"Possible yes and is part of the consideration for the rewards in both Loyalist and Merc Unit paths."
So, having some free time, passion for the lore, and a dire need to scratch the Battletech itch, i here present to you the resulting suggestion.
Main sources: faction field manuals, technical readouts, couple of "historical" Battletech rulebooks, random unit creation tables, planet and manufacturer allegience from Sarna, etc.
This doesn't guarantee i didn't make any mistake, so please, if you see something wrong, please correct me.
First of all, the total number of reward mechs. I strongly feel it needs to be 7. It fits perfectly into faction ranks, stretching rewards with 2 ranks interval, allowing to move each one of them one rank up or down, to compensate for value of the mech.
Also, 7 is very well balanced number, that allows to fit the most iconic mechs for a faction, without bloating rewards too much. Trying to squeeze them into 6 mech limit was too restrictive and unbalanced.
Yes, total number of all reward mechs for every faction looks a bit too much. But realistically, how many of them you can unlock? The amount of grind is titanic. And playing that much will anyway unlock you much more free content from various events.
Going up with the number is also problematic, with some factions not having that many iconic mechs.
The exception are mercenary ranks, which require 8 mechs (4 IS + 4 Clan).
I could argue that being a mercenary is an Inner Sphere concept, and Clans don't do this, with rare exceptions. But gameplay needs come first. Plus, random unit creation tables for mercs have both IS and Clan mechs.
Second thing, are reward mechs special or are they the same mechs we can buy for C-bills?
It will be very nice if these mechs can be special (F) faction mechs, featuring their faction camo pattern as default paint, and having some bonus.
With bonus being preferably a LP bonus. If i'm not mistaken, there were some cockpit items with LP bonus, so it is technically possible. But if not, XP or whatever, will do.
I do also remember a statement, that creating new variations of mech may be problematic because of some Solaris filters (i hate you Solaris!). So if it is too much of a task, i guess simple regular mechs will do.
Now, to the meat of the suggestion - what mechs to what faction:
House Kurita ( Draconis Combine, DCMS)
Known user of light mechs. Prefers mechs of own manufacture, but also is open to exchanges with ComStar.
1. Jenner JR7-K
Iconic mech, Kuritan pride.
2. Panther PNT-10K
Another iconic kuritan light mech.
3. Kintaro KTO-20
A gift from ComStar. There are other kuritan medium mechs, like Trebuchet 7K and Wolverine 6K, but they are not very notable in the bigger picture. There's also Crab 20, but Kintaro feels more iconic for DCMS.
4. Dragon DRG-5N
Needs no explanation, every drac should own one.
5. Quickdraw QKD-5K
Kurita is one of the manufacturers and users of the mech.
Alternatively, Catapult CPLT-K2.
6. Hatamoto-Chi HTM-27T
Main low-end assault mech for DCMS. Look kinda gives it away.
7. Mauler MAL-1R
Another popular kuritan assault.
Total 415 tons
House Davion (Federated Suns, AFFS)
Arguably, the most professional military in the IS. Known to use large balanced forces. Mech weight class composition depends more on the unit, not the faction.
1. Javelin JVN-10N
Can be found in every AFFS regiment.
2. Centurion CN9-A
AFFS signature mech. Faction prefers to modify their mechs with new technologies, but to avoid quirk collision with Enforcer, reward features the older Centurion model. Can switch places, with CN9-D and ENF-4R, but shotgun feels more appropriate for an enforcer.
3. Enforcer ENF-5D
Another very iconic medium, AFFS' workhorse.
4. Rifleman RFL-3N
Seen action all across Davion territory.
5. Jagermech JM6-DD
Iconic heavy mech for AFFS.
6. Victor VTR-9B
Iconic assault mech. Since we have no VTR-9D, the older model is chosen.
7. Battlemaster BLR-1D
Davion modification of the mech. Despite not having own manufacture, Battlemasters seem to be pretty common in AFFS.
