Prototelis, on 29 June 2019 - 10:08 PM, said:
It is, but a higher ticket count to win would be good. Game is set for 25 minutes but is often over in half that by caps without even needing one team dominating the cap points. I don't think it should go up so much that ignoring the caps becomes the norm but an increase to 1500-2000 should be fine. I would probably start at 1750.
I think possibly adding 2 capture points on bigger maps and an even higher point requirement might be good in faction play too.
But more importantly I also think the capture points should have their neutral time increased. Used to be uncapping a point and then running off was a strategy because you might get jumped if you stayed to long and the neutral time was longer. But now going from enemy sliver cap to friendly sliver cap is so short you might as well stay until it gets capped. Points are almost always capped by one team or the other instead of neutral which removes some strategy from the game. Or maybe make it so there are multiple levels of capped, slight cap 1 point, half cap 2, full cap 3. (more of a comp thing but still).
Edited by dario03, 30 June 2019 - 06:23 AM.