your settings and extra settings (raised e_ParticlesQuality to 4, set e_ParticlesObjectCollisions to 2 and raised e_LodRatio to 50) and got about 20-30 fps increase on Solaris city (looks like the most demanding one for my system) from about 115 to 144 fps (monitor refresh rate, VSync on). But to be honest, game does look a bit worse, more..edgy. Also, I use MSAA and max settings, 1080p.

But I'll keep the settings, thanks for your good work :) I wouldn't mind some a bit more powerful machine oriented settings, though..

Edited by No One Lives Forever, 30 May 2019 - 04:03 AM.

#22 dario03


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Posted 30 May 2019 - 04:05 AM

View PostThe6thMessenger, on 30 May 2019 - 03:25 AM, said:

Acer Aspire V3 547G

Low on most settings, very high on texture.
From 22 to 27 after this setting. Solaris City is still ******* my FPS though.

With a Nvidia 940m 4GB?

Have you checked your vram usage? Texture makes some big jumps in vram usage, you might be running out.

#23 MrVaad


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Posted 30 May 2019 - 04:06 AM

No One Lives Forever, You can try to re-enable SSAO or even SSDO (but not both at the same time)
See some examples here : http://www.tweakguid...Crysis3_15.html

r_SSAO (0/1/2/3/4/5)
r_ssdo (0/1/2)

I had begun a few tests but did not finish. SSAO 3 and 4 seem the less GPU intensive and not much visual difference.

RIVER CITY (GPU auto power, freq=1126Mhz)
BASE :37%
SSAO1:55% SSAO2:55% SSAO3:45% SSAO4:45% SSAO5:50%
SSDO1:50% SSDO2:51%

HIBERNAL RIFT (GPU auto power, freq=1126Mhz)
BASE :40%
SSAO1:62% SSAO2:62% SSAO3:50% SSAO4:50% SSAO5:54%
SSDO1:52% SSDO2:53%

RIVER CITY 2nd test (GPU max power, freq=1607Mhz)
BASE : 30%
SSAO1: % SSAO2: % SSAO3:35% SSAO4: % SSAO5: %
SSDO1: % SSDO2: %

Edited by MrVaad, 30 May 2019 - 05:17 AM.

#24 No One Lives Forever


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Posted 30 May 2019 - 04:16 AM

View PostMrVaad, on 30 May 2019 - 04:06 AM, said:

No One Lives Forever, You can try to re-enable SSAO or even SSDO (but not both at the same time)
See some examples here : http://www.tweakguid...Crysis3_15.html

r_SSAO (0/1/2/3/4/5)
r_ssdo (0/1/2)

I had begun a few tests but did not finish. SSAO 3 and 4 seem the less GPU intensive and not much visual difference.

RIVER CITY (GPU auto power, freq=1126Mhz)
BASE :37%
SSAO1:55% SSAO2:55% SSAO3:45% SSAO4:45% SSAO5:50%
SSDO1:50% SSDO2:51%

HIBERNAL RIFT (GPU max power, freq=1607Mhz)
BASE :40%
SSAO1:62% SSAO2:62% SSAO3:50% SSAO4:50% SSAO5:54%
SSDO1:52% SSDO2:53%

RIVER CITY 2nd test (GPU max power, freq=1607Mhz)
BASE : 30%
SSAO1: % SSAO2: % SSAO3:35% SSAO4: % SSAO5: %
SSDO1: % SSDO2: %

Thank you, I will play with these setting a bit and see what I'll come up with.

#25 MrVaad


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Posted 30 May 2019 - 04:19 AM

Oh and soft particles (r_UseSoftParticles=1) Posted Image

#26 dario03


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Posted 30 May 2019 - 04:30 AM

I tried this without the pak files and the tuning.cfg file, went into testing grounds first since another user.cfg thread said doing that helped if you didn't have tuning.cfg. Seemed to help a bit at first, less texture pop in and more steady frametimes/ less stuttering in game, in testing grounds ran nearly perfectly. But after that I played a few matches with log out/in and testing grounds inbetween and it doesn't seem to work as good now.