Total 420 tons
House Liao (Capellan Confederation, CCAF)
Tough life for these guys. Traditionally depends on medium and heavy mechs, but have to use everything they can, like there's no tomorrow.
1. Urbanmech UM-R63
Less than popular in other militaries, but CCAF can't be picky, and heavily uses trashcans as frontline mechs. And even upgrades them with lostech..
2. Raven RVN-3L
Very iconic CCAF mech.
3. Vindicator VND-1R
Very iconic capellan medium workhorse.
4. Catapult CPLT-C4
Not that iconic mech strangely, but CCAF is the primary user of Catapults. Except K2 variant for Kurita, Liao have monopoly on Catapults.
5. Cataphract CTF-3L
CCAF signature mech. Born out of necessity, became the mainstay heavy workhorse.
6. Charger CGR-1A5
Not an iconic mech, but this model is used by CCAF. Not a popular model, but one man's trash is another capellan's treasure.
7. Cyclops CP-10-Z
A rare mech due to destruction of its manufacturing plant in 2700-something. But it was located in capellan space, and CCAF have enough dice rolls for Cyclops even in 3039.
Total 415 tons
House Marik (Free Worlds League, FWLM)
Very liberal in mech acquisition. But native mechs are more dominant. Tables from both 3039 and 3067 eras state the massive use of medium mechs.
1. Spider SDR-5V
House Marik owns the license on the design, and is one of its primary users.
2. Cicada CDA-3M
Marik have monopoly on this mech too. Despite being supplied to IS allies against Clan invasion, it is an iconic FWLM mech.
3. Hunchback HBK-4G
Another exclusive Marik manufacture. Despite being sold right and left, remains mainstay of FWLM.
4. Trebuchet TBT-7M
Surprise, another almost exclusive Marik manufacture.
5. Orion ON1-M
Exclusive Marik manufacture. Very iconic for FWLM, despite being supplied to allies or just sold.
6. Awesome AWS-9M
You know the drill by now, Marik's exclusive manufacture, sold left and right, and supplied to allies.
7. Stalker STK-5M
Despite sharing the manufacture with Steiner, Marik models dominate the market.
Total 410 tons
House Steiner (Lyran Commonwealth, LCAF)
Bigger is better.
1. Commando COM-2D
Exclusive lyran manufacture, occasionally shared with allies. Very iconic.
2. Wolfhound WLF-1
Shared design with Davion, but is Steiner manufacture. Light mech is here only to balance the heavier end of the list.
Firestarter FS9-S can be an alternative.
3. Bushwacker BSW-X1
Almost all Bushwackers serve on Lyran frontlines against the clans.
Or Uziel UZL-3S or Griffin GRF-1S
4. Thunderbolt TDR-5SS (or 9S)
Steiner and Marik are primary manufacturers of the mech. With game lacking the Marik's model, and with lack of better candidates, this mech goes to Steiner. But don't be mistaken, this mech is heavily used by LCAF, and both models are Steiner exclusives.
5. Zeus ZEU-9S
LCAF signature mech.
6. Banshee BNC-3S
With Banshee being very unpopular, Steiner was the only house who achieved any success with it. Iconic.
Or Highlander HGN-732. Despite being rare, and manufacturing plant was destroyed, it was located in Steiner space, and Steiners did use the model. And i think in the present timeline, they rebuilt the factory.
7. Atlas AS7-D-DC
Famous lyran scout. AS7-S may be a more significant model, but is shared with Davion (though manufacture remains lyran). But c'mon, ECM and stealth armour, the perfect scout

Total 455 tons. More than usual for IS, but that's what Steiners are known for. You can trim away 10 tons by changing Bushie to the Lightbulb, and Banshee to the Highlander. But it's not worth it.
House Magnusson (Free Rasalhague Republic, KungsArme)
Uses mix of Steiner and Kuritan mechs. Commando, Panther, Dragon and Zeus are mentioned specifically.
