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Mw5 Joystick Workarounds Thread

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#101 LordNothing


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Posted 15 January 2020 - 11:25 PM

good dead zone values should be based on your axis resolution. 0.02 is 5 ticks on an 8-bit axis. a well filtered adc might fluctuate by a couple ticks. an old or low quality stick might fluctuate twice that much. if your stick has a higher resolution, say 10 bit you can go even smaller like 0.005. you might have a 12 bit stick or better, but 0.005 should be enough for anything and should be barely detectable by human perceptions. also you might need to widen the dead zone for some axes, like i think i got my pedals at 0.05 because they are old and there is a lot of mechanical play it needs a wider dead zone.

#102 CL_Kodiak


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Posted 16 January 2020 - 02:29 PM

View PostDDM PLAGUE, on 30 December 2019 - 06:49 PM, said:

Heres the thing.. it shouldnt be this hard. the game was supposed to be developed by the Old MW standards..and no matter what any one tells you you dont drive a mech with a keyboard and mouse.. but they keep developing for the thumb generation,this will be the same failure as MWO, That is just the facts. I put a **** ton of money in MWO and still eneded up with a game that is half measures after all this time. I put 125 bucks into MW5 and it is already a lost coz but at least it only cost that 125 to learn that no one knows how to do Mech any more. our game is dead gents , there will be no more classic Mech battles of leagues.
the magic of mech 1 - 4 and Mercs is gone. the days of the gaming zone are over. we no longer have control. I have been playing Mechs for over 35years and it saddens me to say lets just let it die. But its time to let it die the new blood has no honor or hope

EXACTLY! I was just writting the same damn thing and deleted it thinking... you know what? I'm so done with this horseshit. then I saw this post like HAHAH took the words RIGHT outta my mouth.

#103 FireDog


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Posted 18 January 2020 - 11:22 AM

I finally have my Thrustmaster HOTAS 16000M joystick working pretty good.... thanks to some great gamers posting on this site. While I don't think its quite up to the level of control we had with MW4 (stick only mode), it beats the living daylights out of the MWO stick. I wish PGI will revisit MWO's analog controls and add "S curve" XY sensitivity controls.
Anyway I am having a lot of fun with MW5 and hope to build a cockpit one day. (I also fly on DCS).

#104 Koniving

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Posted 19 January 2020 - 01:11 AM

Okay so this isn't about joysticks specifically but a controller.

I want to take advantage of the Dev Cam.
I know how to start it, but even using a corded (though non-official) xbox360 controller, I can't do anything.

Can I change the dev cam controls to use another controller?

#105 Bleit


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Posted 19 January 2020 - 05:16 PM

Good lord.

Playing with CH Fighterstick, Throttle and Pedals. Setting this up is awful.

I'm able to just use them in direct mode for Elite Dangerous (which has way more controls), and set everything else up in-game. Surprisingly easy.

Used LordNothing's Map file in CH Control Manager and was able to the Axis to (mostly) work in MW5, but struggling with the buttons. This is so much harder than it has to be.

Anybody have a block of text for the button configs they like that work with the CH controls? All this trial and error is really killing my excitement for the game.

#106 LordNothing


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Posted 20 January 2020 - 01:17 AM

View PostBleit, on 19 January 2020 - 05:16 PM, said:

Good lord.

Playing with CH Fighterstick, Throttle and Pedals. Setting this up is awful.

I'm able to just use them in direct mode for Elite Dangerous (which has way more controls), and set everything else up in-game. Surprisingly easy.

Used LordNothing's Map file in CH Control Manager and was able to the Axis to (mostly) work in MW5, but struggling with the buttons. This is so much harder than it has to be.

Anybody have a block of text for the button configs they like that work with the CH controls? All this trial and error is really killing my excitement for the game.

all you really need to do is copypasta this 20 times and then increment the numbers each time. the kind of thing that you would normally use a for loop on.

BUTTON: InButton=GenericUSBController_Button1, OutButtons=Joystick_Button1

and then 8 of these for the hat switch.

