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Mechwarrior 5 Mercenaries Ama #8 Updated

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#41 crazytimes


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Posted 20 July 2019 - 01:59 AM

View PostLordNothing, on 20 July 2019 - 12:32 AM, said:

i think mice are overrated. they are great for controlling shooters. but when you introduce real physics and the limits of control systems joysticks still reign supreme. try playing a flight sim with a mouse. i certainly hope mw5 is going the sim route. i can dust off the ch fighterstick and put it to work.

I played MW4 and MW4:Mercs with joystick and really enjoyed the experience. I spent a lot of time in the 90s playing Battletech on the Virtual World pods, the joystick/throttle/pedals setup works really well for the style of game and does enhance the sim feeling.

I'm going to be little upset if they announce controller support and not HOTAS. Or even more annoyed if they do an Ace Combat and only support one brand of stick.

#42 Stompy Stompy McRobotface


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Posted 20 July 2019 - 03:27 AM

Any news as to when we actually get the open beta (or early access, as that is essentially what it is...)
They said beta starts early august, we are already at July 20th and no news or info whatsoever? What’s going on pgi?



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Posted 20 July 2019 - 12:12 PM

Yeah i'm interested in when i can download and start playing the beta, sooner the better, no need for the sky is falling drama, just a start date please.
Looking forward to MW5 big time.

#44 VonBruinwald


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Posted 20 July 2019 - 12:22 PM

View PostKHETTI, on 20 July 2019 - 12:12 PM, said:

Yeah i'm interested in when i can download and start playing the beta, sooner the better, no need for the sky is falling drama, just a start date please.
Looking forward to MW5 big time.

Posted Image



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Posted 20 July 2019 - 02:45 PM

Thx but i will choose to remain optimistic about MW5.



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Posted 22 July 2019 - 06:31 AM


I am not a person that plays a huge amounts of games. I play MWO more for the pleasure of playing with others in a somewhat adult setting. From a marketing stand point I can only assume that your AMA will delay the upcoming MW5.

From an old fart like myself I would rather see you just admit you have some development issues and need extra time to fix it. A new game has never been the finished product when it first is released. Countless games have never come out complete. Nor should they. The game is evolving with the player base.

If you cant deliver a product on the said date then just come out with it NOW. Then have an announcement to explain it, then let the community digest, react and then move on. You have a Major PR fiasco going on and you need to fix it before the community burns down the barn with your horse in it.

The odds are you are not going to see this post but maybe someone with some brass ones will take it to you in some form. Trust me you will get more respect from the real player base if you just come out with all of it. Letting the base vent and move on will hurt but at least in the long run the company and game will survive.



#47 VonBruinwald


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Posted 22 July 2019 - 08:40 AM

View PostJUGMAN, on 22 July 2019 - 06:31 AM, said:

From a marketing stand point I can only assume that your AMA will delay the upcoming MW5.

The irony of the AMA being an announcement for MW5 being delayed being delayed...

#48 Roodkapje


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Posted 22 July 2019 - 10:29 AM

View Post10thMD, on 18 July 2019 - 03:27 PM, said:

You do know you can use Xbox360 controllers and Xbox one controllers on PC right? With games that support it, the rumble does work. I regularly use a old USB 360 controller to play games like Mad Max and the Arkham Batman games.

NOFI but X-Box Controllers are crap IMHO for longer gaming periods!

My older "Before all the X-Box crap gamepads" are a lot more comfortable but unfortunately they lack X-Input and don't have Analog Triggers Posted Image

Example of what I mean/have : http://www.dansdata.com/tmsticks.htm (scroll down a bit to the first gamepad!)

View PostThorqemada, on 19 July 2019 - 04:25 AM, said:

Actually, it would be more immersive and more Sim alike if you had no mouseaim.

I dont think in modern Tanks you aim manually with a mouse - you Designate Targets via Stick or Trackball on a Screen and the Computer computes a Fire-solution for it.

Manual aiming is so yesterday….the last of the last resort measures to hit a target.

A console Controller would be ideal for that way of gaming...

I think you are looking for a more non-arcade game and I am not sure if MWO or MW5 are those games ?!

A game without mouse support is horror for me and I can still remember the frustration that's called playing GTA San Andreas on the first X-Box Posted Image

View PostBEARDOOM, on 19 July 2019 - 03:08 PM, said:

A console Controller would be ideal for that way of gaming...

You are so far from youre Galaxy.

