Posted 10 July 2019 - 12:43 PM
I just don't understand the whole mechanics, or better the problem.
Each team is 12 mechs.. so the team of 2/3 /4 whatever is just put into oen of those 12-man groups and then the group is filled up with whoever is searching. Same as if everybody is just deploying solo.
The end result may be something like this. What is the problem here. I don't see any.
12_____ 12
1 5
2 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
3 1
2 1
1 1
Posted 10 July 2019 - 02:51 PM
If you are advocating that individuals should be able to voluntary join the GQ (I really can't tell from your OP) then yes, that would be nice under certain circumstances, but I can't imagine PGI is going to make that happen. Alas.
Posted 10 July 2019 - 02:56 PM
Quite simply there are not enough people playing anymore. It is what it is, MWO had a good run, as said many times already, its in Maint mode...ie ride it out till the wheels fall off.
Posted 10 July 2019 - 04:23 PM
Posted 10 July 2019 - 04:56 PM
I wish they'd just let solos opt into GQ; but that'd probably adversely affect SQ.
Posted 10 July 2019 - 10:21 PM
My guess is group Queue and Single player Queue. So is there a different one ?
What a nonsense. Outsie organized fights group don't have any benefits, for people in the group are playing for fun with random mechs same as they do solo. Just together with friends
Posted 10 July 2019 - 11:13 PM
Posted 10 July 2019 - 11:31 PM
Posted 11 July 2019 - 12:51 AM
Kotzi, on 10 July 2019 - 11:31 PM, said:
Exactely…. but will pgi listen to us….?
I mean: " I feel like the only thing we really do, outside of our main feature development, is listen to the community. -Russ Bullock March 2, 2018. "
Posted 11 July 2019 - 01:00 AM
Posted 11 July 2019 - 01:04 AM
Posted 11 July 2019 - 02:53 AM
Snowhawk, on 11 July 2019 - 12:51 AM, said:
Exactely…. but will pgi listen to us….?
I mean: " I feel like the only thing we really do, outside of our main feature development, is listen to the community. -Russ Bullock March 2, 2018. "
But how many people would actualy chose the GQ option? For what reason?
Posted 11 July 2019 - 03:18 AM
Thorn Hallis, on 11 July 2019 - 02:53 AM, said:
Personally I wouldn't have a problem adding Group Queue Server to my Solo Queue servers without any additional incentive. I've played this game long enough that I feel I know what I'm doing and I can get an idea of what my teammates are doing and what the enemy is doing so long as I have enough information on the screen. In a group queue scenario I know I'm not going to be the one dropcalling or calling out tactics, I'll be the one following the orders to the best of my abilities regardless of whether I agree or disagree with them.
If they feel they need to give incentive to singles in group queue it could be increased XP and/or c-bills for the match, a small amount of MC, or an acceleration of the supply cache bar. Maybe restrict the option to tier 1 players just so that while you may not get a good player dropping as a single in group, you'll at least get one who's played the game long enough to know the maps.
Posted 11 July 2019 - 03:25 AM
Thorn Hallis, on 11 July 2019 - 02:53 AM, said:
Likely quite a few at first then it would fade. It would still need restrictions. Think of it as Faction Play without respawns....

-- Max 3 solo per side
-- Opt into GroupQ but can not opt out of SoloQ
Now turn that around to add some spice.
-- Allow duo to opt into SoloQ but can not opt out of GroupQ
-- Only 1 team/side, nor can the drop happen w/side with a team.
-- Use higher Tier lvl for selection, no avg for SoloQ
-- Weight classes would not be ignore, only that the duo on each side would not require matching weight class.
-- Weight class - likely would need to restrict a duo to drop in different weight class, no double assault, etc.
-- Additional restriction for duo. Players, not mechs, are locked out of dropping into another match until the current match has ended. A timer penalty would not be a preventive enough to discourage suicides/running into the enemy to end the game quickly due to being selected to drop into GroupQ instead of SoloQ
The above could potentially add more grouped players to the system.
Previously, then the ability to actually form groups the game only had that one queue. No unit tags, no in-game VOIP (thus grouped players had a huge advantage majority using external VOIP, and max team size was 8vs8....and it started off with max group size of 4....in an 8vs8 environment with VOIP advantage, sync dropping, etc... some other things
Edited by Tarl Cabot, 11 July 2019 - 03:37 AM.
Posted 11 July 2019 - 03:53 AM
Thorn Hallis, on 11 July 2019 - 02:53 AM, said:
Hopefully enough that MM needs way less time to setup a match. And thats the reason too. I would rather go group queue than wait too long and chances are higher that you have some sort of teamplay imho. If you cant handle that all, uncheck, no harm done. Solo Queue should not be impacted that much because MM its easier to fill slots there. And no one will be annoyed because groups invade SQ.
Posted 11 July 2019 - 06:07 AM

Posted 11 July 2019 - 09:28 AM
Posted 11 July 2019 - 10:20 AM
Kubernetes, on 11 July 2019 - 09:28 AM, said:
According to the Jarl's List I'm in the 82nd percentile with an average match score of 248 and that's 100% solo drops. I personally like the solo queue because I never know what kind of team I'll get and what they'll want to do, and for me it's about observing what my teammates are doing and figuring out how to put my mech in the best position to be effective. I also work the graveyard shift and weekends (my days off are in the middle of the week) so it would be difficult for me to regularly group up.
As for only getting solo players, I'd think the majority of people checking the option would be group queue veterans playing off-hours from when their group usually plays. It should only be meant to fill the odd slot too - maybe 1 to 3 single players per match with 2 maximum per team (the earlier suggestion of up to 3 per team is way too many in my mind) and only after waiting a bit for a full group queue to form. Even if it becomes an option I would think I'd still usually end up in a solo queue match instead of group queue.
Posted 11 July 2019 - 10:57 AM
It's such an obvious problem. One that hurt the game from the start. But hey, we got an e-sports tournament..
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