BUTTON: InButton=GenericUSBController_Hat1, OutButtons=Joystick_Hat_1

but i decided not to give my joystick any buttons in the ch software and just bind everything directly to keystrokes, which works great. a lot fewer headaches than twice binding everything.

if you dont use the ch config software you can do each of the sticks separately and combine them in the hotas.remap. just remember to offset the number of buttons on your other sticks so they don't overlap. for example if stick 1 has 8 buttons, and stick 2 has 8 buttons, then the first stick needs to have outbuttons go to 1-8 and the second stick needs to have 9-16 and so on.

Edited by LordNothing, 20 January 2020 - 01:29 AM.

#107 LordNothing


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Posted 21 January 2020 - 04:15 PM

so today i was perusing the wikipedia talk page for direct input. someone mentioned a 3rd api called rawInput. so i started browsing through the api information from microsoft and started finding things similar to the system mw5 has exposed to us. structures referencing pid and vid exist.

been thinking a lot about ways to query the system for joysticks and write a script that can autogen controller hotas.remap for you, or at least provide a gui where you can choose your input device(s) from a list. the gui is the easy part, i could slap something together in iup (a stupid simple gui lib for lua, c, and others) in a few minutes. but raw input would give me the secret sauce i need to make such a scrip fully or partially automatic. more research is required.

would prefer to write the thing in lua if at all possible, c if necessary. though im loathe to download a huge sdk from ms. maybe i can write a wrapper to dynamically link raw input through alien, ive done that before. no guarantees, finding time is damn near impossible and my code fu might not be up to the task.

some googling found me a lua winapi library that has rawinput bindings, this might be good.

Edited by LordNothing, 21 January 2020 - 05:40 PM.

#108 LordSkeletor


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Posted 22 January 2020 - 03:36 PM

For the sake of information and planning; is there a joystick/throttle combination that isn't pure garbage that the game recognizes and makes easy to use? Most of the Saitek joysticks and Thrustmaster stuff seems to have tons of issues. Is there a decent set out there that may cost a little more, but is more stable/reliable?

I'm thinking of building a 'mech cockpit and I'd really like a decent joystick/throttle assembly; but most are getting bad writeups for being cheaply made. The cheap ones we used at 'mech con in the "mech simulators" there, were okay, I guess..but didn't feel very well made. Anyone have any suggestions? The Internet is strangely quiet on this one. Not seeing a lot.

#109 FireDog


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Posted 31 January 2020 - 08:39 PM

Lately I have been playing single joystick lately using a Thrustmaster T.16000M joystick. This REMAP file seems to work ok.