Maybe real joystick's fom MWO. But precision is always with mouse

AMEN! to that! Posted Image

View PostLordNothing, on 20 July 2019 - 12:32 AM, said:

i think mice are overrated. they are great for controlling shooters. but when you introduce real physics and the limits of control systems joysticks still reign supreme. try playing a flight sim with a mouse. i certainly hope mw5 is going the sim route. i can dust off the ch fighterstick and put it to work.

I agree on that last bit, but I don't think MW5 is the game you are looking for ?!

View Postcrazytimes, on 20 July 2019 - 01:59 AM, said:

I played MW4 and MW4:Mercs with joystick and really enjoyed the experience. I spent a lot of time in the 90s playing Battletech on the Virtual World pods, the joystick/throttle/pedals setup works really well for the style of game and does enhance the sim feeling.

I can only remember seeing video's of people playing with those in front of large TV's Posted Image


I'm going to be little upset if they announce controller support and not HOTAS. Or even more annoyed if they do an Ace Combat and only support one brand of stick.

Yeah, that was weird... A flying game that worked better with a mouse and keyboard... ehhh... W-T-F?!?! Posted Image

Edited by Roodkapje, 22 July 2019 - 10:29 AM.

#49 Deathshade


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Posted 22 July 2019 - 10:53 AM

That is why they got people to buy into the beta on a date that is now about to change. Welcome to MWO's world, MW5.

#50 LordNothing


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Posted 22 July 2019 - 06:32 PM

View PostRoodkapje, on 22 July 2019 - 10:29 AM, said:

I agree on that last bit, but I don't think MW5 is the game you are looking for ?!

the game i am looking for simply does not exist nor will it ever exist and if it did no one would play it. especially with the dumb down all the things trend in game design. and the bottom of the barrel gamers buying into them.

im still surprised by the depth of a game like minecraft. a game where the average player has a single digit age yet it has more depth than a game that is supposedly for thinking men. it still lacks good pvp combat or enemies with competent ai. but the amount of stuff in the game is astoundingly awesome.

there are flight sims out there where you have to flip 20 fake switches just to start the engine, and that might be a little bit too much. imagine if you did that every time you shut down from overheating in a brawl.

i tried coding it myself but i just don't have the time. but it doesnt help that im not 100% sure what it is im making.

as for xinput controllers they are an abomination and a step backwards from good ol' direct input. in general i despise game pads. and if i was going to use one id use the ps2 style as opposed to the xbox style. as for the steam controller, lol. i know my way around the usb hid stack and can make my own controllers with hall sensors sampled at 16-bit resolution.

Edited by LordNothing, 22 July 2019 - 06:48 PM.

#51 Damocles 1


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Posted 22 July 2019 - 06:50 PM

I can wait another two months to play the full release just fine. The epic store conspiracy theory is a leap and a half. Cool your jump-to-conclusion jets.

#52 LordNothing


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Posted 22 July 2019 - 06:55 PM

sure if the options are "rush out this unfinished buggy mess with many features cut to make a deadline" or waiting an extra 2 or 3 months for a "slightly less unfinished, slightly less buggy mess with only a couple features cut", id choose the latter. of course if its any more than 3 months late from the announced release date, then im probably going to want my preorder money back.

Edited by LordNothing, 22 July 2019 - 06:56 PM.

#53 Jaime-Wolf


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Posted 22 July 2019 - 09:15 PM

Can we all just be patient please. It really sucks to see all these people **** on a company just because they stay quiet about content to be honest i think its a great idea for game companies to do this cause then the community wont be up in arms about a product causing the developers to constantly make changes to please the peanut gallery. They are making a game that has not had a successor in 18 years cut them some slack. So what if they do end up taking long time. Id rather have a quality game then some half *** piece of crap game like fallout 72 "thanks again bethesda".

#54 G a i s u t o


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Posted 23 July 2019 - 06:25 AM

MW5 was already delayed from last year to this.
Show us some new gameplay vids or SOMETHING from MW5!
Oh, year of the Faction Play in MWO is also working out really nice...
Good job, PGI! *slow clap*

#55 LordNothing


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Posted 23 July 2019 - 06:56 AM

View PostJaime-Wolf, on 22 July 2019 - 09:15 PM, said:

Can we all just be patient please. It really sucks to see all these people **** on a company just because they stay quiet about content to be honest i think its a great idea for game companies to do this cause then the community wont be up in arms about a product causing the developers to constantly make changes to please the peanut gallery. They are making a game that has not had a successor in 18 years cut them some slack. So what if they do end up taking long time. Id rather have a quality game then some half *** piece of crap game like fallout 72 "thanks again bethesda".