Because of having very little of own manufacture, older models will be preferred.
1. Commando COM-1D
Old (though not original) Commando model.
2. Panther PNT-9R
Pre los-tech variant.
3. Trebuchet TBT-7K
Kuritan experiment that went out with a whimper, not a bang. Was made obsolete by discovered lostech.
FRR is one of the legit users of the mech.
4. Dragon DRG-1N
Older Dragon model.
5. Archer ARC-2R
UPD: Instead of Vindicator 1AA, to bump total tonnage.
KungsArme had Archers built for them, their own variant, ARC-5R. Since we don't have it in game, older model is chosen.
6. Zeus ZEU-6S
Older Zeus model, from when lyrans couldn't manufacture PPCs.
7. Atlas AS7-D
Good old Atlas. FRR have access to AS7-K lostech model, but it doesn't feel plausible for them to field a Kuritan lostech model en masse.
Total 420 tons.
Since they are supposed to be able to easily switch between sides, they will get both IS and Clan mechs.
1. Flea FLE-15
Wolf's Dragoons had fleas exclusively, before sharing with Liao.
2. Incubus IN-1
A possible dice roll from random merc unit creation.
3. Phoenix Hawk PHX-1
A common mech, and a likely dice roll from mentioned tables.
4. Arctic Wolf ACW-P
A stretch, but a plausible one. Battlemech was created by Clan Wolf-in-exile, who follows ideas of Phellan Kell, who was an IS merc himself. Wolf-in-exile sided with IS.
Here we go, strong merc ties, and no collision to the clan rewards due to non lore variant.
5. Warhammer WHM-6R
A likely dice roll for heavies. Alternatively, Marauder MAD-3R is close second.
6. Timber Wolf TBR-C
Mad Cat is a possible dice roll, model is chosen to avoid collisions with Clan Wolf.
Very iconic mech for the whole franchise, can't have enough of them.
7. Annihilator ANH-1A
Wolf's Dragoons exclusive.
8. Mad Cat Mk.II MCII-A
Known to be sold to Inner Sphere factions. Non lore variant is chosen to avoid any collisions with other factions.
Clan Jade Falcon
Falcons pride themselves on upholding visions and traditions of Kerensky.
1. Kit Fox Prime
Standard light mech for falcons at the time, won by Trial of Possession.
2. Cougar Prime
Falcons' own design and manufacture, based on the previous mech.
3. Black Lanner Prime
Falcons' own design, remains mostly in their hands.
4. Hellbringer Prime
Iconic mech for the faction, despite being available to every clan.
5. Summoner Prime
Falcons are primary user of this mech, very iconic for them.
6. Summoner SMN-D
Another variant, to toy with omnipods.
7. Night Gyr Prime
Falcon's own design and manufacture.
No assault, because Falcons are known for rarely fielding them. Usually they don't go above heavies. Besides, rewards accumulated enough tonnage.
Total 400 tons
Clan Wolf
Intelligence, preparation, and taking a calculated risk - pillars of their military doctrine.
1. Adder Prime
Heavily used by wolves. Half of the dice rolls for Wolf frontline mechs are Adders.
2. Adder ADR-A
They really have a lot of Adders.
3. Ice Ferret Prime
Iconic mech, and almost half of the dice rolls again.
4. Ice Ferret IFR-A
Since no other iconic medium mechs are present in the game, let wolves play with omnipods.
5.Timber Wolf Prime
Clan Wolf signature mech.
6. Timber Wolf TBR-S
Another Mad Cat variant, for urban combat. To give wolves some omnipods to play with. But honestly, a mechwarrior game can never have too many Mad Cats.
7. Gargoyle Prime
Designed by wolves, and heavily used. And a third of dice rolls for wolf frontline assaults are Gargoyles.
Wolves like a rapid advance.