VID: 0x044F
PID: 0xB10A
BUTTON: InButton=GenericUSBController_Button1, OutButtons=Joystick_Button1
BUTTON: InButton=GenericUSBController_Button2, OutButtons=Joystick_Button2
BUTTON: InButton=GenericUSBController_Button3, OutButtons=Joystick_Button3
BUTTON: InButton=GenericUSBController_Button4, OutButtons=Joystick_Button4
BUTTON: InButton=GenericUSBController_Button5, OutButtons=Joystick_Button5
BUTTON: InButton=GenericUSBController_Button6, OutButtons=Joystick_Button6
BUTTON: InButton=GenericUSBController_Button7, OutButtons=Joystick_Button7
BUTTON: InButton=GenericUSBController_Button8, OutButtons=Joystick_Button8
BUTTON: InButton=GenericUSBController_Button9, OutButtons=Joystick_Button9
BUTTON: InButton=GenericUSBController_Button10, OutButtons=Joystick_Button10
BUTTON: InButton=GenericUSBController_Button11, OutButtons=Joystick_Button11
BUTTON: InButton=GenericUSBController_Button12, OutButtons=Joystick_Button12
BUTTON: InButton=GenericUSBController_Button13, OutButtons=Joystick_Button13
BUTTON: InButton=GenericUSBController_Button14, OutButtons=Joystick_Button14
BUTTON: InButton=GenericUSBController_Button15, OutButtons=Joystick_Button15
BUTTON: InButton=GenericUSBController_Button16, OutButtons=Joystick_Button16
BUTTON: InButton=GenericUSBController_Hat1, OutButtons=Joystick_Hat_1
BUTTON: InButton=GenericUSBController_Hat2, OutButtons=Joystick_Hat_2
BUTTON: InButton=GenericUSBController_Hat3, OutButtons=Joystick_Hat_3
BUTTON: InButton=GenericUSBController_Hat4, OutButtons=Joystick_Hat_4
BUTTON: InButton=GenericUSBController_Hat5, OutButtons=Joystick_Hat_5
BUTTON: InButton=GenericUSBController_Hat6, OutButtons=Joystick_Hat_6
BUTTON: InButton=GenericUSBController_Hat7, OutButtons=Joystick_Hat_7
BUTTON: InButton=GenericUSBController_Hat8, OutButtons=Joystick_Hat_8
AXIS: InAxis=HOTAS_XAxis, OutAxis=Joystick_Axis2, Invert=FALSE, Offset=-0.498039, DeadZoneMin=-0.1, DeadZoneMax=0.1, MapToDeadZone=FALSE
AXIS: InAxis=HOTAS_RZAxis, OutAxis=Joystick_Axis3, Invert=FALSE, Offset=-0.5, DeadZoneMin=-0.2, DeadZoneMax=0.2, MapToDeadZone=TRUE
AXIS: InAxis=HOTAS_YAxis, OutAxis=Joystick_Axis1, Invert=FALSE, Offset=-0.498039, DeadZoneMin=-0.3, DeadZoneMax=0.3, MapToDeadZone=TRUE
AXIS: InAxis=GenericUSBController_Axis4, OutAxis=Throttle_Axis1, Invert=TRUE, Offset=0.5, DeadZoneMin=-0.08, DeadZoneMax=0.08, MapToDeadZone=TRUE

In the control settings I use:

Hoz Sensitivity: 0.60
Vert Sensitivity: 0.55
Leg Rotation: 0.50 (I might adjust this one)

Joystick Vert: Joystick Axis1
Joystick Hoz Joystick Axis 3 (I use stick twist for torso swing.)
Joystick Leg Rot Joystick Axis 2 (Left/Right swing for mech turning.)
Joystick Throttle Throttle Axis 1 (This stick has a slider axis)

Stick base buttons can be bound as you wish. I use the left six for target designation, arm lock, jumping, additional weapon groups, etc. I use the right six for the Function key commands, map, etc. I use the coolie hat for night vision cycle, 1st/3rd person, free look, etc.

MW5's Joystick play works much better than that in MWO. I am finding it hard to go back and play MWO with a joystick now.

Edited by FireDog, 31 January 2020 - 08:41 PM.

#110 Lord Sevenous


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Posted 10 February 2020 - 06:08 AM

Ok this is not a workaround but there is a new subsection on the MW5 Homepage that caters to Joysticks:


Edited by Lord Sevenous, 10 February 2020 - 06:13 AM.

#111 LordNothing


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Posted 10 February 2020 - 11:15 AM

View PostLord Sevenous, on 10 February 2020 - 06:08 AM, said:

Ok this is not a workaround but there is a new subsection on the MW5 Homepage that caters to Joysticks:


looks like there is no new information at all.

though it does look like they expanded the officially supported joysticks. it is probably a good idea to backup your hotas.remap before patching, in case they decide to overwrite it to support the new sticks.

Edited by LordNothing, 10 February 2020 - 11:17 AM.

#112 Peace2U


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Posted 20 February 2020 - 01:32 PM

I want to thank everyone who participated in this conversation.
It provided me with ideas and hope that my old Microsoft Force Feedback Pro could once again make MW5 a favorite 1st person experience.

I finally had success and want to share my settings in hope of helping others.

