Acausal Connecting Principal [Acau] is a no-voip unit.
In-game text chat features are used for planning on the fly.
Commanders and lance captains will email tactical briefings that may include images.
We paint our 'Mechs however we like; The Acau Tag is next to our names. If we must find tactical utility in a neon pink Atlas during a public drop, we will make do. If a unit member is under-performing because of their choice of paint-job, they won't be promoted.
Stats are not important. Skill is. After all, many Mechwarriors frequently try out goofy builds and poor tactics. Frustrated (or drunken) experimentation is normal, and shouldn't be punished.
The command hierarchy is simple, and includes awards for battlefield performance:
Contact me, ConstableQib, in game or through the forums (i.e. here) to enlist. Do not post your email here; instead, use in-game private chat to add your address to the Briefing Feed (which may occasionally be updated between officers of rank 'Field Coordinator' and up).
Edit: Some insight into the sort of communication available to no-voip players seems to be called for:
Scouts will use TAG or any lasers onboard to point overhead in the general direction of known targets. Slower 'mechs with TAG (or cold lasers) will point into terrain to indicate possible enemy peek zones. Lasers or TAG can be used to tell intended direction of travel during the start of a match (when no scouting is possible). Turning quickly from left to right indicates confusion when there are no enemies around, and should be considered a request for either an order or an enemy position. There are plenty of other subtle indicators that most mechwarriors already understand intuitively.
The Semaphoric Comms System:
(Fades Only)
P.S. House Kurita are a bunch of snakes. Screw those guys.
Edited by ConstableQib, 08 August 2019 - 08:50 AM.