Don't know if its the lack of tuning.cfg or just the typical randomness of performance I get. Making a change seeing an improvement, and then going back to less performance has been pretty common for me. For instance a big reason I tried this was because it mentioned the shader cache and changing shader cache options in graphics driver had helped before but only temporarily.

Tried clearing cache a few times and loading in and out of testing grounds but now even in testing grounds I get some drops and stutter, even when it shows good framerates it feels like its stuttering a bit which is how it was before. Figure I'll try changing some cache settings in the driver settings again see if that helps. I have an AMD rx470 4GB (with a i7 4770k 4.4ghz, 16GB ram, mwo on ssd) with shader cache set to on right now, might try off or optimized see if that does anything.

#27 No One Lives Forever


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Posted 30 May 2019 - 04:34 AM

View PostMrVaad, on 30 May 2019 - 04:19 AM, said:

Oh and soft particles (r_UseSoftParticles=1) Posted Image

After setting SSAO to 4 and enabling soft particles, game looks about the same as before the adjustments but fps is still way better than it was (stable 144 on Solaris City, with dips to 110ish fps with heavy fire going). I'd say well done and thank you again :)

#28 MrVaad


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Posted 30 May 2019 - 04:44 AM

View Postdario03, on 30 May 2019 - 04:30 AM, said:

I tried this without the pak files and the tuning.cfg file, But after that I played a few matches with log out/in and testing grounds inbetween and it doesn't seem to work as good now.

Dario03, MWO applies its own settings on start and overwrite what is done by user.cfg
(that's why you don't see all the benefits before entering a match or training grounds).

Tuning.cfg allows to reload the user.cfg when loading a map.

#29 dario03


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Posted 30 May 2019 - 04:54 AM

View PostMrVaad, on 30 May 2019 - 04:34 AM, said:

MWO applies its own settings on start and overwrite what is done by user.cfg
(that's why you don't see all the benefits before entering a match or training grounds).

Tuning.cfg allows to reload the user.cfg when loading a map.

Yeah I just wanted to see if some of the settings would help without tuning.cfg since its not on the list of ok to add files. Not sure how many of the settings need the tuning.cfg but like I said seemed liked it help at first so I guess some don't.

#30 MrVaad


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Posted 30 May 2019 - 04:58 AM

View Postdario03, on 30 May 2019 - 04:54 AM, said:

Yeah I just wanted to see if some of the settings would help without tuning.cfg since its not on the list of ok to add files. Not sure how many of the settings need the tuning.cfg but like I said seemed liked it help at first so I guess some don't.

Well MWO will overwrite all the values you can see in my file "MWO - CryEngine Variables values set by InGame Settings.xlsx"
In short, all the variables modified by the ingame settings.

It seems tuning.cfg has been used for years here, and as it doesn't modify any MWO assets/files or behaviour, i'd say it's ok.

Edited by MrVaad, 30 May 2019 - 05:00 AM.

#31 dario03


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Posted 30 May 2019 - 05:09 AM

View PostMrVaad, on 30 May 2019 - 04:58 AM, said:

Well MWO will overwrite all the values you can see in my file "MWO - CryEngine Variables values set by InGame Settings.xlsx"
In short, all the variables modified by the ingame settings.

It seems tuning.cfg has been used for years here, and as it doesn't modify any MWO assets/files or behaviour, i'd say it's ok.

Oh ok, good info. So all the orange commands won't work without the tuning.cfg? Odd though because I could swear I've used a couple of those and saw results (terrainlodratio, viewdistratio) but that was a long time ago, probably just remembering wrong or got changed.

#32 MrVaad


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Posted 30 May 2019 - 05:12 AM

The orange and red variables are LOCKED (orange via the server, red via the client)

You can play with the orange ones in the training grounds. But as soon as you start a match, they get their original values back.

Edited by MrVaad, 30 May 2019 - 05:14 AM.

#33 dario03


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Posted 30 May 2019 - 05:30 AM

View PostMrVaad, on 30 May 2019 - 05:12 AM, said:

The orange and red variables are LOCKED (orange via the server, red via the client)

You can play with the orange ones in the training grounds. But as soon as you start a match, they get their original values back.