NOTE: I discovered a conversation on reddit that led me to the solution.
This config works by utilizing Joystick Gremlin (and vJoy) for Microsoft Joysticks, but you must change the PID to match your stick.
I copied the config for a Precision Pro and changed the PID to match my Force Feedback Pro.
SPECIAL NOTE: You need BOTH the VID/PID of your stick AND vJoy in your config for this to work properly.

Here is the remap:

NAME: Microsoft SideWinder Precision Pro (USB)
VID: 0x045E
PID: 0x001B

NAME: vJoy Stick
VID: 0x1234
BUTTON: InButton=GenericUSBController_Button1, OutButtons=Joystick_Button1
BUTTON: InButton=GenericUSBController_Button2, OutButtons=Joystick_Button2
BUTTON: InButton=GenericUSBController_Button3, OutButtons=Joystick_Button3
BUTTON: InButton=GenericUSBController_Button4, OutButtons=Joystick_Button4
BUTTON: InButton=GenericUSBController_Button5, OutButtons=Joystick_Button5
BUTTON: InButton=GenericUSBController_Button6, OutButtons=Joystick_Button6
BUTTON: InButton=GenericUSBController_Button7, OutButtons=Joystick_Button7
BUTTON: InButton=GenericUSBController_Button8, OutButtons=Joystick_Button8
BUTTON: InButton=GenericUSBController_Button9, OutButtons=Joystick_Button9
BUTTON: InButton=GenericUSBController_Hat1, OutButtons=Joystick_Hat_1
BUTTON: InButton=GenericUSBController_Hat2, OutButtons=Joystick_Hat_2
BUTTON: InButton=GenericUSBController_Hat3, OutButtons=Joystick_Hat_3
BUTTON: InButton=GenericUSBController_Hat4, OutButtons=Joystick_Hat_4
BUTTON: InButton=GenericUSBController_Hat5, OutButtons=Joystick_Hat_5
BUTTON: InButton=GenericUSBController_Hat6, OutButtons=Joystick_Hat_6
BUTTON: InButton=GenericUSBController_Hat7, OutButtons=Joystick_Hat_7
BUTTON: InButton=GenericUSBController_Hat8, OutButtons=Joystick_Hat_8
AXIS: InAxis=GenericUSBController_Axis1, OutAxis=Joystick_Axis1, Invert=FALSE, Offset=-0.5, DeadZoneMin=-0.1, DeadZoneMax=0.1, MapToDeadZone=FALSE
AXIS: InAxis=GenericUSBController_Axis2, OutAxis=Joystick_Axis2, Invert=TRUE, Offset=0.5, DeadZoneMin=-0.2, DeadZoneMax=0.2, MapToDeadZone=TRUE
AXIS: InAxis=GenericUSBController_Axis3, OutAxis=Joystick_Axis3, Invert=FALSE, Offset=-0.5, DeadZoneMin=-0.3, DeadZoneMax=0.3, MapToDeadZone=TRUE
AXIS: InAxis=GenericUSBController_Axis4, OutAxis=Joystick_Axis4, Invert=TRUE, Offset=0.5, DeadZoneMin=-0.08, DeadZoneMax=0.08, MapToDeadZone=TRUE

This configuration allows me to use the X and Y axis to move the mech (It responds and feels great) and controls all weapons via buttons and hat.
I utilize the mouse for torso movement and aiming and the KB for functions.

Final NOTE: don't forget to check your sensitivity settings in game if you have issues (there is a bug in MW5 that will occasionally set them to zero)

Happy Camper here - Raising a glass to my fellow mechwarriors.

Edited by Peace2U, 24 February 2020 - 02:29 PM.

#113 Steelgrave


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Posted 26 May 2020 - 06:46 AM

By the by, anyone using this combo:
Posted Image
If you want to map the Rudder Pedal Slider 1 axis to a function (like mech rotation, for instance), here's the .remap code:

AXIS: InAxis=GenericUSBController_Axis2, OutAxis=Throttle_Axis2, Invert=TRUE, Offset=0.5, DeadZoneMin=-0.1, DeadZoneMax=0.1, MapToDeadZone=TRUE

Then set the game to use Throttle Axis 2 for whatever it was you wanted the slider to control (I'm currently using it for mech rotation because I haven't figured out how to map the pedal functions - YR and XR - to left/right rotation).