i prefer the 'wait till its done' strategy, which has produced many excellent games over the years. you rush them and you end up with a sub par product or something thats not as good as it could have been. but when you preorder your patience tends to have limits.

but in the days of preorders, game devs should not make over optimistic promises about release deadlines only to have to buck it on down the line when they expire, or worse, release a beta (or an alpha in the case of mwo). there would be a lot less anti-pgi rhetoric if pgi would actually deliver on its promises and meet its own deadlines. certainly dont tell people its coming out on x and then take pre order money from them, when there is no way in hell it will be done by x.

Edited by LordNothing, 23 July 2019 - 07:01 AM.



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Posted 23 July 2019 - 11:45 PM

If MW5 needs to be delayed, so be it! Make an announcement about a delay or when beta starts.

#57 Appogee


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Posted 23 July 2019 - 11:47 PM

View PostLordNothing, on 22 July 2019 - 06:55 PM, said:

sure if the options are "rush out this unfinished buggy mess with many features cut to make a deadline" or waiting an extra 2 or 3 months for a "slightly less unfinished, slightly less buggy mess with only a couple features cut", id choose the latter. of course if its any more than 3 months late from the announced release date, then im probably going to want my preorder money back.

An alternative perspective:

1. We'e dealing with PGI here. It will be buggy no matter how long they put off the release.
2. The sooner it's released, the sooner the community modders can start improving it.

#58 LordNothing


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Posted 24 July 2019 - 08:07 AM

View PostAppogee, on 23 July 2019 - 11:47 PM, said:

An alternative perspective:

1. We'e dealing with PGI here. It will be buggy no matter how long they put off the release.
2. The sooner it's released, the sooner the community modders can start improving it.

where you have code you have bugs. programmers are not good exterminators. while its not strictly a pgi thing, i dont expect pgi to be particularly good on either front.

its the nature of modding is to have some blob of bad code to work around (game companies who 'rent an engine' also have this problem). every game i ever modded just loved to throw monkey wrenches into my intentions requiring complex workarounds (even on games where complete source code was available). we will probably have good control over balance, not that it matters much in an sp game and we might get quads (though this might be a case of monkeywrenching given pgi's stance on quads).

Edited by LordNothing, 25 July 2019 - 11:23 AM.

#59 Thorqemada


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Posted 25 July 2019 - 06:25 AM

View PostRoodkapje, on 22 July 2019 - 10:29 AM, said:

I think you are looking for a more non-arcade game and I am not sure if MWO or MW5 are those games ?!

Indeed is Mechwarrior a Non-Arcade game for me which i like to have many many Sim Elements and many many RPG Elements.
I would like to have R&R, complex Maintenance and Logistic, Deep RPG oriented Pilot PCs and NPCs etc.

Specialised Mouseaim Shooters never catched my Attention - for action i do play Sportgames (in the late 80s and early 90s i participated and won regional and national Championships - albeit nobody noticed bcs it was a very niche thing that days) and i hate respawn games.

#60 LordNothing


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Posted 25 July 2019 - 11:47 AM

View PostThorqemada, on 25 July 2019 - 06:25 AM, said:

Indeed is Mechwarrior a Non-Arcade game for me which i like to have many many Sim Elements and many many RPG Elements.
I would like to have R&R, complex Maintenance and Logistic, Deep RPG oriented Pilot PCs and NPCs etc.

Specialised Mouseaim Shooters never catched my Attention - for action i do play Sportgames (in the late 80s and early 90s i participated and won regional and national Championships - albeit nobody noticed bcs it was a very niche thing that days) and i hate respawn games.

games like doom and quake were cool when they were new. but i see it as overused and antiquated at this point. its all graphics and no substance. no physics to speak of. a decade or two of new technology and were still just a quaternion with a gun.

respawn is ok if its used to keep the pace of the game going. i think one of my biggest gripes with mwo is all the down time where im just waiting to get to a point where i can continue the game. waiting is never fun. i think living legends had a better approach, you could die and respawn but it was always more lucrative to repair your mech. keep it alive and raise the cbills needed to get something better. if that didnt work out you also had the option to punch out and beat feet back to base to see what you can scrape up. i like games where failures can be salvaged from and do not immediately remove you from action. theres a happy medium between one life and respawn factory.

Edited by LordNothing, 25 July 2019 - 11:49 AM.

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