Total 390 tons
Clan Ghost Bear
The largest military among the Clans. Slow and steady.
1. Viper Prime
Bears lack any iconic lights, but half of their medium mech dice rolls are Vipers, a 40-tonner with a light mentality.
2. Viper VPR-A
Since bears love the Vipers so much, another variant, to toy with omnipods.
3. Arctic Wolf ACW-1
Bears are the only clan who can roll for this mech, aside from Wolf-in-exile. Other clans consider this mech "tainted", but bears don't care.
4. Stormcrow Prime
Bears won the manufacturing plant for this mech, and later bought a license for it, but never claimed it as their own, resulting in mech being present in many clan factions. Nevertheless, a good fit for bears, especially since Clan Snow Raven isn't present.
5. Mad Dog Prime
Bears are the only manufacturer of this mech, present in MWO. Also one of the biggest user.
And almost half of their dice rolls for frontline heavies are Vultures.
6. Executioner Prime
Almost half of the dice rolls for bears' frontline assault are Executioners.
7. Kodiak KDK-1
Total 430 tons. A bit more than usual for Clans, but bear is a big animal.
Clan Smoked Jaguar
Vicious and ruthless clan, prefers an overwhelming frontal assault.
1. Mist Lynx Prime
Jaguars are one of the manufacturers of the design, and the primary user.
2. Arctich Cheetah Prime
Jaguars are primary users of the design.
Mech was designed by another clan as a replacement for the Mist Lynx, and guess who came with the Trial of Possession.
3. Shadow Cat SHC-A
This mech is very common for jaguars, despite being of Nova Cat manufacture.
4. Ebon Jaguar Prime
Jaguars' own design and manufacture.
5. Ebon Jaguar EBJ-A
It's a Jaguar in the Jaguar reward list...
6. Warhawk Prime
Jaguars' jealously guarded manufacture. (before their destruction)
7. Direwolf Prime
Won from Wolves by Trial of Possession, and heavily used ever since, until jaguars' destruction.
Total 410 tons
Clan Nova Cat
Tactically flexible warriors. Once among the strongest clans, fell from grace for allying with Inner Sphere during the Great Refusal.
1. Arctic Cheetah ACH-E
Cats are also using this design.
2. Jenner IIC JR7-IIC
Cats' manufacture.
3. Shadow Cat Prime
Cats' own design and manufacture.
4. Huntsman Prime
Cats' own design and manufacture.
5. Nova Cat Prime
Cats' own manufacture, even if based on the Night Gyr.
6. Nova Cat NCT-B
Since the mech bears the name of the clan, another variant for them.
7. Supernova SNV-1
Cats are the main manufacturer of the mech. The only manufacturer present in MWO.
The mainstay of garrison forces.
Total 390 tons.
Clan Steel Viper
Practical guys, fancy themselves neither Crusader nor Warden. Sticking to "Clan honor" also depends on circumstances.
1. Mist Lynx MLX-B
Vipers are one of the mech's manufacturers.
2. Kit Fox KFX-C
A possible dice roll.
3. Vapor Eagle VGL-1
Vipers' manufacture, almost exclusive.
Mech was designed for 1 on 1 duels, common among Clans.
4. Vapor Eagle VGL-4
Another variant of the vipers' iconic mech. After having their butts
5. Linebacker LBK-A
A possible dice roll. Falcons and Wolves can roll it too, but they have their own toys.
6. Marauder IIC MAD-IIC
UPD: Instead of the Nova B, to bump total tonnage.
A possible dice roll.
7. Highlander IIC HGN-IIC
A possible dice roll. Sharks and Bears can roll it too, but they have their own toys.
Total 400 tons.
Clan Diamond Shark
Solidarity between castes is their strength.
1. Piranha PIR-1
Sharks' own design and manufacture.
2. Adder ADR-D
Almost half of the dice rolls for sharks' frontline light mechs are Adders.
3. Nova Prime
A quarter of the dice rolls for sharks' medium frontline.