#114 LordNothing


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Posted 26 May 2020 - 04:22 PM

View PostPeace2U, on 20 February 2020 - 01:32 PM, said:

I want to thank everyone who participated in this conversation.
It provided me with ideas and hope that my old Microsoft Force Feedback Pro could once again make MW5 a favorite 1st person experience.

I finally had success and want to share my settings in hope of helping others.

NOTE: I discovered a conversation on reddit that led me to the solution.
This config works by utilizing Joystick Gremlin (and vJoy) for Microsoft Joysticks, but you must change the PID to match your stick.
I copied the config for a Precision Pro and changed the PID to match my Force Feedback Pro.
SPECIAL NOTE: You need BOTH the VID/PID of your stick AND vJoy in your config for this to work properly.

Here is the remap:

NAME: Microsoft SideWinder Precision Pro (USB)
VID: 0x045E
PID: 0x001B

NAME: vJoy Stick
VID: 0x1234
BUTTON: InButton=GenericUSBController_Button1, OutButtons=Joystick_Button1
BUTTON: InButton=GenericUSBController_Button2, OutButtons=Joystick_Button2
BUTTON: InButton=GenericUSBController_Button3, OutButtons=Joystick_Button3
BUTTON: InButton=GenericUSBController_Button4, OutButtons=Joystick_Button4
BUTTON: InButton=GenericUSBController_Button5, OutButtons=Joystick_Button5
BUTTON: InButton=GenericUSBController_Button6, OutButtons=Joystick_Button6
BUTTON: InButton=GenericUSBController_Button7, OutButtons=Joystick_Button7
BUTTON: InButton=GenericUSBController_Button8, OutButtons=Joystick_Button8
BUTTON: InButton=GenericUSBController_Button9, OutButtons=Joystick_Button9
BUTTON: InButton=GenericUSBController_Hat1, OutButtons=Joystick_Hat_1
BUTTON: InButton=GenericUSBController_Hat2, OutButtons=Joystick_Hat_2
BUTTON: InButton=GenericUSBController_Hat3, OutButtons=Joystick_Hat_3
BUTTON: InButton=GenericUSBController_Hat4, OutButtons=Joystick_Hat_4
BUTTON: InButton=GenericUSBController_Hat5, OutButtons=Joystick_Hat_5
BUTTON: InButton=GenericUSBController_Hat6, OutButtons=Joystick_Hat_6
BUTTON: InButton=GenericUSBController_Hat7, OutButtons=Joystick_Hat_7
BUTTON: InButton=GenericUSBController_Hat8, OutButtons=Joystick_Hat_8
AXIS: InAxis=GenericUSBController_Axis1, OutAxis=Joystick_Axis1, Invert=FALSE, Offset=-0.5, DeadZoneMin=-0.1, DeadZoneMax=0.1, MapToDeadZone=FALSE
AXIS: InAxis=GenericUSBController_Axis2, OutAxis=Joystick_Axis2, Invert=TRUE, Offset=0.5, DeadZoneMin=-0.2, DeadZoneMax=0.2, MapToDeadZone=TRUE
AXIS: InAxis=GenericUSBController_Axis3, OutAxis=Joystick_Axis3, Invert=FALSE, Offset=-0.5, DeadZoneMin=-0.3, DeadZoneMax=0.3, MapToDeadZone=TRUE
AXIS: InAxis=GenericUSBController_Axis4, OutAxis=Joystick_Axis4, Invert=TRUE, Offset=0.5, DeadZoneMin=-0.08, DeadZoneMax=0.08, MapToDeadZone=TRUE

This configuration allows me to use the X and Y axis to move the mech (It responds and feels great) and controls all weapons via buttons and hat.
I utilize the mouse for torso movement and aiming and the KB for functions.