Hmmmmm...So if I load into the game and go directly to testing grounds all of the settings in the user.cfg should work even without the tuning.cfg? I wonder why it only seemed to work the first time for me then... Because like I said, ran great the first time in testing grounds, but since then not so much. I'll play around with the driver and user stuff and see if I can at least get testing grounds good.

Edited by dario03, 30 May 2019 - 05:40 AM.

#34 MrVaad


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Posted 30 May 2019 - 06:24 AM

Ok i'll try to explain it better Posted Image Here is the sequence :

1. MWO starts and apply your user.cfg
2. MWO apply the ingame settings (overwriting any changes made by your user.cfg)
3. You go into the training grounds: if you have a tuning.cfg, your user.cfg is re-applied
4. You go into a live match : if you have a tuning.cfg, your user.cfg is re-applied AND the variables i've put in orange are reset by the game server.

Tuning.cfg contains only one line "exec user.cfg"
I'd say don't modify those orange variables for live matches, it won't do anything.

Edited by MrVaad, 30 May 2019 - 06:34 AM.

#35 Sidenide


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Posted 30 May 2019 - 10:49 AM

What graphics settings to put in the game, when using "user.cfg"?

#36 MrVaad


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Posted 30 May 2019 - 11:29 AM

View PostSidenide, on 30 May 2019 - 10:49 AM, said:

What graphics settings to put in the game, when using "user.cfg"?

You can use what you want, i use high for everything and disable anti aliasing.
I've made a small guide describing what the game does at each graphic settings, in this file "MWO - InGame Settings Explained.txt"

View Postvesemir, on 30 May 2019 - 11:11 AM, said:

Confirming, good work!
Tested on "Crimson" map. Your user.cfg gave 112/129/152 fps (min/avg/max) while my own one only 82/89/112
I used this config before:

Ah thanks, that's great if it improves your perf Posted Image

With my GTX 1080, r_ShadowsDepthBoundNV=1 was costing more drawcalls and I didn't see any GPU usage improvement.
In the cryengine, there is a "job system" taking requests from all the engines. sys_job_system_max_worker is the number of little workers (threads).
Default is 8, but you can't put more than your number of logical CPU (8 for your 2600K). If you put 0, it will use your number of logical CPU.
Those threads are created and stopped depending on the game needs.

And the following variables are locked :

Edited by MrVaad, 30 May 2019 - 11:41 AM.

#37 MrVaad


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Posted 30 May 2019 - 01:35 PM

Does it happen in a live match ? On which map ?
Physics are synchronised between the client and the server.

Edited by MrVaad, 30 May 2019 - 01:38 PM.

#38 MrVaad


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Posted 30 May 2019 - 02:03 PM

For the water, you can change r_WaterReflectionsQuality
0 (terrain only), 1 (terrain + particles), 2 (terrain + particles + brushes), 3 (everything)

I just checked and I can't reproduce those slowdowns with trees/streetLamps on crimson or river city.

Edited by MrVaad, 30 May 2019 - 02:18 PM.

#39 Burning2nd


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Posted 30 May 2019 - 03:42 PM

View PostAkira Shindeiru, on 29 May 2019 - 12:26 PM, said:

So does this actually improve performance?
Got an i9 9900K and a GTX1080ti and struggling to achieve a decent average framerate (and ofc the stuttering when looking around.
Just hope that MW5 will be properly optimized.

you **** is broken or configured uncorrectly, I have a i7 5400 and a gtx 1050FTW and i have no peoblems.. I could probably run multiply instances

#40 ExoForce


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Posted 31 May 2019 - 02:30 PM

Quick update - still messing with in-game settings.

Sub-optimal laptop 2760q with GT 540 m (1GB).
I see some FPS improvements (medium res and settings),

and my CPU usage went down 40% and runs cooler 10¤ Celsius!!! Posted Image

Edited by ExoForce, 08 June 2019 - 03:28 PM.

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