4. Hunchback IIC HBK-IIC
A possible dice roll. Only Wolves can do the same roll for the frontline units, and they have Fenris to play with.
5. Rifleman IIC RFL-IIC
They have couple of dice rolls for it, and it keeps the IIC trend.
Mech is new, yes, but exclusivity expires the next month. And it is fairly deep into the ranks to prevent a fast grind. So no collision with the marketing.
And there are really no better options - with Hellbringer and Mad Dog barging into Falcon and Bear territory. Please do Rifleman IIC.
6. Warhammer IIC WHM-IIC-4
The model sharks manufacture on the planet of Tathis.
7. Mad Cat Mk.II MKII-1
Sharks' own manufacture.
Total 390 tons
Phew, done... Now, the last part:
If PGI decides to throw some hero mechs as a bonus for a top rank, here are suggestions for hero mech allegiance:
Kurita - Orion Protector (piloted by Theodore Kurita, after Kerensky himself);
Davion - Awesome Pretty Baby or Victor Dragon Slayer;
Liao - Cataphract Ilya or Catapult Butterbee;
Marik - Battlemaster Hellslinger, mech with a blank lore, since no better candidate, and Mariks are notable manufacturers of the Battlemaster.
Steiner - Zeus Skokomish or Mauler Knockout;
FRR - Grasshopper Mjolnir.
Mercs - Marauder Bounty Hunter or Stalker Misery or Cyclops Sleipnir or Highlander Heavy Metal.
Falcons - Hellbringer Virago or Summoner Pride;
Wolves - Orion IIC Skoll or Timber Wolf Warrant or Gargoyle Kin Wolf;
Bears - Warhawk Nanuq or Kodiak Spirit Bear, though 100 tonner hero is too much.
Jaguars - Mad Dog Bandit or Mad Dog Revenant;
Vipers - no good candidate, i suggest Linebacker Redline.
Sharks - no good candidate,i suggest Warhammer IIC Bludgeon or Warhammer IIC Maul.
Cats - Nova Cat Cobra Cat. Triple cat.
The distribution:
only ranks with a reward mechs are mentioned, and their relative position equals to the numerical position of the reward.
Kurita - rank 4, rank 6, rank 9, rank 11, rank 12, rank 15, rank 18
Davion - rank 4, rank 7, rank 9, rank 11, rank 13, rank 15, rank 17
Liao - rank 4, rank 6, rank 8, rank 11, rank 13, rank 15, rank 18
Marik - rank4, rank 6, rank 8, rank 10, rank 14, rank 16, rank 17
Steiner - rank 3, rank 5, rank 9, rank 12, rank 15, rank 17, rank 19
FRR - rank 3, rank 5, rank 8, rank 11, rank 13, rank 16, rank 19
Mercs - rank 2, rank 3, rank 4, rank 5, rank 6, rank 7, rank 8, rank 9
Falcon - rank 4, rank 6, rank 9, rank 11, rank 13, rank 14, rank 16
Wolf - rank 5, rank 6, rank 8, rank 9, rank 14, rank 15, rank17
Bear - rank 5, rank 7, rank 9, rank 12, rank 14, rank 17, rank 19
Jaguar - rank 3, rank 5, rank 7, rank 11, rank 13, rank 16, rank19
Cat - rank 4, rank 6, rank 8, rank 10, rank 13, rank 15, rank 18
Viper - rank 3, rank 5, rank 9, rank 11, rank 13, rank 16, rank 18
Shark - rank 2, rank 5, rank 8, rank 10, rank 13, rank 16, rank 18
UPD: Fixed tonnage disparity between factions.
UPD2: Fixed underwhelming rewards for FRR and Vipers. I think we're looking at the final version.
UPD3: Distribution of mechs per faction ranks added. Final version completed, yay!

Edited by Sigmar Sich, 14 August 2019 - 07:58 PM.