Final NOTE: don't forget to check your sensitivity settings in game if you have issues (there is a bug in MW5 that will occasionally set them to zero)

Happy Camper here - Raising a glass to my fellow mechwarriors.

vjoy confirmed. thats good to know. anyway this stick is such a classic and if you can get this to work anything should work.

#115 Celtic Warrior


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Posted 11 June 2020 - 10:56 AM

Does this code look correct? Based off of what was provided by PGI this is what I've ended up with and still can't get it to work.

VID: 0x044F
PID: 0xB106
BUTTON: InButton=GenericUSBController_Button1, OutButtons=Joystick_Button1
BUTTON: InButton=GenericUSBController_Button2, OutButtons=Joystick_Button2
BUTTON: InButton=GenericUSBController_Button3, OutButtons=Joystick_Button3
BUTTON: InButton=GenericUSBController_Button4, OutButtons=Joystick_Button4
BUTTON: InButton=GenericUSBController_Button5, OutButtons=Joystick_Button5
BUTTON: InButton=GenericUSBController_Button6, OutButtons=Joystick_Button6
BUTTON: InButton=GenericUSBController_Button7, OutButtons=Joystick_Button7
BUTTON: InButton=GenericUSBController_Button8, OutButtons=Joystick_Button8
BUTTON: InButton=GenericUSBController_Button9, OutButtons=Joystick_Button9
BUTTON: InButton=GenericUSBController_Button10, OutButtons=Joystick_Button10
BUTTON: InButton=GenericUSBController_Button11, OutButtons=Joystick_Button11
BUTTON: InButton=GenericUSBController_Button12, OutButtons=Joystick_Button12
BUTTON: InButton=GenericUSBController_Button13, OutButtons=Joystick_Button13
BUTTON: InButton=GenericUSBController_Button14, OutButtons=Joystick_Button14
BUTTON: InButton=GenericUSBController_Button15, OutButtons=Joystick_Button15
BUTTON: InButton=GenericUSBController_Button16, OutButtons=Joystick_Button16
BUTTON: InButton=GenericUSBController_Hat1, OutButtons=Joystick_Hat_1
BUTTON: InButton=GenericUSBController_Hat2, OutButtons=Joystick_Hat_2
BUTTON: InButton=GenericUSBController_Hat3, OutButtons=Joystick_Hat_3
BUTTON: InButton=GenericUSBController_Hat4, OutButtons=Joystick_Hat_4
BUTTON: InButton=GenericUSBController_Hat5, OutButtons=Joystick_Hat_5
BUTTON: InButton=GenericUSBController_Hat6, OutButtons=Joystick_Hat_6
BUTTON: InButton=GenericUSBController_Hat7, OutButtons=Joystick_Hat_7
BUTTON: InButton=GenericUSBController_Hat8, OutButtons=Joystick_Hat_8
AXIS: InAxis=HOTAS_XAxis, OutAxis=Joystick_Axis2, Invert=FALSE, Offset=-0.498039, DeadZoneMin=-0.1, DeadZoneMax=0.1, MapToDeadZone=FALSE
AXIS: InAxis=HOTAS_RZAxis, OutAxis=Joystick_Axis3, Invert=FALSE, Offset=-0.5, DeadZoneMin=-0.2, DeadZoneMax=0.2, MapToDeadZone=TRUE
AXIS: InAxis=HOTAS_YAxis, OutAxis=Joystick_Axis1, Invert=FALSE, Offset=-0.498039, DeadZoneMin=-0.3, DeadZoneMax=0.3, MapToDeadZone=TRUE
AXIS: InAxis=HOTAS_ZAxis, OutAxis=Throttle_Axis1, Invert=TRUE, Offset=0.5, DeadZoneMin=-0.1, DeadZoneMax=0.1, MapToDeadZone=TRUE
AXIS: InAxis=GenericUSBController_Axis2, OutAxis=Throttle_Axis1, Invert=TRUE, Offset=0.5, DeadZoneMin=-0.1, DeadZoneMax=0.1, MapToDeadZone=TRUE

#116 Darkflame110


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Posted 08 July 2020 - 12:39 PM

im only just starting to look into this but my Thrustmaster T. Flight has a

VID 0x044F
PID 0xB109

But maybe they are all coded differently, I bought this stick after already trying my Microsoft sidewinder as I thought it would just work out of the box as its a current stick on sale at time of game..

It really sucks as other games just work... especially as MW5 really is as cool as MW4 when I last used my sidewinder stick and with no issues, in fact I tried installing MW4 and the sidewinder still works fine in a 15 year old game lol

#117 Peace2U


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Posted 09 July 2020 - 02:45 PM

I feel your pain DarkFlame, and tried to bring some additional attention to this issue by starting a side topic:


This topic now has almost 14,500 views.
Nothing on the boards even comes close.
It doesn't make any sense to me why PGI does not invoke DirectX/plug-n-play support to quell this tidal wave of attention.

This game has so much potential, but certain things that were overlooked make the game tedious and let's the air out of the balloon.
PGI, If your listening, please fix this.

#118 LordNothing


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Posted 09 July 2020 - 04:24 PM

View PostPeace2U, on 09 July 2020 - 02:45 PM, said:

I feel your pain DarkFlame, and tried to bring some additional attention to this issue by starting a side topic:


This topic now has almost 14,500 views.
Nothing on the boards even comes close.
It doesn't make any sense to me why PGI does not invoke DirectX/plug-n-play support to quell this tidal wave of attention.

This game has so much potential, but certain things that were overlooked make the game tedious and let's the air out of the balloon.
PGI, If your listening, please fix this.

direct input has long since been deprecated. i think the last major update was with dx8 which was done around 2000. they tried to replace it with xinput which was hated by both the mouse+keyboard users and joystick users alike. there is also rawinput which is very low level and a lot harder to implement.

ive been thumbing through the api documentation for rawinput with the intention of possibly creating some kind of autogen script. but i cant find any time to dev, and also i hate coding on windows, ms sdks are huge and i dont have the drive space. and there is also the fact that im not really interested in mw5 anymore.

Edited by LordNothing, 09 July 2020 - 04:26 PM.

#119 Peace2U


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Posted 09 July 2020 - 08:14 PM

As always, I both appreciate your efforts and respect your sage advise.
It was your dedication to helping others that inspired me to not give up and resulted in my limited success to at least get my stick partially functional in the game via some 3rd party applications.

However, my questions are the same as others.
Why does a stick that works for 95% of games via plun-n-play not work at all in MW5? (yes, it works flawlessly in MWO and all previous mech based games)
How can there be over 14,000 views on this topic with little or no response from PGI to allow some type of direct input translation for Unreal?
Thanks again for all of your time and help LordN.

#120 LordNothing


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Posted 11 July 2020 - 12:34 AM

View PostPeace2U, on 09 July 2020 - 08:14 PM, said:

As always, I both appreciate your efforts and respect your sage advise.
It was your dedication to helping others that inspired me to not give up and resulted in my limited success to at least get my stick partially functional in the game via some 3rd party applications.

However, my questions are the same as others.
Why does a stick that works for 95% of games via plun-n-play not work at all in MW5? (yes, it works flawlessly in MWO and all previous mech based games)
How can there be over 14,000 views on this topic with little or no response from PGI to allow some type of direct input translation for Unreal?
Thanks again for all of your time and help LordN.

i think what happened was that joystick support was way down on their priorities list. i think they opted to directly support a few popular sticks at the time rather than write a more robust control mapper. pgi loves to cut corners. its possible they might improve this with the dlc release, but i wont hold my breath.

according to documentation autogen should be possible. it would involve scanning through all devices on the system, figuring out which are joysticks, querying their capabilities, and automatically generate and cache profiles for each one.

Edited by LordNothing, 11 July 2020 - 12:38 AM.

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